- used chemical parameter files ############
- for dSph tests (dSph-1324-8new !!! Si->Ba : Fe,Mg,O,Si,Metals) ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.dat
- hdf5 version ../scripts/pychem_generate_hdf5_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.h5
- for dSph tests (dSph-1324-8new !!! Si->Ba : Fe,Mg,O,Si,Metals) ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.dat
- for dSph with new code (compatible with paper simulations, only 4 elts, Fe,Mg,O,Metals) ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.4.dat
- for dSph2 ("Fe","Mg","O","Ba","Metals") ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.2.dat
- salpeter IMF ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.salpeter.dat
- 2 different IMF ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.dat.0 ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr.dat.1
- yields from Francois (Mon Apr 18 13:11:44 CEST 2011) ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.francois.dat
./ --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --elts=Ej,Ejnp,Fe,Mg,O chimie.yr.dat chimie.francois.dat ./ --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --elts=Ej,Ejnp,Fe,Mg,O chimie.yr.dat chimie.francois.dat
- chimie.francois-met.dat = chimie.francois.dat with Metals from chimie.yr.dat
- yields from Francois + SNIa from Francois ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.francois-002.dat
- yields from Woosley (Tue May 3 15:18:43 CEST 2011) ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.woosley.dat
( * Element Solar Abundances ( becomes ( Element Solar Mass Abundances (=Mx/MH) ( ( ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr-new.dat
- truncate SNII tables at 12.9 instead of 10 (Thu Apr 25 15:29:19 CEST 2013) ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr-25042013.dat
- AGB ../scripts/pychem_generate_parameters-31052013 -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr-31052013.dat ../scripts/pychem_generate_hdf5_parameters-31052013 -p chemistryparameters/ -o chimie.yr-31052013.h5
- open and read the chemistry parameter file ############
../scripts/pychem_read chimie.yr.dat
- plot IMF ############
../scripts/pychem_plot_IMF --log xy chimie.yr.dat chimie.salpeter.dat --legend
- sample IMF ############
../scripts/pychem_sample_IMF chimie.yr.dat --mstar 1e4
../scripts/pychem_sample_IMF_and_properties chimie.yr.dat --mstar 1e4
- lifetime ############
Plot the stars lifetime as a function of mass and metallicity
../scripts/pychem_plot_lifetime --legend --log xy --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-1 --ymax 1e10 chimie.yr.dat
../scripts/pychem_lifetime chimie.yr.dat.1
- Helium core ############
./ tables/HeliumCore.dat tables/AGBs/OriginalData/karakas-HeliumCore-0.0200.txt
- yields with Z ############
only for DYIN
../scripts/pychem_plot_DYIN_yields_withZ --log xy --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-10 --ymax 1 -Z 1e-1 chemistry.simple.h5
total (single) ejection
../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields_withZ --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=1 --NSNIa=0 --NDYIN=1 chemistry.simple.h5 ../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields_withZ --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=1 --NSNIa=0 --NDYIN=0 chemistry.simple.h5 ../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields_withZ --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=0 --NSNIa=1 --NDYIN=0 chemistry.simple.h5 ../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields_withZ --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=1 --NSNIa=1 --NDYIN=1 chemistry.simple.h5
total (integrated) ejection
../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_integrated_yields_withZ --log xy --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 chemistry.simple.h5
- yields ############
Plot the Mass fraction of ejected elements due to the explotion of one SNII of mass m
../scripts/pychem_plot_SNII_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 chimie.yr.dat ../scripts/pychem_plot_DYIN_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 chimie.yr.dat ../scripts/pychem_plot_SNII_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --elts=Ej,Ejnp,Fe56,Mg24,O16,Metals chimie.yr.dat
compute in addition, Mg/Fe ratio
../scripts/pychem_plot_SNII_yields --log y --legend --xmin 8 --xmax 30 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --MgFe --elts=Mg,Fe chimie.yr.dat
total (single) ejection
../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=1 --NSNIa=0 --NDYIN=1 chimie.yr.dat ../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=1 --NSNIa=0 --NDYIN=0 chimie.yr.dat ../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=0 --NSNIa=1 --NDYIN=0 chimie.yr.dat ../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 --NSNII=1 --NSNIa=1 --NDYIN=1 chimie.yr.dat
total (integrated) ejection
../scripts/pychem_plot_TOTAL_integrated_yields --log xy --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 chimie.yr.dat
Plot the integrated yields (!! the zero depends on the zero of the function...)
../scripts/pychem_plot_SNII_interated_yields --log xy --legend --xmin 0.05 --xmax 100 --ymin 1e-4 --ymax 1 chimie.yr.dat
Estimation of the energy lost by stars
../scripts/pychem_mass_ejection chimie.yr.dat.1
- chemical evolution ############
chemical enrichment due to a SSP
../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 0 --xmax 30 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o Y,ESN ../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 0.001 --xmax 13 --y Mg --timeunit Gyr -o Y,ESN
../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 0.001 --xmax 20 --y Mg --timeunit Gyr -o Y,ESN --log x ../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 1 --xmax 20000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o Y,ESN --log x
../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 1 --xmax 20000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o D
evolution of the stellar mass
../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 1 --xmax 20000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o MSTAR --log x --ymin 0 --ymax 1e-5 --NumberOfTables 2 --DefaultTable 0 ../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 1 --xmax 20000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o MSTAR --log x --ymin 0 --ymax 1e-5 --NumberOfTables 2 --DefaultTable 1
(il faudrait un pgm style mais ou l'on plot ce qui nous interesse. ou alors ecrire les output de et le plotter avec un autre pgm...)
using different tables
../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 1 --xmax 20000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o Y,ESN --log x --NumberOfTables 2 ../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --xmin 1 --xmax 20000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o Y,ESN --log x --NumberOfTables 2 --DefaultTable 1
using the SN trick
../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --mstar 1e7 --xmin 0 --xmax 50 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o NSNII,CumNSNII --mstar 3e4 --dt .1 --discsn ../scripts/pychem_SSP_evolution chimie.yr.dat --mstar 1e7 --xmin 0 --xmax 3000 --y Mg --timeunit Myr -o NSNIa,CumNSNIa --mstar 3e4 --dt .1 --discsn
../scripts/pychem_SSP_discret_evolution2 chimie.yr.dat --mstar 1e7 --xmin 0 --discsn --x Fe --y Mg --timeunit Myr --dt .01 --xmax 3000 -o CumNSNII,CumNSNIa,CumNDYIN,CumEjMass,StellarMass,Y,Yg,D
check SN monte carlo
../scripts/pychem_SSP_discret_evolution2 chimie.yr.dat --mstar 105 --xmin 0 --discsn --x Fe --y Mg --timeunit Myr --dt .01 --xmax 3000 -o CumNSNII,CumNSNIa,CumNDYIN,CumEjMass