%% This function performs consensus clustering over a range of K values % The goal is to provide a measure of how good each value of K is % % Inputs: % - X is the data matrix (n_DP x n_DIM) % - K_range is the range of K values to examine % - Subsample_type defines how subsampling is done: across items (data % points) if 'items', and across dimensions if 'dimensions' % - Subsample_fraction is the fraction of the original data points, or % dimensions, to keep for a given fold % - n_folds is the number of folds over which to run function [Consensus_ordered] = ConsensusClustering(X,K_range,Subsample_type,Subsample_fraction,n_folds,DistType) % Number of data points n_items = size(X,1); % Number of dimensions n_dims = size(X,2); Consensus = zeros(n_items,n_items,length(K_range)); Consensus_ordered = zeros(n_items,n_items,length(K_range)); % Loop over all K values to assess for k = 1:length(K_range) disp(['Running consensus clustering for K = ',num2str(K_range(k)),'...']); % Connectivity matrix that will contain 0s or 1s depending on whether % elements are clustered together or not M = zeros(n_items,n_items,n_folds); I = zeros(n_items,n_items,n_folds); disp('before h loop'); % Loops over all the folds to perform clustering for for h = 1:n_folds switch Subsample_type case 'items' % Number of items to subsample n_items_ss = floor(Subsample_fraction*n_items); % Does the subsampling [X_ss,tmp_ss] = datasample(X,n_items_ss,1,'Replace',false); % Vector I_vec = zeros(n_items,1); I_vec(tmp_ss) = 1; % Constructs the indicator matrix for i = 1:length(I_vec) for j = 1:length(I_vec) if (I_vec(i) == I_vec(j)) && (I_vec(i) > 0) I(i,j,h) = 1; end end end case 'dims' % Number of dimensions to subsample n_dims_ss = floor(Subsample_fraction*n_dims); % Does the subsampling [X_ss,tmp_ss] = datasample(X,n_dims_ss,2,'Replace',false); % Constructs the indicator matrix I(:,:,h) = ones(n_items,n_items); otherwise errordlg('PROBLEM IN TYPE OF SUBSAMPLING'); end % Does the clustering (for now, only with k-means), so that IDX % contains the indices for each datapoint IDX = kmeans(X_ss,K_range(k),'Distance',DistType,'Replicates',1,'Start','uniform'); % Builds the connectivity matrix M(:,:,h) = Build_Connectivity_Matrix(IDX,tmp_ss,Subsample_type,n_items); clear I_vec clear X_ss clear tmp_ss clear IDX end % Constructs the consensus matrix for the considered K Consensus(:,:,k) = sum(M,3)./sum(I,3); tree = linkage(squeeze(1-Consensus(:,:,k)),'average'); % Leaf ordering to create a nicely looking matrix leafOrder = optimalleaforder(tree,squeeze(1-Consensus(:,:,k))); % Ordered consensus matrix Consensus_ordered(:,:,k) = Consensus(leafOrder,leafOrder,k); clear leafOrder clear Dist_vec clear test clear IDX clear M clear I end end