function [coreness,kn] = kcoreness_centrality_bd(CIJ) %KCORENESS_CENTRALITY_BD K-coreness centrality % % [coreness,kn] = kcoreness_centrality_bd(CIJ) % % The k-core is the largest subgraph comprising nodes of degree at least % k. The coreness of a node is k if the node belongs to the k-core but % not to the (k+1)-core. This function computes k-coreness of all nodes % for a given binary directed connection matrix. % % input: CIJ, connection/adjacency matrix (binary, directed) % % output: coreness, node coreness. % kn, size of k-core % % References: e.g. Hagmann et al. (2008) PLoS Biology % % Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2007/2008/2010/2012 N = size(CIJ,1); coreness = zeros(1,N); kn = zeros(1,N); for k=1:N [CIJkcore,kn(k)] = kcore_bd(CIJ,k); ss = sum(CIJkcore)>0; coreness(ss) = k; end;