function [Rw] = rich_club_wu(CIJ,varargin) %RICH_CLUB_WU Rich club coefficients curve (weighted undirected graph) % % Rw = rich_club_wu(CIJ,varargin) % rich club curve for weighted graph % % The weighted rich club coefficient, Rw, at level k is the fraction of % edge weights that connect nodes of degree k or higher out of the % maximum edge weights that such nodes might share. % % Inputs: % CIJ: weighted directed connection matrix % % k-level: (optional) max level of RC(k). % (by default k-level quals the maximal degree of CIJ) % % Output: % Rw: rich-club curve % % % References: % T Opsahl et al. Phys Rev Lett, 2008, 101(16) % M van den Heuvel, O Sporns, J Neurosci 2011 31(44) % % Martijn van den Heuvel, University Medical Center Utrecht, 2011 % Modification History: % 2011: Original % 2015: Expanded documentation (Mika Rubinov) NofNodes = size(CIJ,2); %#ok %number of nodes NodeDegree = sum((CIJ~=0)); %define degree of each node %define to which level rc should be computed if size(varargin,2)==1 klevel = varargin{1}; elseif isempty(varargin) klevel = max(NodeDegree); else error('number of inputs incorrect. Should be [CIJ], or [CIJ, klevel]') end %wrank contains the ranked weights of the network, with strongest connections on top wrank = sort(CIJ(:), 'descend'); %loop over all possible k-levels for kk = 1:klevel SmallNodes=find(NodeDegree continue end %remove small nodes with NodeDegreer Wr = sum(CutoutCIJ(:)); %total number of connections in subset E>r Er = length(find(CutoutCIJ~=0)); %E>r number of connections with max weight in network wrank_r = wrank(1:1:Er); %weighted rich-club coefficient Rw(kk)=Wr / sum(wrank_r); end