Quick template user guide: -------------------------- 1) Place your QCM & TF questions in the 'questions/[language]/' subfolder(s). 2) Place your media files (if any) in the 'media/lang/' subfolders. In your "\includegraphics" commands in your question files, prefix your path with the same folder name. e.g.: \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{media/fr/BarreQuiGlisse2.eps} 3) Place your open questions in 'extra_section.tex' file. 4) Edit the exam-info.tex file with the exam information. 5) Edit the first_page.tex file with the instruction for the exam. Instruction to adapt are between the lines %%% EXAM INSTRUCTIONS TO ADAPT - begin [...] %%% EXAM INSTRUCTIONS TO ADAPT - END 6) In a Linux or MacOS terminal : - run "./build.sh" to build the PDF - run "./clean.sh" to remove the temporary files and PDF Notes: ------ * For extra packages please add them in the file 'packages.tex' * For extra commands please add them in the file 'commands.tex'