%% Makes a violin plot with overlapped boxplot, tuning colors % Y and O are vectors containing the data to plot for the two conditions % Color has light colors for background (first cell) and dark colors for % average (second cell), for maximum 4 populations function [box,h_viol,ah] = MakeViolin(Y,ah,Lab,YLabel,Color,n_pop,n_states) % Range of the plot Max = max(max((Y))); Min = min(min((Y))); Max = Max + 0.15*max(abs(Min),Max); Min = Min - 0.15*max(abs(Min),Max); % Plots the distribution ylim(ah,[Min,Max]); % Colors for the background Col_final = num2cell(Color{1},2); Col_final = Col_final(1:n_pop); Col_final = repmat(Col_final,n_states,1); % Colors for the foreground Col_final2 = num2cell(Color{2},2); Col_final2 = Col_final2(1:n_pop); Col_final2 = repmat(Col_final2,n_states,1); Lab_final = {}; for i = 1:n_states Lab_final = [Lab_final, repmat({Lab{i}},1,n_pop)]; end h_viol = distributionPlot(ah,Y','showMM',0,'color',Col_final,'yLabel',YLabel,'xNames',Lab_final); h_viol=0; hold(ah,'on'); box = boxplot(Y','Parent',ah,'Labels',Lab_final); h_box = findobj(box,'Tag','Box'); set(h_box,'color','k','LineWidth',2); h_median = findobj(box,'Tag','Median'); h_outliers = findobj(box,'Tag','Outliers'); for i = 1:n_pop for j = 1:n_states idx_oi = i+(j-1)*n_pop; set(h_median(idx_oi),'color',Col_final2{idx_oi},'LineWidth',2); set(h_outliers(idx_oi),'Marker','o','MarkerFaceColor',Col_final2{n_pop*n_states-idx_oi+1},... 'MarkerEdgeColor',Col_final2{idx_oi},'MarkerSize',3); end end set(ah,'Box','off'); end