PHPC - CONJUGATE GRADIENT PROJECT HOWTO COMPILE AND RUN ===================== Requirements : - a recent compiler (like gcc or intel) - a BLAS library (like openblas or intel MKL) compile on SCITAS clusters : ``` $ module load gcc openblas $ git clone ssh:// $ make ``` run on a SCITAS cluster interactively (reservation name is indicative) : ``` $ salloc -N 1 -n 1 --reservation=phpc-reservation $ srun ./conjugategradient lap2D_5pt_n100.mtx ``` You should see this output (timing is indicative) : ``` $ srun ./conjugategradient lap2D_5pt_n100.mtx size of matrix = 10000 x 10000 Call cgsolver() on matrix size (10000 x 10000) [STEP 488] residual = 1.103472E-10 Time for CG = 36.269389 [s] ``` The given example is a 5-points stencil for the 2D laplace problem. The matrix is in sparse format. The matrix format is [Matrix Market format (.mtx extension)]( You can use other matrices there or create your own.