diff --git a/tests/SConscript b/tests/SConscript index d4ceea9..4ca3e0e 100644 --- a/tests/SConscript +++ b/tests/SConscript @@ -1,215 +1,217 @@ # -*- mode:python; coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: set ft=python: # @file # @section LICENSE # # Copyright (©) 2016-2020 EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), # Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import print_function from os.path import join from SCons.Script import Split, Copy, Dir, Import from detect import FindGTest, FindPybind11 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def copyComStr(env, main): if 'SHCXXCOMSTR' in main: env['CXXCOMSTR'] = main['SHCXXCOMSTR'] if 'SHLINKCOMSTR' in main: env['LINKCOMSTR'] = main['SHLINKCOMSTR'] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_python_tests(env): """Copy python tests to build directory""" test_env = env.Clone() test_files = Split(""" test_hertz.py test_westergaard.py test_patch_westergaard.py test_patch_plasticity.py test_surface.py test_hertz_disp.py test_hertz_kato.py test_saturated_pressure.py test_flood_fill.py test_integral_operators.py test_dumper.py test_tangential.py test_boussinesq_surface.py test_voigt.py test_memory.py test_epic.py fftfreq.py conftest.py pytest.ini """) if env['legacy_bem']: test_files += ['test_bem_grid.py', 'test_autocorrelation.py'] if env['use_mpi']: test_files += ['test_mpi_routines.py', 'mpi_routines.py'] src_dir = "#/tests" targets = [ test_env.Command(file, join(src_dir, file), Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")) for file in test_files ] test_env = env.Clone(tools=[pybind11]) # Helper module for integral operators test_env['SHLIBPREFIX'] = '' test_env.PrependUnique(LIBS=['Tamaas']) register = test_env.Pybind11Module( target="register_integral_operators", source=["register_integral_operators.cpp"]) Import('libTamaas') test_env.Depends(register, libTamaas) targets.append(register) return targets # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def compile_google_test(env, gtest_path): gtest_obj = env.Object('gtest.o', [join(gtest_path, "src/gtest-all.cc")]) return env.StaticLibrary('gtest', gtest_obj) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_google_tests(env): gtest_dir = Dir(env['GTEST_ROOT']) gtest_env = env.Clone(CPPPATH=[gtest_dir], CXXFLAGS=['-pthread', '-isystem', join(str(gtest_dir), "include")]) FindGTest(gtest_env) libgtest = None # Hugly hack to detect if we need to compile gtest submodule if env['GTEST_ROOT'] == '#third-party/googletest/googletest': gtest_path = str(gtest_dir) libgtest = compile_google_test(gtest_env, gtest_path) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=gtest_env['CXXFLAGS']) env.PrependUnique(LIBS=['Tamaas', env.subst('python${py_version}')]) google_test_files = Split(""" test_fft.cpp test_grid.cpp test_loop.cpp test_model.cpp test_static_types.cpp test_integration.cpp """) # Necessary for the tests that use pybind11 calls to python uses = [] if env['build_python']: google_test_files.append('test_fftfreq.cpp') uses = ['TAMAAS_USE_PYTHON'] if env['use_mpi']: google_test_files.append('test_mpi.cpp') defines = env['CPPDEFINES'] if type(defines) is not list: defines = [defines] gtest_main = env.Object("tamaas_gtest_main.o", 'tamaas_gtest_main.cc', CPPDEFINES=defines + uses) gtest_all = env.Program('test_gtest_all', google_test_files + [gtest_main], LIBS=(env['LIBS'] + ['gtest'])) Import('libTamaas') env.Depends(gtest_all, libTamaas) env.Depends(gtest_all, libgtest) return [gtest_all] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_bare_tests(env): rough = env.Program("test_rough_surface.cpp") Import('libTamaas') env.Depends(rough, libTamaas) return [rough] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Import('main_env') # Setup of test environment test_env = main_env.Clone() test_env.AppendUnique( LIBPATH=['.', Dir(join('#${build_dir}', 'src'))], RPATH=["'$$$$ORIGIN/../src'"] ) test_env.PrependUnique(LIBS=['Tamaas']) # Building tests that do not require any third party targets = make_bare_tests(test_env) # Build tests that required python bindings if test_env['build_python']: FindPybind11(test_env) test_env.Tool(pybind11) test_env.ParseConfig("${py_exec}-config --ldflags") test_env['CCFLAGS'] = [] targets += make_python_tests(test_env) # Building google tests if test_env['use_googletest']: targets += make_google_tests(test_env) targets.append(test_env.Command('test_gtest.py', '#tests/test_gtest.py', Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'))) # Target alias to build tests main_env.Alias('build-tests', targets) # Check if pytest is installed conf = Configure(main_env, custom_tests={'CheckPythonModule': CheckPythonModule}) has_pytest = conf.CheckPythonModule('pytest') conf.Finish() # Define a command to execute tests if has_pytest: pytest_env = main_env.Clone() pytest_env.PrependENVPath('PYTHONPATH', pytest_env.subst('${build_dir}/python')) pytest_env.PrependENVPath('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', pytest_env.subst('${build_dir}/src')) + # Setting a moderate thread number + pytest_env['ENV']['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = "1" test_target = pytest_env.Command('#/.phony_test', targets, '${py_exec} -m pytest ${build_dir}/tests') main_env.Alias('test', test_target) else: # We still define a target here so that `scons test` still works dummy_command(main_env, 'test', 'Cannot run tests: pytest is not installed')