function [CIJ] = maketoeplitzCIJ(N,K,s) %MAKETOEPLITZCIJ A synthetic directed network with Gaussian drop-off of % connectivity with distance % % CIJ = maketoeprandCIJ(N,K,s) % % This function generates a directed network with a Gaussian drop-off in % edge density with increasing distance from the main diagonal. There are % toroidal boundary counditions (i.e. no ring-like "wrapping around"). % % Inputs: N, number of vertices % K, number of edges % s, standard deviation of toeplitz % % Output: CIJ, connection matrix % % Note: no connections are placed on the main diagonal. % % % Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2005/2007 profile = normpdf(1:N-1,0.5,s); template = toeplitz([0 profile],[0 profile]); template = template.*(K./sum(sum(template))); CIJ = zeros(N); while ((sum(sum(CIJ)) ~= K)) CIJ = (rand(N)