function [is,os,str] = strengths_dir(CIJ) %STRENGTHS_DIR In-strength and out-strength % % [is,os,str] = strengths_dir(CIJ); % % Node strength is the sum of weights of links connected to the node. The % instrength is the sum of inward link weights and the outstrength is the % sum of outward link weights. % % Input: CIJ, directed weighted connection matrix % % Output: is, node instrength % os, node outstrength % str, node strength (instrength + outstrength) % % Notes: Inputs are assumed to be on the columns of the CIJ matrix. % % % Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2006/2008 % compute strengths is = sum(CIJ,1); % instrength = column sum of CIJ os = sum(CIJ,2)'; % outstrength = row sum of CIJ str = is+os; % strength = instrength+outstrength