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/*! \file allvars.h
* \brief declares global variables.
* This file declares all global variables. Further variables should be added here, and declared as
* 'extern'. The actual existence of these variables is provided by the file 'allvars.c'. To produce
* 'allvars.c' from 'allvars.h', do the following:
* - Erase all #define's, typedef's, and enum's
* - add #include "allvars.h", delete the #ifndef ALLVARS_H conditional
* - delete all keywords 'extern'
* - delete all struct definitions enclosed in {...}, e.g.
* "extern struct global_data_all_processes {....} All;"
* becomes "struct global_data_all_processes All;"
#ifndef ALLVARS_H
#define ALLVARS_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
#include "tags.h"
#define GADGETVERSION "2.0" /*!< code version string */
#define TIMEBASE (1<<28) /*!< The simulated timespan is mapped onto the integer interval [0,TIMESPAN],
* where TIMESPAN needs to be a power of 2. Note that (1<<28) corresponds to 2^29
#define MAXTOPNODES 200000 /*!< Maximum number of nodes in the top-level tree used for domain decomposition */
typedef long long peanokey; /*!< defines the variable type used for Peano-Hilbert keys */
#define BITS_PER_DIMENSION 18 /*!< Bits per dimension available for Peano-Hilbert order.
Note: If peanokey is defined as type int, the allowed maximum is 10.
If 64-bit integers are used, the maximum is 21 */
#define PEANOCELLS (((peanokey)1)<<(3*BITS_PER_DIMENSION)) /*!< The number of different Peano-Hilbert cells */
#define RNDTABLE 3000 /*!< gives the length of a table with random numbers, refreshed at every timestep.
This is used to allow application of random numbers to a specific particle
in a way that is independent of the number of processors used. */
#define MAX_REAL_NUMBER 1e37
#define MIN_REAL_NUMBER 1e-37
#define MAXLEN_FILENAME 100 /*!< Maximum number of characters for filenames (including the full path) */
#define GAMMA (1.0) /*!< index for isothermal gas */
#define GAMMA (5.0/3) /*!< adiabatic index of simulated gas */
#define GAMMA_MINUS1 (GAMMA-1)
#define HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC 0.76 /*!< mass fraction of hydrogen, relevant only for radiative cooling */
/* Some physical constants in cgs units */
#define GRAVITY 6.672e-8 /*!< Gravitational constant (in cgs units) */
#define SOLAR_MASS 1.989e33
#define SOLAR_LUM 3.826e33
#define RAD_CONST 7.565e-15
#define AVOGADRO 6.0222e23
#define BOLTZMANN 1.3806e-16
#define GAS_CONST 8.31425e7
#define C 2.9979e10
#define PLANCK 6.6262e-27
#define CM_PER_MPC 3.085678e24
#define PROTONMASS 1.6726e-24
#define ELECTRONMASS 9.10953e-28
#define THOMPSON 6.65245e-25
#define ELECTRONCHARGE 4.8032e-10
#define HUBBLE 3.2407789e-18 /* in h/sec */
#define YEAR_IN_SECOND 31536000.0 /* year in sec */
#define FEH_SOLAR 0.00181 /* used only if cooling with metal is on and chimie is off */
#define KPC_IN_CM 3.085678e+21
#define PI 3.1415926535897931
#define TWOPI 6.2831853071795862
/* Some conversion factors */
#define SEC_PER_MEGAYEAR 3.155e13
#define SEC_PER_YEAR 3.155e7
#ifndef ASMTH
#define ASMTH 1.25 /*!< ASMTH gives the scale of the short-range/long-range force split in units of FFT-mesh cells */
#ifndef RCUT
#define RCUT 4.5 /*!< RCUT gives the maximum distance (in units of the scale used for the force split) out to
which short-range forces are evaluated in the short-range tree walk. */
#define MAX_NGB 20000 /*!< defines maximum length of neighbour list */
#define MAXLEN_OUTPUTLIST 10000 /*!< maxmimum number of entries in list of snapshot output times */
#define DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH 1000 /*!< length of the lookup table used to hold the drift and kick factors */
#define COSMICTIME_TABLE_LENGTH 1000 /*!< length of the lookup table used for the cosmic time computation */
#define MAXITER 1000 /*!< maxmimum number of steps for SPH neighbour iteration */
#ifdef DOUBLEPRECISION /*!< If defined, the variable type FLOAT is set to "double", otherwise to FLOAT */
#define FLOAT double
#define FLOAT float
#ifndef TWODIMS
#define NUMDIMS 3 /*!< For 3D-normalized kernel */
#define KERNEL_COEFF_1 2.546479089470 /*!< Coefficients for SPH spline kernel and its derivative */
#define KERNEL_COEFF_2 15.278874536822
#define KERNEL_COEFF_3 45.836623610466
#define KERNEL_COEFF_4 30.557749073644
#define KERNEL_COEFF_5 5.092958178941
#define KERNEL_COEFF_6 (-15.278874536822)
#define NORM_COEFF 4.188790204786 /*!< Coefficient for kernel normalization. Note: 4.0/3 * PI = 4.188790204786 */
#define NUMDIMS 2 /*!< For 2D-normalized kernel */
#define KERNEL_COEFF_1 (5.0/7*2.546479089470) /*!< Coefficients for SPH spline kernel and its derivative */
#define KERNEL_COEFF_2 (5.0/7*15.278874536822)
#define KERNEL_COEFF_3 (5.0/7*45.836623610466)
#define KERNEL_COEFF_4 (5.0/7*30.557749073644)
#define KERNEL_COEFF_5 (5.0/7*5.092958178941)
#define KERNEL_COEFF_6 (5.0/7*(-15.278874536822))
#define NORM_COEFF M_PI /*!< Coefficient for kernel normalization. */
#define GAS_SPH 0
#define GAS_STICKY 1
#define GAS_DARK 2
#if defined(SFR) || defined(STELLAR_PROP)
#define ST 1
#ifdef CHIMIE
#define NELEMENTS 10
#ifdef COOLING
#ifdef CHIMIE
extern int FE;
extern int METALS;
extern int SetMinTimeStepForActives;
extern int ThisTask; /*!< the rank of the local processor */
extern int NTask; /*!< number of processors */
extern int PTask; /*!< smallest integer such that NTask <= 2^PTask */
extern int NumPart; /*!< number of particles on the LOCAL processor */
extern int N_gas; /*!< number of gas particles on the LOCAL processor */
#if defined(SFR) || defined(STELLAR_PROP)
extern int N_stars; /*!< number of stars particle on the LOCAL processor */
extern int N_sph;
extern int N_sticky;
extern int N_stickyflaged;
extern int N_dark;
extern int NumColPotLocal; /*!< local number of potentially collisional particles */
extern int NumColPot; /*!< total number of potentially collisional particles */
extern int NumColLocal; /*!< local number of collisions */
extern int NumCol; /*!< total number of collisions */
extern int NumNoColLocal;
extern int NumNoCol;
extern int NumPart_acc;
extern int N_gas_acc;
extern int N_stars_acc;
extern long long Ntype[6]; /*!< total number of particles of each type */
extern int NtypeLocal[6]; /*!< local number of particles of each type */
extern int NumForceUpdate; /*!< number of active particles on local processor in current timestep */
extern int NumSphUpdate; /*!< number of active SPH particles on local processor in current timestep */
#ifdef CHIMIE
extern int NumStUpdate;
#ifdef TESSEL
extern int NumPTUpdate;
extern double CPUThisRun; /*!< Sums the CPU time for the process (current submission only) */
extern double CPU_Gravity;
extern int RestartFlag; /*!< taken from command line used to start code. 0 is normal start-up from
initial conditions, 1 is resuming a run from a set of restart files, while 2
marks a restart from a snapshot file. */
extern char *Exportflag; /*!< Buffer used for flagging whether a particle needs to be exported to another process */
extern int *Ngblist; /*!< Buffer to hold indices of neighbours retrieved by the neighbour search routines */
extern int TreeReconstructFlag; /*!< Signals that a new tree needs to be constructed */
#ifdef SFR
extern int RearrangeParticlesFlag;/*!< Signals that particles must be rearanged */
extern int Flag_FullStep; /*!< This flag signals that the current step involves all particles */
extern gsl_rng *random_generator; /*!< the employed random number generator of the GSL library */
extern double RndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
#ifdef SFR
extern double StarFormationRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
extern double FeedbackWindRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
#ifdef CHIMIE
extern double ChimieRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
extern double ChimieKineticFeedbackRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
extern double gasAccretionRndTable[RNDTABLE]; /*!< Hold a table with random numbers, refreshed every timestep */
#ifdef AB_TURB
//Ornstein-Uhlenbeck variables
extern double StOUVar;
extern double* StOUPhases;
extern gsl_rng* StRng;
//forcing field in fourie space
extern double* StAmpl;
extern double* StAka; //phases (real part)
extern double* StAkb; //phases (imag part)
extern double* StMode;
extern int StNModes;
//integertime StTPrev; (yr : ask ?)
extern int StTPrev;
extern double StSolWeightNorm;
extern int NumPartQ;
extern int N_gasQ;
extern long long NtypeQ[6]; /*!< total number of particles of each type */
extern int NtypeLocalQ[6]; /*!< local number of particles of each type */
extern double DomainCornerQ[3]; /*!< gives the lower left corner of simulation volume */
extern double DomainCenterQ[3]; /*!< gives the center of simulation volume */
extern double DomainLenQ; /*!< gives the (maximum) side-length of simulation volume */
extern double DomainFacQ; /*!< factor used for converting particle coordinates to a Peano-Hilbert mesh covering the simulation volume */
extern int DomainMyStartQ; /*!< first domain mesh cell that resides on the local processor */
extern int DomainMyLastQ; /*!< last domain mesh cell that resides on the local processor */
extern int *DomainStartListQ; /*!< a table that lists the first domain mesh cell for all processors */
extern int *DomainEndListQ; /*!< a table that lists the last domain mesh cell for all processors */
extern double *DomainWorkQ; /*!< a table that gives the total "work" due to the particles stored by each processor */
extern int *DomainCountQ; /*!< a table that gives the total number of particles held by each processor */
extern int *DomainCountSphQ; /*!< a table that gives the total number of SPH particles held by each processor */
extern int *DomainTaskQ; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the processor it was assigned to */
extern peanokey *DomainKeyBufQ; /*!< this points to a buffer used during the exchange of particle data */
extern int NTopnodesQ; /*!< total number of nodes in top-level tree */
extern int NTopleavesQ; /*!< number of leaves in top-level tree. Each leaf can be assigned to a different processor */
extern void *CommBufferQ; /*!< points to communication buffer, which is used in the domain decomposition, the
parallel tree-force computation, the SPH routines, etc. */
extern double DomainCorner[3]; /*!< gives the lower left corner of simulation volume */
extern double DomainCenter[3]; /*!< gives the center of simulation volume */
extern double DomainLen; /*!< gives the (maximum) side-length of simulation volume */
extern double DomainFac; /*!< factor used for converting particle coordinates to a Peano-Hilbert mesh covering the simulation volume */
extern int DomainMyStart; /*!< first domain mesh cell that resides on the local processor */
extern int DomainMyLast; /*!< last domain mesh cell that resides on the local processor */
extern int *DomainStartList; /*!< a table that lists the first domain mesh cell for all processors */
extern int *DomainEndList; /*!< a table that lists the last domain mesh cell for all processors */
extern double *DomainWork; /*!< a table that gives the total "work" due to the particles stored by each processor */
extern int *DomainCount; /*!< a table that gives the total number of particles held by each processor */
extern int *DomainCountSph; /*!< a table that gives the total number of SPH particles held by each processor */
extern int *DomainTask; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the processor it was assigned to */
extern int *DomainNodeIndex; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the corresponding node of the gravitational tree */
extern FLOAT *DomainTreeNodeLen; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the side-length of the corresponding node of the gravitational tree */
extern FLOAT *DomainHmax; /*!< this table gives for each leaf of the top-level tree the maximum SPH smoothing length among the particles of the corresponding node of the gravitational tree */
extern struct DomainNODE
FLOAT s[3]; /*!< center-of-mass coordinates */
FLOAT vs[3]; /*!< center-of-mass velocities */
FLOAT mass; /*!< mass of node */
FLOAT starlum; /*!< star luminosity of node */
int bitflags; /*!< this bit-field encodes the particle type with the largest softening among the particles of the nodes, and whether there are particles with different softening in the node */
FLOAT maxsoft; /*!< hold the maximum gravitational softening of particles in the
node if the ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS option is selected */
*DomainMoment; /*!< this table stores for each node of the top-level tree corresponding node data from the gravitational tree */
extern peanokey *DomainKeyBuf; /*!< this points to a buffer used during the exchange of particle data */
extern peanokey *Key; /*!< a table used for storing Peano-Hilbert keys for particles */
extern peanokey *KeySorted; /*!< holds a sorted table of Peano-Hilbert keys for all particles, used to construct top-level tree */
extern int NTopnodes; /*!< total number of nodes in top-level tree */
extern int NTopleaves; /*!< number of leaves in top-level tree. Each leaf can be assigned to a different processor */
extern struct topnode_data
int Daughter; /*!< index of first daughter cell (out of 8) of top-level node */
int Pstart; /*!< for the present top-level node, this gives the index of the first node in the concatenated list of topnodes collected from all processors */
int Blocks; /*!< for the present top-level node, this gives the number of corresponding nodes in the concatenated list of topnodes collected from all processors */
int Leaf; /*!< if the node is a leaf, this gives its number when all leaves are traversed in Peano-Hilbert order */
peanokey Size; /*!< number of Peano-Hilbert mesh-cells represented by top-level node */
peanokey StartKey; /*!< first Peano-Hilbert key in top-level node */
long long Count; /*!< counts the number of particles in this top-level node */
*TopNodes; /*!< points to the root node of the top-level tree */
extern double TimeOfLastTreeConstruction; /*!< holds what it says, only used in connection with FORCETEST */
/* variables for input/output, usually only used on process 0 */
extern char ParameterFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< file name of parameterfile used for starting the simulation */
extern FILE *FdInfo; /*!< file handle for info.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdLog; /*!< file handle for log.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdEnergy; /*!< file handle for energy.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdSystem;
extern FILE *FdTimings; /*!< file handle for timings.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdCPU; /*!< file handle for cpu.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdForceTest; /*!< file handle for forcetest.txt log-file. */
#ifdef SFR
extern FILE *FdSfr; /*!< file handle for sfr.txt log-file. */
#ifdef CHIMIE
extern FILE *FdChimie; /*!< file handle for chimie log-file. */
extern FILE *FdChimieStatsSNs; /*!< file handle for chimie stats-file. */
extern FILE *FdChimieStatsGas; /*!< file handle for chimie stats-file. */
extern FILE *FdPhase; /*!< file handle for pase.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdSticky; /*!< file handle for sticky.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdAccretion; /*!< file handle for accretion.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdBondi; /*!< file handle for bondi.txt log-file. */
#ifdef BUBBLES
extern FILE *FdBubble; /*!< file handle for bubble.txt log-file. */
extern FILE *FdGasAccretion; /*!< file handle for gas_accretion.txt log-file. */
extern double DriftTable[DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the cosmological drift factors */
extern double GravKickTable[DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the cosmological kick factor for gravitational forces */
extern double HydroKickTable[DRIFT_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the cosmological kick factor for hydrodynmical forces */
extern double CosmicTimeTable[COSMICTIME_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the computation of cosmic time */
extern double FullCosmicTimeTable[COSMICTIME_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the computation of cosmic time */
extern double FullCosmicTimeTableInv[COSMICTIME_TABLE_LENGTH]; /*!< table for the computation of cosmic time */
extern void *CommBuffer; /*!< points to communication buffer, which is used in the domain decomposition, the
parallel tree-force computation, the SPH routines, etc. */
/*! This structure contains data which is the SAME for all tasks (mostly code parameters read from the
* parameter file). Holding this data in a structure is convenient for writing/reading the restart file, and
* it allows the introduction of new global variables in a simple way. The only thing to do is to introduce
* them into this structure.
extern struct global_data_all_processes
long long TotNumPart; /*!< total particle numbers (global value) */
long long TotN_gas; /*!< total gas particle number (global value) */
long long TotNumPart_acc;
long long TotN_gas_acc;
long long TotNumPartQ; /*!< total particle numbers (global value) */
long long TotN_gasQ; /*!< total gas particle number (global value) */
int MaxPartQ; /*!< This gives the maxmimum number of particles that can be stored on one processor. */
int MaxPartSphQ; /*!< This gives the maxmimum number of SPH particles that can be stored on one processor. */
int BunchSizeSph;
int BunchSizeDensitySph;
double ForceSofteningQ;
#if defined(SFR) || defined(STELLAR_PROP)
long long TotN_stars; /*!< total stars particle number (global value) */
long long TotN_sph; /*!< total sph particle number (global value) */
long long TotN_sticky; /*!< total sticky particle number (global value) */
long long TotN_stickyflaged; /*!< total sticky flaged particle number (global value) */
long long TotN_stickyactive; /*!< total sticky active particle number (global value) */
long long TotN_dark; /*!< total dark particle number (global value) */
int MaxPart; /*!< This gives the maxmimum number of particles that can be stored on one processor. */
int MaxPartSph; /*!< This gives the maxmimum number of SPH particles that can be stored on one processor. */
#ifdef TESSEL
int MaxgPart;
int MaxPartStars; /*!< This gives the maxmimum number of Star particles that can be stored on one processor. */
double BoxSize; /*!< Boxsize in case periodic boundary conditions are used */
int ICFormat; /*!< selects different versions of IC file-format */
int SnapFormat; /*!< selects different versions of snapshot file-formats */
int NumFilesPerSnapshot; /*!< number of files in multi-file snapshot dumps */
int NumFilesWrittenInParallel;/*!< maximum number of files that may be written simultaneously when
writing/reading restart-files, or when writing snapshot files */
int BufferSize; /*!< size of communication buffer in MB */
int BunchSizeForce; /*!< number of particles fitting into the buffer in the parallel tree-force algorithm */
int BunchSizeDensity; /*!< number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the density computation */
int BunchSizeHydro; /*!< number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the SPH hydrodynamical force computation */
int BunchSizeDomain; /*!< number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the domain decomposition */
int BunchSizeSticky; /*!< number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the Chimie computation */
#ifdef CHIMIE
int BunchSizeChimie; /*!< number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the Chimie computation */
int BunchSizeStarsDensity; /*!< number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the star density computation */
int BunchSizeSynchronizeNgBTimestep;
int BunchSizeDissipationForces;
#ifdef FOF
int BunchSizeFOF;
#ifdef TESSEL
int BunchSizeGhost;
double PartAllocFactor; /*!< in order to maintain work-load balance, the particle load will usually
NOT be balanced. Each processor allocates memory for PartAllocFactor times
the average number of particles to allow for that */
double TreeAllocFactor; /*!< Each processor allocates a number of nodes which is TreeAllocFactor times
the maximum(!) number of particles. Note: A typical local tree for N
particles needs usually about ~0.65*N nodes. */
#ifdef SFR
double StarsAllocFactor; /*!< Estimated fraction of gas particles that will form stars during the simulation
This allow to reduce the memory stored for stellar particles */
/* some SPH parameters */
double DesNumNgb; /*!< Desired number of SPH neighbours */
double MaxNumNgbDeviation; /*!< Maximum allowed deviation neighbour number */
double ArtBulkViscConst; /*!< Sets the parameter \f$\alpha\f$ of the artificial viscosity */
double ArtCondConst; /*!< Sets the parameter \f$\alpha\f$ of the artificial conductivity */
double ArtCondThreshold;
double InitGasTemp; /*!< may be used to set the temperature in the IC's */
double MinGasTemp; /*!< may be used to set a floor for the gas temperature */
double MinEgySpec; /*!< the minimum allowed temperature expressed as energy per unit mass */
/* Usefull constants */
double Boltzmann;
double ProtonMass;
double mumh;
#ifdef COOLING
/* Cooling parameters */
double *logT;
double *logL;
gsl_interp_accel *acc_cooling_spline;
gsl_spline *cooling_spline;
double CoolingType;
#ifdef PYCOOL
char * CoolingFile;
char CoolingFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< cooling file */
double CutofCoolingTemperature;
new metal dependent cooling
double CoolingParameters_zmin;
double CoolingParameters_zmax;
double CoolingParameters_slz;
double CoolingParameters_tmin;
double CoolingParameters_tmax;
double CoolingParameters_slt;
double CoolingParameters_FeHSolar;
double CoolingParameters_ZHSolar;
double CoolingParameters_cooling_data_max;
double CoolingParameters_cooling_data[COOLING_NMETALICITIES][COOLING_NTEMPERATURES];
int CoolingParameters_p;
int CoolingParameters_q;
char CoolingDirectory[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< cooling directory */
char GrackleCloudyTable[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< cooling cloudy table */
int GrackleUVbackground;
double GrackleRedshift;
// cooling tables loaded from HDF5 files
// (dimensions depend on the presence of nHe)
//corresponding sizes
// current redshift value determining the cooling file
// from which the data is interpolated
#ifdef CHIMIE
int ChimieNumberOfParameterFiles;
#ifdef PYCHEM
char * ChimieParameterFile;
char ChimieParameterFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< chimie parameter file */
double ChimieSupernovaEnergy;
double ChimieKineticFeedbackFraction;
double ChimieWindSpeed;
double ChimieWindTime;
double ChimieSNIaThermalTime;
double ChimieSNIIThermalTime;
double ChimieMaxSizeTimestep;
#ifdef CHIMIE_ONE_SN_ONLY /*!< explode only one sn>*/
int ChimieOneSN;
double ChimieOneSNMass;
double ChimieEjectaRadius;
#if defined (CHIMIE) || defined (COOLING)
double InitGasMetallicity; /*!< initial gas metallicity>*/
double GasMetal; /*!< gas metal fraction, used when CHIMIE is disabled >*/
#if !defined (HEATING_PE)
double HeatingPeElectronFraction;
#if !defined (HEATING_PE) || defined (STELLAR_FLUX) || defined (EXTERNAL_FLUX)
double HeatingPeSolarEnergyDensity;
#if !defined (HEATING_PE) || defined (STELLAR_FLUX)
double HeatingPeLMRatioGas;
double HeatingPeLMRatioHalo;
double HeatingPeLMRatioDisk;
double HeatingPeLMRatioBulge;
double HeatingPeLMRatioStars;
double HeatingPeLMRatioBndry;
double HeatingPeLMRatio[6];
double HeatingExternalFLuxEnergyDensity;
double CriticalTemperature;
double CriticalEgySpec;
double CriticalNonCollisionalTemperature;
double CriticalNonCollisionalEgySpec;
double ColdGasCycleTransitionTime;
double ColdGasCycleTransitionParameter;
/* some STICKY parameters */
int StickyUseGridForCollisions;
double StickyTime; /*!< Cooling time of sticky particle collision */
double StickyCollisionTime;
double StickyLastCollisionTime;
double StickyIdleTime;
double StickyMinVelocity;
double StickyMaxVelocity;
int StickyGridNx;
int StickyGridNy;
int StickyGridNz;
double StickyGridXmin;
double StickyGridXmax;
double StickyGridYmin;
double StickyGridYmax;
double StickyGridZmin;
double StickyGridZmax;
double StickyLambda;
double StickyDensity;
double StickyDensityPower;
double StickyBetaR;
double StickyBetaT;
double StickyRsphFact; /*!< Fraction of the sph radius used in sticky particle */
#ifdef NFW
double HaloConcentration;
double HaloMass;
double GasMassFraction;
double NFWPotentialCte;
double Rs;
#ifdef PLUMMER
double PlummerMass;
double PlummerSoftenning;
double PlummerPotentialCte;
double MiyamotoNagaiMass;
double MiyamotoNagaiHr;
double MiyamotoNagaiHz;
double MiyamotoNagaiPotentialCte;
double Rho0;
double Rc;
double PisothermPotentialCte;
double GasMassFraction;
double PotentialInf;
gsl_function PotentialF;
gsl_integration_workspace *Potentialw;
double CoriolisOmegaX;
double CoriolisOmegaY;
double CoriolisOmegaZ;
double CoriolisOmegaX0;
double CoriolisOmegaY0;
double CoriolisOmegaZ0;
#ifdef SFR
int StarFormationNStarsFromGas;
double StarFormationStarMass;
double StarFormationMgMsFraction;
int StarFormationType;
double StarFormationCstar;
double StarFormationTime;
double StarFormationDensity;
double StarFormationTemperature;
double ThresholdDensity;
#ifndef LONGIDS
unsigned int MaxID; /* max value of ID, this is used to set id of new stars */
unsigned long long MaxID; /* max value of ID, this is used to set id of new stars */
#ifdef FOF
double FoF_ThresholdDensity; /* threshold density : particles with density below FoF_ThresholdDensity are excluded from the FoF */
double FoF_MinHeadDensity; /* keep only heads with density higher than this value */
double FoF_Density;
double FoF_ThresholdDensityFactor;
double FoF_MinHeadDensityFactor;
int FoF_MinGroupMembers; /* minimum members required to form stars */
double FoF_MinGroupMass; /* minimum mass required to form stars (in solar mass) */
double FoF_HsmlSearchRadiusFactor; /* friends are search in a radius given by hsml time this factor */
double FoF_HsmlMaxDistFactor; /* a particle may be linked to a head only if ``r < Hsml*FoF_HsmlMaxDistFactor``*/
double FoF_TimeBetFoF; /*!< simulation time interval between computations of FoF */
double FoF_TimeLastFoF; /*!< simulation time when the FoF was computed the last time */
int FoF_SnapshotFileCount; /*!< number of snapshot that is written next */
char FoF_SnapshotFileBase[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< basename to construct the names of snapshotf files */
double SupernovaTime;
double SupernovaWindEgySpecPerMassUnit;
double SupernovaWindFractionInEgyKin;
double SupernovaWindParameter;
double SupernovaWindSpeed;
double SupernovaWindIntAccuracy;
double TimeBetAccretion;
double AccretionRadius;
double AGNFactor;
double MinMTotInRa;
double TimeLastAccretion;
double LastMTotInRa;
double MTotInRa;
double dMTotInRa;
#ifdef BUBBLES
char BubblesInitFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< bubble file */
double *BubblesTime;
double *BubblesD;
double *BubblesR;
double *BubblesE;
double *BubblesA;
double *BubblesB;
int BubblesIndex;
double BubblesAlpha;
double BubblesBeta;
double BubblesDelta;
double BubblesRadiusFactor;
double EnergyBubbles;
double AGNHeatingPower;
double AGNHeatingRmax;
double BondiEfficiency;
double BondiBlackHoleMass;
double BondiHsmlFactor;
double BondiPower;
double BondiTimeBet;
double BondiTimeLast;
#if defined (AGN_ACCRETION) || defined (BONDI_ACCRETION)
double LightSpeed;
#if defined(ART_VISCO_MM)|| defined(ART_VISCO_RO) || defined(ART_VISCO_CD)
double ArtBulkViscConstMin;
double ArtBulkViscConstMax;
double ArtBulkViscConstL;
double MetalDiffusionConst;
#ifdef AB_TURB
double StDecay;
double StEnergy;
double StDtFreq;
double StKmin;
double StKmax;
double StSolWeight;
double StAmplFac;
int StSpectForm;
int StSeed;
double AccretionParticleMass[6];
int NgbFactorTimestep;
/* some force counters */
long long TotNumOfForces; /*!< counts total number of force computations */
long long NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp; /*!< count particle updates since last domain decomposition */
/* system of units */
double G; /*!< Gravity-constant in internal units */
double UnitTime_in_s; /*!< factor to convert internal time unit to seconds/h */
double UnitMass_in_g; /*!< factor to convert internal mass unit to grams/h */
double UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s; /*!< factor to convert intqernal velocity unit to cm/sec */
double UnitLength_in_cm; /*!< factor to convert internal length unit to cm/h */
double UnitPressure_in_cgs; /*!< factor to convert internal pressure unit to cgs units (little 'h' still around!) */
double UnitDensity_in_cgs; /*!< factor to convert internal length unit to g/cm^3*h^2 */
double UnitCoolingRate_in_cgs; /*!< factor to convert internal cooling rate to cgs units */
double UnitEnergy_in_cgs; /*!< factor to convert internal energy to cgs units */
double UnitTime_in_Megayears; /*!< factor to convert internal time to megayears/h */
double GravityConstantInternal; /*!< If set to zero in the parameterfile, the internal value of the
gravitational constant is set to the Newtonian value based on the system of
units specified. Otherwise the value provided is taken as internal gravity constant G. */
/* Cosmological parameters */
double Hubble; /*!< Hubble-constant in internal units */
double Omega0; /*!< matter density in units of the critical density (at z=0)*/
double OmegaLambda; /*!< vaccum energy density relative to crictical density (at z=0) */
double OmegaBaryon; /*!< baryon density in units of the critical density (at z=0)*/
double HubbleParam; /*!< little `h', i.e. Hubble constant in units of 100 km/s/Mpc. Only needed to get absolute physical values for cooling physics */
/* Code options */
int ComovingIntegrationOn; /*!< flags that comoving integration is enabled */
int PeriodicBoundariesOn; /*!< flags that periodic boundaries are enabled */
int ResubmitOn; /*!< flags that automatic resubmission of job to queue system is enabled */
int TypeOfOpeningCriterion; /*!< determines tree cell-opening criterion: 0 for Barnes-Hut, 1 for relative criterion */
int TypeOfTimestepCriterion; /*!< gives type of timestep criterion (only 0 supported right now - unlike gadget-1.1) */
int OutputListOn; /*!< flags that output times are listed in a specified file */
/* Parameters determining output frequency */
int SnapshotFileCount; /*!< number of snapshot that is written next */
double TimeBetSnapshot; /*!< simulation time interval between snapshot files */
double TimeOfFirstSnapshot; /*!< simulation time of first snapshot files */
double CpuTimeBetRestartFile; /*!< cpu-time between regularly generated restart files */
double TimeLastRestartFile; /*!< cpu-time when last restart-file was written */
double TimeBetStatistics; /*!< simulation time interval between computations of energy statistics */
double TimeLastStatistics; /*!< simulation time when the energy statistics was computed the last time */
int NumCurrentTiStep; /*!< counts the number of system steps taken up to this point */
/* Current time of the simulation, global step, and end of simulation */
double Time; /*!< current time of the simulation */
double TimeBegin; /*!< time of initial conditions of the simulation */
double TimeStep; /*!< difference between current times of previous and current timestep */
double TimeMax; /*!< marks the point of time until the simulation is to be evolved */
/* variables for organizing discrete timeline */
double Timebase_interval; /*!< factor to convert from floating point time interval to integer timeline */
int Ti_Current; /*!< current time on integer timeline */
int Ti_nextoutput; /*!< next output time on integer timeline */
int PresentMinStep; /*!< If FLEXSTEPS is used, particle timesteps are chosen as multiples of the present minimum timestep. */
int PresentMaxStep; /*!< If FLEXSTEPS is used, this is the maximum timestep in timeline units, rounded down to the next power 2 division */
#ifdef PMGRID
int PM_Ti_endstep; /*!< begin of present long-range timestep */
int PM_Ti_begstep; /*!< end of present long-range timestep */
/* Placement of PM grids */
#ifdef PMGRID
double Asmth[2]; /*!< Gives the scale of the long-range/short-range split (in mesh-cells), both for the coarse and the high-res mesh */
double Rcut[2]; /*!< Gives the maximum radius for which the short-range force is evaluated with the tree (in mesh-cells), both for the coarse and the high-res mesh */
double Corner[2][3]; /*!< lower left corner of coarse and high-res PM-mesh */
double UpperCorner[2][3]; /*!< upper right corner of coarse and high-res PM-mesh */
double Xmintot[2][3]; /*!< minimum particle coordinates both for coarse and high-res PM-mesh */
double Xmaxtot[2][3]; /*!< maximum particle coordinates both for coarse and high-res PM-mesh */
double TotalMeshSize[2]; /*!< total extension of coarse and high-res PM-mesh */
/* Variables that keep track of cumulative CPU consumption */
double TimeLimitCPU; /*!< CPU time limit as defined in parameterfile */
double CPU_TreeConstruction; /*!< time spent for constructing the gravitational tree */
double CPU_TreeWalk; /*!< actual time spent for pure tree-walks */
double CPU_Gravity; /*!< cumulative time used for gravity computation (tree-algorithm only) */
double CPU_Potential; /*!< time used for computing gravitational potentials */
double CPU_Domain; /*!< cumulative time spent for domain decomposition */
double CPU_Snapshot; /*!< time used for writing snapshot files */
double CPU_Total; /*!< cumulative time spent for domain decomposition */
double CPU_CommSum; /*!< accumulated time used for communication, and for collecting partial results, in tree-gravity */
double CPU_Imbalance; /*!< cumulative time lost accross all processors as work-load imbalance in gravitational tree */
double CPU_HydCompWalk; /*!< time used for actual SPH computations, including neighbour search */
double CPU_HydCommSumm; /*!< cumulative time used for communication in SPH, and for collecting partial results */
double CPU_HydImbalance; /*!< cumulative time lost due to work-load imbalance in SPH */
double CPU_Hydro; /*!< cumulative time spent for SPH related computations */
#ifdef SFR
double CPU_StarFormation; /*!< cumulative time spent for star formation computations */
#ifdef CHIMIE
double CPU_Chimie; /*!< cumulative time spent for chimie computations */
double CPU_ChimieDensCompWalk;
double CPU_ChimieDensCommSumm;
double CPU_ChimieDensImbalance;
double CPU_ChimieDensEnsureNgb;
double CPU_ChimieCompWalk;
double CPU_ChimieCommSumm;
double CPU_ChimieImbalance;
double CPU_Sticky; /*!< cumulative time spent for sticky computations */
double CPU_EnsureNgb; /*!< time needed to iterate on correct neighbour numbers */
double CPU_Predict; /*!< cumulative time to drift the system forward in time, including dynamic tree updates */
double CPU_TimeLine; /*!< time used for determining new timesteps, and for organizing the timestepping, including kicks of active particles */
double CPU_PM; /*!< time used for long-range gravitational force */
double CPU_Peano; /*!< time required to establish Peano-Hilbert order */
double CPU_Domain_findExtend;
double CPU_Domain_determineTopTree;
double CPU_Domain_sumCost;
double CPU_Domain_findSplit;
double CPU_Domain_shiftSplit;
double CPU_Domain_countToGo;
double CPU_Domain_exchange;
double CPU_Gravity_TreeWalk1;
double CPU_Gravity_TreeWalk2;
double CPU_Gravity_CommSum1;
double CPU_Gravity_CommSum2;
double CPU_Gravity_Imbalance1;
double CPU_Gravity_Imbalance2;
#ifdef COOLING
double CPU_Cooling;
double CPU_Leapfrog;
double CPU_Physics;
double CPU_Residual;
double CPU_Accel;
double CPU_Begrun;
/* tree code opening criterion */
double ErrTolTheta; /*!< BH tree opening angle */
double ErrTolForceAcc; /*!< parameter for relative opening criterion in tree walk */
/* adjusts accuracy of time-integration */
double ErrTolIntAccuracy; /*!< accuracy tolerance parameter \f$ \eta \f$ for timestep criterion. The
timestep is \f$ \Delta t = \sqrt{\frac{2 \eta eps}{a}} \f$ */
double MinSizeTimestep; /*!< minimum allowed timestep. Normally, the simulation terminates if the
timestep determined by the timestep criteria falls below this limit. */
double MaxSizeTimestep; /*!< maximum allowed timestep */
double MaxRMSDisplacementFac; /*!< this determines a global timestep criterion for cosmological simulations
in comoving coordinates. To this end, the code computes the rms velocity
of all particles, and limits the timestep such that the rms displacement
is a fraction of the mean particle separation (determined from the
particle mass and the cosmological parameters). This parameter specifies
this fraction. */
double CourantFac; /*!< SPH-Courant factor */
/* frequency of tree reconstruction/domain decomposition */
double TreeDomainUpdateFrequency; /*!< controls frequency of domain decompositions */
/* Gravitational and hydrodynamical softening lengths (given in terms of an `equivalent' Plummer softening length).
* Five groups of particles are supported 0="gas", 1="halo", 2="disk", 3="bulge", 4="stars", 5="bndry"
double MinGasHsmlFractional; /*!< minimum allowed SPH smoothing length in units of SPH gravitational softening length */
double MinGasHsml; /*!< minimum allowed SPH smoothing length */
double SofteningGas; /*!< comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 0 */
double SofteningHalo; /*!< comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 1 */
double SofteningDisk; /*!< comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 2 */
double SofteningBulge; /*!< comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 3 */
double SofteningStars; /*!< comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 4 */
double SofteningBndry; /*!< comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 5 */
double SofteningGasMaxPhys; /*!< maximum physical softening length for type 0 */
double SofteningHaloMaxPhys; /*!< maximum physical softening length for type 1 */
double SofteningDiskMaxPhys; /*!< maximum physical softening length for type 2 */
double SofteningBulgeMaxPhys; /*!< maximum physical softening length for type 3 */
double SofteningStarsMaxPhys; /*!< maximum physical softening length for type 4 */
double SofteningBndryMaxPhys; /*!< maximum physical softening length for type 5 */
double SofteningTable[6]; /*!< current (comoving) gravitational softening lengths for each particle type */
double ForceSoftening[6]; /*!< the same, but multiplied by a factor 2.8 - at that scale the force is Newtonian */
double MassTable[6]; /*!< Table with particle masses for particle types with equal mass.
If particle masses are all equal for one type, the corresponding entry in MassTable
is set to this value, allowing the size of the snapshot files to be reduced. */
/* some filenames */
char InitCondFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< filename of initial conditions */
char OutputDir[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< output directory of the code */
char SnapshotFileBase[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< basename to construct the names of snapshotf files */
char EnergyFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with energy statistics */
char SystemFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME];
char CpuFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with cpu-time statistics */
char InfoFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of log-file with a list of the timesteps taken */
char LogFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of log-file with varied info */
#ifdef SFR
char SfrFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with sfr records */
#ifdef CHIMIE
char ChimieFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with chimie records */
char PhaseFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with phase records */
char StickyFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with sticky records */
char AccretionFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with accretion records */
char BondiFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with bondi records */
#ifdef BUBBLES
char BubbleFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with bubble records */
char GasAccretionFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with sfr records */
char TimingsFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with performance metrics of gravitational tree algorithm */
char RestartFile[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< basename of restart-files */
char ResubmitCommand[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of script-file that will be executed for automatic restart */
char OutputListFilename[MAXLEN_FILENAME]; /*!< name of file with list of desired output times */
double OutputListTimes[MAXLEN_OUTPUTLIST]; /*!< table with desired output times */
int OutputListLength; /*!< number of output times stored in the table of desired output times */
int RandomSeed; /*!< initial random seed >*/
#if defined(CHIMIE) || defined(FOF)
double CMUtoMsol; /*!< convertion factor from Code Mass Unit to Solar Mass >*/
double MsoltoCMU; /*!< convertion factor from Solar Mass to Code Mass Unit >*/
All; /*!< a container variable for global variables that are equal on all processors */
/*! This structure holds all the information that is
* stored for each particle of the simulation.
extern struct particle_data
FLOAT Pos[3]; /*!< particle position at its current time */
FLOAT Mass; /*!< particle mass */
FLOAT Vel[3]; /*!< particle velocity at its current time */
FLOAT GravAccel[3]; /*!< particle acceleration due to gravity */
#ifdef PMGRID
FLOAT GravPM[3]; /*!< particle acceleration due to long-range PM gravity force*/
FLOAT GravAccelDirect[3]; /*!< particle acceleration when computed with direct summation */
FLOAT Potential; /*!< gravitational potential */
FLOAT OldAcc; /*!< magnitude of old gravitational force. Used in relative opening criterion */
#ifndef LONGIDS
unsigned int ID; /*!< particle identifier */
unsigned long long ID; /*!< particle identifier */
int Type; /*!< flags particle type. 0=gas, 1=halo, 2=disk, 3=bulge, 4=stars, 5=bndry */
int Ti_endstep; /*!< marks start of current timestep of particle on integer timeline */
int Ti_begstep; /*!< marks end of current timestep of particle on integer timeline */
int Old_Ti_endstep; /*!< marks start of old current timestep of particle on integer timeline */
int Old_Ti_begstep; /*!< marks end of old current timestep of particle on integer timeline */
int FlexStepGrp; /*!< a random 'offset' on the timeline to create a smooth groouping of particles */
float GravCost; /*!< weight factor used for balancing the work-load */
float AphysOld; /*!< magnitude of acceleration in last timestep. Used to make a first order
prediction of the change of acceleration expected in the future, thereby
allowing to guess whether a decrease/increase of the timestep should occur
in the timestep that is started. */
float Flag;
unsigned int StPIdx; /*!< index to the corresponding StP particle */
#ifdef TESSEL
int iT; /*!< index of a triangle to which the point belong to */
int IsDone;
int IsAdded; /*!< if the point has already be added in the tesselation */
int ivPoint; /*!< index of first voronoi point */
int nvPoints; /*!< number of voronoi points */
int iMedian;
int nMedians;
double Volume;
double Density;
double Pressure;
double Entropy;
double rSearch; /*!< radius in which particles must search for ngbs */
int iPref; /*!< for a ghost point, index of the reference point */
FLOAT tesselAccel[3];
int Ti_step;
int VanishingFlag;
#ifdef FOF_SFR
//int FoFidx; /* no longer used */
*P, /*!< holds particle data on local processor */
*DomainPartBufQ, /*!< buffer for particle data used in domain decomposition */
*DomainPartBuf; /*!< buffer for particle data used in domain decomposition */
/* the following struture holds data that is stored for each SPH particle in addition to the collisionless
* variables.
extern struct sph_particle_data
FLOAT Entropy; /*!< current value of entropy (actually entropic function) of particle */
FLOAT Density; /*!< current baryonic mass density of particle */
FLOAT Hsml; /*!< current smoothing length */
FLOAT Left; /*!< lower bound in iterative smoothing length search */
FLOAT Right; /*!< upper bound in iterative smoothing length search */
FLOAT NumNgb; /*!< weighted number of neighbours found */
FLOAT OldNumNgb;
FLOAT Pressure; /*!< current pressure */
FLOAT DtEntropy; /*!< rate of change of entropy */
#ifdef COOLING
//FLOAT EntropyRad; /*!< current value of entropy resulting from the cooling */
FLOAT DtEntropyRad; /*!< rate of change of entropy due to cooling */
FLOAT DtEnergyRad;
FLOAT EnergyFlux; /*!< current value of local energy flux - Sph particles */
FLOAT EgySpecAGNHeat; /*!< current value of specific energy radiated of particle - Sph particles */
FLOAT DtEgySpecAGNHeat; /*!< rate of change of specific radiated energy - Sph particles */
FLOAT DtEntropyAGNHeat;
FLOAT StickyTime;
int StickyFlag;
float StickyCollisionNumber;
FLOAT EgySpecFeedback;
FLOAT DtEgySpecFeedback;
FLOAT EnergySNrem;
FLOAT FeedbackVel[3]; /*!< kick due to feedback force */
FLOAT FeedbackWindVel[3]; /*!< kick due to feedback force */
FLOAT HydroAccel[3]; /*!< acceleration due to hydrodynamical force */
FLOAT VelPred[3]; /*!< predicted SPH particle velocity at the current time */
FLOAT DivVel; /*!< local velocity divergence */
FLOAT CurlVel; /*!< local velocity curl */
FLOAT Rot[3]; /*!< local velocity curl */
FLOAT DhsmlDensityFactor; /*!< correction factor needed in the equation of motion of the conservative entropy formulation of SPH */
FLOAT MaxSignalVel; /*!< maximum "signal velocity" occuring for this particle */
int Phase;
int StickyIndex;
int StickyNgb;
int StickyMaxID;
float StickyMaxFs;
FLOAT StickyNewVel[3];
FLOAT OptVar1; /*!< optional variable 1 */
FLOAT OptVar2; /*!< optional variable 2 */
FLOAT VelocityDispersion[VELOCITY_DISPERSION_SIZE]; /*!< velocity dispersion */
#ifdef CHIMIE
FLOAT MassMetal[NELEMENTS]; /*!< old metal estimation (ratio of masses) */
FLOAT RhoMetal[NELEMENTS]; /*!< metal density of the particle */
FLOAT dMass; /*!< mass variation due to mass transfere */
FLOAT DeltaEgySpec;
FLOAT SNIaThermalTime; /*!< flag particles that got energy from SNIa */
FLOAT SNIIThermalTime; /*!< flag particles that got energy from SNII */
double NumberOfSNIa;
double NumberOfSNII;
FLOAT WindTime; /*!< flag particles that belongs to the wind */
unsigned int WindFlag; /*!< flag particles that will be part of the wind */
#endif /*CHIMIE*/
FLOAT EntropyPred; /*!< predicted entropy at the current time */
FLOAT EnergyIntPred;
FLOAT GradEnergyInt[3];
#ifdef AB_TURB
FLOAT TurbAccel[3];
#if defined(ART_VISCO_MM)|| defined(ART_VISCO_RO) || defined(ART_VISCO_CD)
double ArtBulkViscConst;
double DmatCD[3][3];
double TmatCD[3][3];
double DiVelAccurate;
double DiVelTemp;
double ArtBulkViscConstOld;
double R_CD;
FLOAT MaxSignalVelCD;
int ActiveFlag;
FLOAT EnergyDissipationForces;
FLOAT DtEnergyDissipationForces;
FLOAT DissipationForcesAccel[3];
FLOAT Observable;
FLOAT ObsMoment0;
FLOAT ObsMoment1;
FLOAT GradObservable[3];
int Ti_minNgbStep;
FLOAT FeedbackUpdatedAccel[3]; /*!< acceleration after feedback injection */
FLOAT MaxSignalVelFeedbackUpdated;
FLOAT EgyWtDensity; /*!< 'effective' rho to use in hydro equations */
FLOAT EntVarPred; /*!< predicted entropy variable */
FLOAT DhsmlEgyDensityFactor; /*!< correction factor for density-independent entropy formulation */
#ifdef FOF
int FOF_CPUHead; /*!< cpu ID of the first particle of the chain */
int FOF_CPUTail; /*!< cpu ID of the last particle of the chain */
int FOF_CPUNext; /*!< cpu ID of the next particle of the chain */
int FOF_CPUPrev; /*!< cpu ID of the previous particle of the chain */
int FOF_Head; /*!< first particle of the chain */
int FOF_Tail; /*!< last particle of the chain */
int FOF_Next; /*!< next particle in the chain */
int FOF_Prev; /*!< previous particle in the chain */
int FOF_gid; /*!< group id */
int FOF_Len; /*!< length of the chain */
int FOF_Done; /*!< the particle is done (used for pseudo heads) */
FLOAT OptIMF_CurrentMass;
FLOAT RmsSpeed;
FLOAT MetalDiffusionCoeff;
FLOAT MetalDiffusionA;
*SphP, /*!< holds SPH particle data on local processor */
*DomainSphBufQ, /*!< buffer for SPH particle data in domain decomposition */
*DomainSphBuf; /*!< buffer for SPH particle data in domain decomposition */
#ifdef FOF
extern struct fof_particles_in
FLOAT MassNew;
FLOAT MassMax;
FLOAT MassMin;
FLOAT Pos[3];
int NStars;
int ID;
int Index;
int Task;
extern struct fof_groups_data
int Index; /*!< group index (used when the group is send) */
int Head; /*!< head index */
int HeadID; /*!< head id, -1 if the head is not local */
int LocalHead; /*!< index to local head */
int Task; /*!< task hosting the true head */
int N; /*!< number of members */
int Nlocal; /*!< number of local members */
float Mass; /*!< total mass */
float MassCenter[3]; /*!< mass center */
float DensityMax; /*!< density max */
float DensityMin; /*!< density min */
float MV[3];
float MV2[3];
float RadiusMax;
float K;
float W;
float U;
float T;
float Density;
float HeadPos[3];
float HeadPotential;
int SfrFlag;
extern int *Tot_HeadID_list;
extern int Tot_Ngroups;
extern int Tot_Ntgroups;
extern int Tot_Npgroups;
extern int Tot_Ntsfrgroups;
extern int Ngroups; /* true and pseudo groups */
extern int Ntgroups; /* true groups */
extern int Npgroups; /* pseudo groups */
extern int Ntsfrgroups; /* true groups that forms stars */
extern int Nsfrgroups; /* local number of groups flagged for sfr */
extern int Tot_Nsfrgroups; /* total number of groups flagged for sfr */
extern struct acc_particle_data
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
int Type;
int ID;
extern struct gas_acc_particle_data
FLOAT Entropy;
#ifdef CHIMIE
/* the following struture holds data that is stored for each SPH particle in addition to the collisionless
* variables.
extern struct st_particle_data
unsigned int ID; /*!< particle identifier (must be the same as P[].ID) only used to check ID correspondance */
FLOAT FormationTime; /*!< star formation time of particle */
FLOAT InitialMass; /*!< initial stellar mass */
#ifndef LONGIDS
unsigned int IDProj; /*!< id of projenitor particle */
unsigned long long IDProj; /*!< id of projenitor particle */
FLOAT Density; /*!< current baryonic mass density of particle */
FLOAT Y; /*!< elements weighting normalisation */
FLOAT Hsml; /*!< current smoothing length */
FLOAT Left; /*!< lower bound in iterative smoothing length search */
FLOAT Right; /*!< upper bound in iterative smoothing length search */
FLOAT NumNgb; /*!< weighted number of neighbours found */
unsigned int PIdx; /*!< index to the corresponding particle */
FLOAT OldNumNgb;
FLOAT DhsmlDensityFactor; /*!< correction factor needed in the equation of motion of the conservative entropy formulation of SPH */
double TotalEjectedGasMass;
double TotalEjectedEltMass[NELEMENTS];
double TotalEjectedEgySpec;
double NumberOfSNIa;
double NumberOfSNII;
double NgbMass; /*!< mass of neighbours */
#ifdef CHIMIE
unsigned int Flag;
float OptIMF_CurrentMass;
int OptIMF_N_WD;
float OptIMF_k; /*!< kroupa normalization */
float OptIMF_m_max; /*!< max mass of star in the "cluster">*/
#ifdef FOF_SFR
FLOAT MassMax; /*!< maximal stellar mass contained by the particle */
FLOAT MassMin; /*!< minimal stellar mass contained by the particle */
FLOAT MassSSP; /*!< mass of the total SSP */
int NStars; /*!< number of stars contained by the particle. If =-1, the particle represents a portion of the IMF */
FLOAT Pressure;
*StP, /*!< holds ST particle data on local processor */
*DomainStBuf; /*!< buffer for ST particle data in domain decomposition */
/* Variables for Tree
extern int MaxNodes; /*!< maximum allowed number of internal nodes */
extern int Numnodestree; /*!< number of (internal) nodes in each tree */
extern struct NODE
FLOAT len; /*!< sidelength of treenode */
FLOAT center[3]; /*!< geometrical center of node */
FLOAT maxsoft; /*!< hold the maximum gravitational softening of particles in the
node if the ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS option is selected */
FLOAT starlum ; /*!< star luminosity of node */
int suns[8]; /*!< temporary pointers to daughter nodes */
FLOAT s[3]; /*!< center of mass of node */
FLOAT mass; /*!< mass of node */
int bitflags; /*!< a bit-field with various information on the node */
int sibling; /*!< this gives the next node in the walk in case the current node can be used */
int nextnode; /*!< this gives the next node in case the current node needs to be opened */
int father; /*!< this gives the parent node of each node (or -1 if we have the root node) */
*Nodes_base, /*!< points to the actual memory allocted for the nodes */
*Nodes; /*!< this is a pointer used to access the nodes which is shifted such that Nodes[All.MaxPart]
gives the first allocated node */
extern int *Nextnode; /*!< gives next node in tree walk */
extern int *Father; /*!< gives parent node in tree */
extern struct extNODE /*!< this structure holds additional tree-node information which is not needed in the actual gravity computation */
FLOAT hmax; /*!< maximum SPH smoothing length in node. Only used for gas particles */
FLOAT vs[3]; /*!< center-of-mass velocity */
*Extnodes_base, /*!< points to the actual memory allocted for the extended node information */
*Extnodes; /*!< provides shifted access to extended node information, parallel to Nodes/Nodes_base */
/*! Header for the standard file format.
extern struct io_header
int npart[6]; /*!< number of particles of each type in this file */
double mass[6]; /*!< mass of particles of each type. If 0, then the masses are explicitly
stored in the mass-block of the snapshot file, otherwise they are omitted */
double time; /*!< time of snapshot file */
double redshift; /*!< redshift of snapshot file */
int flag_sfr; /*!< flags whether the simulation was including star formation */
int flag_feedback; /*!< flags whether feedback was included (obsolete) */
unsigned int npartTotal[6]; /*!< total number of particles of each type in this snapshot. This can be
different from npart if one is dealing with a multi-file snapshot. */
int flag_cooling; /*!< flags whether cooling was included */
int num_files; /*!< number of files in multi-file snapshot */
double BoxSize; /*!< box-size of simulation in case periodic boundaries were used */
double Omega0; /*!< matter density in units of critical density */
double OmegaLambda; /*!< cosmological constant parameter */
double HubbleParam; /*!< Hubble parameter in units of 100 km/sec/Mpc */
int flag_stellarage; /*!< flags whether the file contains formation times of star particles */
int flag_metals; /*!< flags whether the file contains metallicity values for gas and star particles */
unsigned int npartTotalHighWord[6]; /*!< High word of the total number of particles of each type */
int flag_entropy_instead_u; /*!< flags that IC-file contains entropy instead of u */
int flag_chimie_extraheader; /*!< flags that IC-file contains extra-header for chimie */
double critical_energy_spec;
char fill[38];
char fill[48]; /* use 42 with regor... */
char fill[56]; /*!< fills to 256 Bytes */
header; /*!< holds header for snapshot files */
/*! Header for the chimie part.
extern struct io_chimie_extraheader
int nelts; /*!< number of chemical element followed */
float SolarMassAbundances[NELEMENTS];
char labels[256-4-4*(NELEMENTS)];
#define IO_NBLOCKS 24 /*!< total number of defined information blocks for snapshot files.
Must be equal to the number of entries in "enum iofields" */
enum iofields /*!< this enumeration lists the defined output blocks in snapshot files. Not all of them need to be present. */
extern char Tab_IO_Labels[IO_NBLOCKS][4]; /*<! This table holds four-byte character tags used for fileformat 2 */
/* global state of system, used for global statistics
extern struct state_of_system
double Mass;
double EnergyKin;
double EnergyPot;
double EnergyInt;
#ifdef COOLING
double EnergyRadSph;
double EnergyAGNHeat;
double EnergyDissipationForces;
double EnergyRadSticky;
double EnergyFeedbackWind;
#ifdef BUBBLES
double EnergyBubbles;
double EnergyThermalFeedback;
double EnergyKineticFeedback;
double EnergyICDissipation;
double EnergyTot;
double Momentum[4];
double AngMomentum[4];
double CenterOfMass[4];
double MassComp[6];
double EnergyKinComp[6];
double EnergyPotComp[6];
double EnergyIntComp[6];
#ifdef COOLING
double EnergyRadSphComp[6];
double EnergyAGNHeatComp[6];
double EnergyRadStickyComp[6];
double EnergyFeedbackWindComp[6];
#ifdef BUBBLES
double EnergyBubblesComp[6];
double EnergyThermalFeedbackComp[6];
double EnergyKineticFeedbackComp[6];
double EnergyTotComp[6];
double MomentumComp[6][4];
double AngMomentumComp[6][4];
double CenterOfMassComp[6][4];
double EnergyDissipationForcesComp[6];
double EnergyICDissipationComp[6];
SysState; /*<! Structure for storing some global statistics about the simulation. */
/*! This structure contains data related to the energy budget.
These values are different for each task. It need to be stored
in the restart flag.
extern struct local_state_of_system
double EnergyTest;
double EnergyInt1;
double EnergyInt2;
double EnergyKin1;
double EnergyKin2;
#ifdef COOLING
double RadiatedEnergy;
#ifdef SFR
double StarEnergyInt;
double StarEnergyFeedback;
double EnergyThermalFeedback;
double EnergyKineticFeedback;
double EnergyRadSticky;
double EnergyFeedbackWind;
double EnergyICDissipation;
LocalSysState; /*<! Structure for storing some local statistics about the simulation. */
/* Various structures for communication
extern struct gravdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Acc[3];
FLOAT Potential;
int Type;
FLOAT EnergyFlux;
int Ninteractions;
*GravDataIn, /*!< holds particle data to be exported to other processors */
*GravDataGet, /*!< holds particle data imported from other processors */
*GravDataResult, /*!< holds the partial results computed for imported particles. Note: We use GravDataResult = GravDataGet, such that the result replaces the imported data */
*GravDataOut; /*!< holds partial results received from other processors. This will overwrite the GravDataIn array */
extern struct gravdata_index
int Task;
int Index;
int SortIndex;
*GravDataIndexTable; /*!< the particles to be exported are grouped by task-number. This table allows the results to be disentangled again and to be assigned to the correct particle */
extern struct densdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
int Phase;
int Index;
int Task;
FLOAT EnergyIntPred;
*DensDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH density computation to be exported to other processors */
*DensDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH density computation */
extern struct densdata_out
FLOAT Div, Rot[3];
FLOAT DhsmlDensity;
FLOAT GradEnergyInt[3];
FLOAT DhsmlEgyDensity;
FLOAT RmsSpeed;
*DensDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH density results for imported particles */
*DensDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH density results from other processors */
extern struct hydrodata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
int Phase;
FLOAT Entropy;
int StickyFlag;
FLOAT Density;
FLOAT Pressure;
FLOAT DhsmlDensityFactor;
int Timestep;
int Task;
int Index;
int ID;
FLOAT NormGradEnergyInt;
#if defined(ART_VISCO_MM)|| defined(ART_VISCO_RO) || defined(ART_VISCO_CD)
double ArtBulkViscConst;
FLOAT EntVarPred;
FLOAT PressureFeedbackUpdated;
FLOAT F1FeedbackUpdated;
FLOAT MetalDiffusionCoeff;
*HydroDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH hydro-force computation to be exported to other processors */
*HydroDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH hydro-force computation */
extern struct hydrodata_out
FLOAT Acc[3];
FLOAT DtEntropy;
FLOAT DtEgySpecFeedback;
FLOAT FeedbackAccel[3]; /*!< acceleration due to feedback force */
FLOAT MaxSignalVel;
FLOAT StickyDVel[3]; /*!< differences in velocities induced by sticky collisions */
FLOAT OptVar2;
double DmatCD[3][3];
double TmatCD[3][3];
double R_CD;
FLOAT MaxSignalVelCD;
FLOAT AccFeedbackUpdated[3];
FLOAT maxSignalVelFeedbackUpdated;
FLOAT MetalDiffusionA;
*HydroDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH hydro results for imported particles */
*HydroDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH hydro-force results from other processors */
extern struct stickydata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
int ID;
int StickyMaxID;
int StickyNgb;
float StickyMaxFs;
int Task;
int Index;
*StickyDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for sticky computation to be exported to other processors */
*StickyDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for sticky computation */
extern struct stickydata_out
int StickyMaxID;
int StickyNgb;
float StickyMaxFs;
FLOAT StickyNewVel[3];
*StickyDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed sticky results for imported particles */
*StickyDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial sticky results from other processors */
extern struct Sticky_index
int Index;
int CellIndex;
int Flag;
#ifdef CHIMIE
extern struct chimiedata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
#ifndef LONGIDS
unsigned int ID; /*!< particle identifier */
unsigned long long ID; /*!< particle identifier */
int Phase;
FLOAT Entropy;
int StickyFlag;
FLOAT Density;
FLOAT Pressure;
FLOAT DhsmlDensityFactor;
int Timestep;
int Task;
int Index;
double TotalEjectedGasMass;
double TotalEjectedEltMass[NELEMENTS];
double TotalEjectedEgySpec;
double NumberOfSNIa;
double NumberOfSNII;
FLOAT NgbMass;
*ChimieDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for Chimie computation to be exported to other processors */
*ChimieDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for Chimie computation */
extern struct chimiedata_out
FLOAT Acc[3];
FLOAT DtEntropy;
FLOAT DtEgySpecFeedback;
FLOAT FeedbackAccel[3]; /*!< acceleration due to feedback force */
FLOAT MaxSignalVel;
FLOAT StickyDVel[3]; /*!< differences in velocities induced by sticky collisions */
*ChimieDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed Chimie results for imported particles */
*ChimieDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial Chimie results from other processors */
extern struct starsdensdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
int Index;
int Task;
*StarsDensDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH density computation to be exported to other processors */
*StarsDensDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH density computation */
extern struct starsdensdata_out
FLOAT DhsmlDensity;
FLOAT NgbMass;
FLOAT Pressure;
*StarsDensDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH density results for imported particles */
*StarsDensDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH density results from other processors */
#endif /*CHIMIE*/
extern struct dissipationforcesdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
FLOAT Density;
int Task;
int Index;
*DissipationForcesDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH hydro-force computation to be exported to other processors */
*DissipationForcesDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH hydro-force computation */
extern struct dissipationforcesdata_out
FLOAT Acc[3];
FLOAT DtEnergy;
*DissipationForcesDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH hydro results for imported particles */
*DissipationForcesDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH hydro-force results from other processors */
#ifdef FOF
extern struct FOFdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Density;
int ID;
int FOF_Head;
int FOF_Tail;
int FOF_Prev;
int FOF_Next;
int FOF_CPUHead; /*!< index of the particle in its local proc */
int FOF_CPUPrev; /*!< index of the particle in its local proc */
int FOF_idx;
int Task;
int Index;
*FOFDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH hydro-force computation to be exported to other processors */
*FOFDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH hydro-force computation */
extern struct FOFdata_out
int FOF_Head;
int FOF_Prev;
int FOF_CPUHead;
int FOF_CPUPrev;
int FOF_Done;
*FOFDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH hydro results for imported particles */
*FOFDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH hydro-force results from other processors */
#endif /* FOF */
#ifdef TESSEL
extern struct ghostdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT rSearch;
int Index;
int Task;
*GhostDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH density computation to be exported to other processors */
*GhostDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH density computation */
extern struct ghostdata_out
FLOAT Value;
*GhostDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH density results for imported particles */
*GhostDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH density results from other processors */
/* ghost particles */
//extern struct ghost_particle_data
// FLOAT Pos[3]; /*!< particle position at its current time */
// FLOAT Mass; /*!< particle mass */
// *gP;
extern int NumgPart;
#endif /* TESSEL */
extern struct SynchroinzeNgbTimestepdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
int Ti_step;
int Ti_endstep;
int Index;
int Task;
int Phase;
extern struct denssphdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
FLOAT Density;
FLOAT DhsmlDensityFactor;
int Index;
int Task;
FLOAT Observable;
*DensSphDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH density computation to be exported to other processors */
*DensSphDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH density computation */
extern struct denssphdata_out
FLOAT Div, Rot[3];
FLOAT DhsmlDensity;
FLOAT GradObservable[3];
*DensSphDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH density results for imported particles */
*DensSphDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH density results from other processors */
extern struct sphdata_in
FLOAT Pos[3];
FLOAT Vel[3];
FLOAT Density;
FLOAT DhsmlDensityFactor;
FLOAT ObsMoment0;
FLOAT ObsMoment1;
FLOAT Observable;
int Task;
int Index;
*SphDataIn, /*!< holds particle data for SPH hydro-force computation to be exported to other processors */
*SphDataGet; /*!< holds imported particle data for SPH hydro-force computation */
extern struct sphdata_out
FLOAT ObsMoment0;
FLOAT ObsMoment1;
FLOAT GradObservable[3];
*SphDataResult, /*!< stores the locally computed SPH hydro results for imported particles */
*SphDataPartialResult; /*!< imported partial SPH hydro-force results from other processors */
#endif /*PY_INTERFACE*/

Event Timeline