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class HScrollbar {
float barWidth; //Bar's width in pixels
float barHeight; //Bar's height in pixels
float xPosition; //Bar's x position in pixels
float yPosition; //Bar's y position in pixels
float sliderPosition, newSliderPosition; //Position of slider
float sliderPositionMin, sliderPositionMax; //Max and min values of slider
boolean mouseOver; //Is the mouse over the slider?
int mousePressedState = 0; // 0 = not pressed, 1 = rising edge, 2 = pressed
boolean locked; //Is the mouse clicking and dragging the slider now?
* @brief Creates a new horizontal scrollbar
* @param x The x position of the top left corner of the bar in pixels
* @param y The y position of the top left corner of the bar in pixels
* @param w The width of the bar in pixels
* @param h The height of the bar in pixels
HScrollbar (float x, float y, float w, float h) {
barWidth = w;
barHeight = h;
xPosition = x;
yPosition = y;
sliderPosition = xPosition + barWidth/2 - barHeight/2;
newSliderPosition = sliderPosition;
sliderPositionMin = xPosition;
sliderPositionMax = xPosition + barWidth - barHeight;
* @brief Updates the state of the scrollbar according to the mouse movement
void update() {
//detects rising edges of mouse (when is being clicked)
if(mousePressed){ //mouse is currently pressed, so
if (mousePressedState == 0){
mousePressedState = 1; //if it wasn't at last frame, it's a rising edge (=1)
} else {
mousePressedState = 2; //else it's not a rising edge (=2)
} else {
mousePressedState = 0;
if (isMouseOver()) {
mouseOver = true;
} else {
mouseOver = false;
if (mousePressedState == 1 && mouseOver) {
locked = true;
if (!mousePressed) {
locked = false;
if (locked) {
newSliderPosition = constrain(mouseX - barHeight/2, sliderPositionMin, sliderPositionMax);
if (abs(newSliderPosition - sliderPosition) > 1) {
sliderPosition = sliderPosition + (newSliderPosition - sliderPosition);
* @brief Clamps the value into the interval
* @param val The value to be clamped
* @param minVal Smallest value possible
* @param maxVal Largest value possible
* @return val clamped into the interval [minVal, maxVal]
float constrain(float val, float minVal, float maxVal) {
return min(max(val, minVal), maxVal);
* @brief Gets whether the mouse is hovering the scrollbar
* @return Whether the mouse is hovering the scrollbar
boolean isMouseOver() {
if (mouseX > xPosition && mouseX < xPosition+barWidth &&
mouseY > yPosition && mouseY < yPosition+barHeight) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @brief Draws the scrollbar in its current state
void display() {
rect(xPosition, yPosition, barWidth, barHeight);
if (mouseOver || locked) {
fill(0, 0, 0);
} else {
fill(102, 102, 102);
rect(sliderPosition, yPosition, barHeight, barHeight);
* @brief Gets the slider position
* @return The slider position in the interval [0,1]
* corresponding to [leftmost position, rightmost position]
float getPos() {
return (sliderPosition - xPosition)/(barWidth - barHeight);

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