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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "allvars.h"
#include "proto.h"
/*! \file forcetree.c
* \brief gravitational tree and code for Ewald correction
* This file contains the computation of the gravitational force by means
* of a tree. The type of tree implemented is a geometrical oct-tree,
* starting from a cube encompassing all particles. This cube is
* automatically found in the domain decomposition, which also splits up
* the global "top-level" tree along node boundaries, moving the particles
* of different parts of the tree to separate processors. Tree nodes can
* be dynamically updated in drift/kick operations to avoid having to
* reconstruct the tree every timestep.
/*! auxialiary variable used to set-up non-recursive walk */
static int last;
/*! length of lock-up table for short-range force kernel in TreePM algorithm */
#define NTAB 1000
/*! variables for short-range lookup table */
static float tabfac, shortrange_table[NTAB], shortrange_table_potential[NTAB];
/*! toggles after first tree-memory allocation, has only influence on log-files */
static int first_flag = 0;
/*! Macro that maps a distance to the nearest periodic neighbour */
#define NEAREST(x) (((x)>boxhalf)?((x)-boxsize):(((x)<-boxhalf)?((x)+boxsize):(x)))
/*! Size of 3D lock-up table for Ewald correction force */
#define EN 64
/*! 3D lock-up table for Ewald correction to force and potential. Only one
* octant is stored, the rest constructed by using the symmetry
static FLOAT fcorrx[EN + 1][EN + 1][EN + 1];
static FLOAT fcorry[EN + 1][EN + 1][EN + 1];
static FLOAT fcorrz[EN + 1][EN + 1][EN + 1];
static FLOAT potcorr[EN + 1][EN + 1][EN + 1];
static double fac_intp;
/*! This function is a driver routine for constructing the gravitational
* oct-tree, which is done by calling a small number of other functions.
int force_treebuild(int npart)
Numnodestree = force_treebuild_single(npart);
TimeOfLastTreeConstruction = All.Time;
return Numnodestree;
/*! Constructs the gravitational oct-tree.
* The index convention for accessing tree nodes is the following: the
* indices 0...NumPart-1 reference single particles, the indices
* All.MaxPart.... All.MaxPart+nodes-1 reference tree nodes. `Nodes_base'
* points to the first tree node, while `nodes' is shifted such that
* nodes[All.MaxPart] gives the first tree node. Finally, node indices
* with values 'All.MaxPart + MaxNodes' and larger indicate "pseudo
* particles", i.e. multipole moments of top-level nodes that lie on
* different CPUs. If such a node needs to be opened, the corresponding
* particle must be exported to that CPU. The 'Extnodes' structure
* parallels that of 'Nodes'. Its information is only needed for the SPH
* part of the computation. (The data is split onto these two structures
* as a tuning measure. If it is merged into 'Nodes' a somewhat bigger
* size of the nodes also for gravity would result, which would reduce
* cache utilization slightly.
int force_treebuild_single(int npart)
int i, j, subnode = 0, parent, numnodes;
int nfree, th, nn, no;
struct NODE *nfreep;
double lenhalf, epsilon;
peanokey key;
/* create an empty root node */
nfree = All.MaxPart; /* index of first free node */
nfreep = &Nodes[nfree]; /* select first node */
nfreep->len = DomainLen;
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
nfreep->center[j] = DomainCenter[j];
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
nfreep->u.suns[j] = -1;
numnodes = 1;
/* create a set of empty nodes corresponding to the top-level domain
* grid. We need to generate these nodes first to make sure that we have a
* complete top-level tree which allows the easy insertion of the
* pseudo-particles at the right place
force_create_empty_nodes(All.MaxPart, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, &numnodes, &nfree);
/* if a high-resolution region in a global tree is used, we need to generate
* an additional set empty nodes to make sure that we have a complete
* top-level tree for the high-resolution inset
nfreep = &Nodes[nfree];
parent = -1; /* note: will not be used below before it is changed */
/* now we insert all particles */
for(i = 0; i < npart; i++)
/* the softening is only used to check whether particles are so close
* that the tree needs not to be refined further
epsilon = All.ForceSoftening[P[i].Type];
key = peano_hilbert_key((P[i].Pos[0] - DomainCorner[0]) * DomainFac,
(P[i].Pos[1] - DomainCorner[1]) * DomainFac,
(P[i].Pos[2] - DomainCorner[2]) * DomainFac, BITS_PER_DIMENSION);
no = 0;
while(TopNodes[no].Daughter >= 0)
no = TopNodes[no].Daughter + (key - TopNodes[no].StartKey) / (TopNodes[no].Size / 8);
no = TopNodes[no].Leaf;
th = DomainNodeIndex[no];
if(th >= All.MaxPart) /* we are dealing with an internal node */
subnode = 0;
if(P[i].Pos[0] > Nodes[th].center[0])
subnode += 1;
if(P[i].Pos[1] > Nodes[th].center[1])
subnode += 2;
if(P[i].Pos[2] > Nodes[th].center[2])
subnode += 4;
nn = Nodes[th].u.suns[subnode];
if(nn >= 0) /* ok, something is in the daughter slot already, need to continue */
parent = th;
th = nn;
/* here we have found an empty slot where we can attach
* the new particle as a leaf.
Nodes[th].u.suns[subnode] = i;
break; /* done for this particle */
/* We try to insert into a leaf with a single particle. Need
* to generate a new internal node at this point.
Nodes[parent].u.suns[subnode] = nfree;
nfreep->len = 0.5 * Nodes[parent].len;
lenhalf = 0.25 * Nodes[parent].len;
if(subnode & 1)
nfreep->center[0] = Nodes[parent].center[0] + lenhalf;
nfreep->center[0] = Nodes[parent].center[0] - lenhalf;
if(subnode & 2)
nfreep->center[1] = Nodes[parent].center[1] + lenhalf;
nfreep->center[1] = Nodes[parent].center[1] - lenhalf;
if(subnode & 4)
nfreep->center[2] = Nodes[parent].center[2] + lenhalf;
nfreep->center[2] = Nodes[parent].center[2] - lenhalf;
nfreep->u.suns[0] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[1] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[2] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[3] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[4] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[5] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[6] = -1;
nfreep->u.suns[7] = -1;
subnode = 0;
if(P[th].Pos[0] > nfreep->center[0])
subnode += 1;
if(P[th].Pos[1] > nfreep->center[1])
subnode += 2;
if(P[th].Pos[2] > nfreep->center[2])
subnode += 4;
if(nfreep->len < 1.0e-3 * epsilon)
/* seems like we're dealing with particles at identical (or extremely close)
* locations. Randomize subnode index to allow tree construction. Note: Multipole moments
* of tree are still correct, but this will only happen well below gravitational softening
* length-scale anyway.
subnode = (int) (8.0 * get_random_number((0xffff & P[i].ID) + P[i].GravCost));
P[i].GravCost += 1;
if(subnode >= 8)
subnode = 7;
nfreep->u.suns[subnode] = th;
th = nfree; /* resume trying to insert the new particle at
* the newly created internal node
if((numnodes) >= MaxNodes)
printf("task %d: maximum number %d of tree-nodes reached.\n", ThisTask, MaxNodes);
printf("for particle %d\n", i);
/* insert the pseudo particles that represent the mass distribution of other domains */
/* now compute the multipole moments recursively */
last = -1;
force_update_node_recursive(All.MaxPart, -1, -1);
if(last >= All.MaxPart)
if(last >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* a pseudo-particle */
Nextnode[last - MaxNodes] = -1;
Nodes[last].u.d.nextnode = -1;
Nextnode[last] = -1;
return numnodes;
/*! This function recursively creates a set of empty tree nodes which
* corresponds to the top-level tree for the domain grid. This is done to
* ensure that this top-level tree is always "complete" so that we can
* easily associate the pseudo-particles of other CPUs with tree-nodes at
* a given level in the tree, even when the particle population is so
* sparse that some of these nodes are actually empty.
void force_create_empty_nodes(int no, int topnode, int bits, int x, int y, int z, int *nodecount,
int *nextfree)
int i, j, k, n, sub, count;
if(TopNodes[topnode].Daughter >= 0)
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for(k = 0; k < 2; k++)
sub = 7 & peano_hilbert_key((x << 1) + i, (y << 1) + j, (z << 1) + k, bits);
count = i + 2 * j + 4 * k;
Nodes[no].u.suns[count] = *nextfree;
Nodes[*nextfree].len = 0.5 * Nodes[no].len;
Nodes[*nextfree].center[0] = Nodes[no].center[0] + (2 * i - 1) * 0.25 * Nodes[no].len;
Nodes[*nextfree].center[1] = Nodes[no].center[1] + (2 * j - 1) * 0.25 * Nodes[no].len;
Nodes[*nextfree].center[2] = Nodes[no].center[2] + (2 * k - 1) * 0.25 * Nodes[no].len;
for(n = 0; n < 8; n++)
Nodes[*nextfree].u.suns[n] = -1;
if(TopNodes[TopNodes[topnode].Daughter + sub].Daughter == -1)
DomainNodeIndex[TopNodes[TopNodes[topnode].Daughter + sub].Leaf] = *nextfree;
*nextfree = *nextfree + 1;
*nodecount = *nodecount + 1;
if((*nodecount) >= MaxNodes)
printf("task %d: maximum number %d of tree-nodes reached.\n", ThisTask, MaxNodes);
printf("in create empty nodes\n");
force_create_empty_nodes(*nextfree - 1, TopNodes[topnode].Daughter + sub,
bits + 1, 2 * x + i, 2 * y + j, 2 * z + k, nodecount, nextfree);
/*! this function inserts pseudo-particles which will represent the mass
* distribution of the other CPUs. Initially, the mass of the
* pseudo-particles is set to zero, and their coordinate is set to the
* center of the domain-cell they correspond to. These quantities will be
* updated later on.
void force_insert_pseudo_particles(void)
int i, index, subnode, nn, th;
for(i = 0; i < NTopleaves; i++)
index = DomainNodeIndex[i];
DomainMoment[i].mass = 0;
DomainMoment[i].starlum = 0;
DomainMoment[i].s[0] = Nodes[index].center[0];
DomainMoment[i].s[1] = Nodes[index].center[1];
DomainMoment[i].s[2] = Nodes[index].center[2];
for(i = 0; i < NTopleaves; i++)
if(i < DomainMyStart || i > DomainMyLast)
th = All.MaxPart; /* select index of first node in tree */
if(th >= All.MaxPart) /* we are dealing with an internal node */
if(th >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)
endrun(888); /* this can't be */
subnode = 0;
if(DomainMoment[i].s[0] > Nodes[th].center[0])
subnode += 1;
if(DomainMoment[i].s[1] > Nodes[th].center[1])
subnode += 2;
if(DomainMoment[i].s[2] > Nodes[th].center[2])
subnode += 4;
nn = Nodes[th].u.suns[subnode];
if(nn >= 0) /* ok, something is in the daughter slot already, need to continue */
th = nn;
/* here we have found an empty slot where we can
* attach the pseudo particle as a leaf
Nodes[th].u.suns[subnode] = All.MaxPart + MaxNodes + i;
break; /* done for this pseudo particle */
endrun(889); /* this can't be */
/*! this routine determines the multipole moments for a given internal node
* and all its subnodes using a recursive computation. The result is
* stored in the Nodes[] structure in the sequence of this tree-walk.
* Note that the bitflags-variable for each node is used to store in the
* lowest bits some special information: Bit 0 flags whether the node
* belongs to the top-level tree corresponding to the domain
* decomposition, while Bit 1 signals whether the top-level node is
* dependent on local mass.
* If UNEQUALSOFTENINGS is set, bits 2-4 give the particle type with
* the maximum softening among the particles in the node, and bit 5
* flags whether the node contains any particles with lower softening
* than that.
void force_update_node_recursive(int no, int sib, int father)
int j, jj, p, pp, nextsib, suns[8];
FLOAT hmax;
int maxsofttype, diffsoftflag;
FLOAT maxsoft;
struct particle_data *pa;
double s[3], vs[3], mass;
double starlum;
if(no >= All.MaxPart && no < All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* internal node */
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
suns[j] = Nodes[no].u.suns[j]; /* this "backup" is necessary because the nextnode entry will
overwrite one element (union!) */
if(last >= 0)
if(last >= All.MaxPart)
if(last >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* a pseudo-particle */
Nextnode[last - MaxNodes] = no;
Nodes[last].u.d.nextnode = no;
Nextnode[last] = no;
last = no;
mass = 0;
starlum = 0;
s[0] = 0;
s[1] = 0;
s[2] = 0;
vs[0] = 0;
vs[1] = 0;
vs[2] = 0;
hmax = 0;
maxsofttype = 7;
diffsoftflag = 0;
maxsoft = 0;
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if((p = suns[j]) >= 0)
/* check if we have a sibling on the same level */
for(jj = j + 1; jj < 8; jj++)
if((pp = suns[jj]) >= 0)
if(jj < 8) /* yes, we do */
nextsib = pp;
nextsib = sib;
force_update_node_recursive(p, nextsib, no);
if(p >= All.MaxPart) /* an internal node or pseudo particle */
if(p >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* a pseudo particle */
/* nothing to be done here because the mass of the
* pseudo-particle is still zero. This will be changed
* later.
mass += Nodes[p].u.d.mass;
starlum += Nodes[p].starlum;
s[0] += Nodes[p].u.d.mass * Nodes[p].u.d.s[0];
s[1] += Nodes[p].u.d.mass * Nodes[p].u.d.s[1];
s[2] += Nodes[p].u.d.mass * Nodes[p].u.d.s[2];
vs[0] += Nodes[p].u.d.mass * Extnodes[p].vs[0];
vs[1] += Nodes[p].u.d.mass * Extnodes[p].vs[1];
vs[2] += Nodes[p].u.d.mass * Extnodes[p].vs[2];
if(Extnodes[p].hmax > hmax)
hmax = Extnodes[p].hmax;
diffsoftflag |= (Nodes[p].u.d.bitflags >> 5) & 1;
if(maxsofttype == 7)
maxsofttype = (Nodes[p].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7;
if(((Nodes[p].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7) != 7)
if(All.ForceSoftening[((Nodes[p].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7)] >
maxsofttype = ((Nodes[p].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7);
diffsoftflag = 1;
if(All.ForceSoftening[((Nodes[p].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7)] <
diffsoftflag = 1;
if(Nodes[p].maxsoft > maxsoft)
maxsoft = Nodes[p].maxsoft;
else /* a particle */
pa = &P[p];
mass += pa->Mass;
starlum += pa->Mass*All.HeatingPeLMRatio[pa->Type];
s[0] += pa->Mass * pa->Pos[0];
s[1] += pa->Mass * pa->Pos[1];
s[2] += pa->Mass * pa->Pos[2];
vs[0] += pa->Mass * pa->Vel[0];
vs[1] += pa->Mass * pa->Vel[1];
vs[2] += pa->Mass * pa->Vel[2];
if(maxsofttype == 7)
maxsofttype = pa->Type;
if(All.ForceSoftening[pa->Type] > All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype])
maxsofttype = pa->Type;
diffsoftflag = 1;
if(All.ForceSoftening[pa->Type] < All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype])
diffsoftflag = 1;
if(pa->Type == 0)
if(SphP[p].Hsml > maxsoft)
maxsoft = SphP[p].Hsml;
if(All.ForceSoftening[pa->Type] > maxsoft)
maxsoft = All.ForceSoftening[pa->Type];
if(pa->Type == 0)
if(SphP[p].Hsml > hmax)
hmax = SphP[p].Hsml;
s[0] /= mass;
s[1] /= mass;
s[2] /= mass;
vs[0] /= mass;
vs[1] /= mass;
vs[2] /= mass;
s[0] = Nodes[no].center[0];
s[1] = Nodes[no].center[1];
s[2] = Nodes[no].center[2];
Nodes[no].u.d.s[0] = s[0];
Nodes[no].u.d.s[1] = s[1];
Nodes[no].u.d.s[2] = s[2];
Nodes[no].u.d.mass = mass;
Nodes[no].starlum = starlum;
Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags = 4 * maxsofttype + 32 * diffsoftflag;
Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags = 0;
Nodes[no].maxsoft = maxsoft;
Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags = 0;
Extnodes[no].vs[0] = vs[0];
Extnodes[no].vs[1] = vs[1];
Extnodes[no].vs[2] = vs[2];
Extnodes[no].hmax = hmax;
Nodes[no].u.d.sibling = sib;
Nodes[no].u.d.father = father;
else /* single particle or pseudo particle */
if(last >= 0)
if(last >= All.MaxPart)
if(last >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* a pseudo-particle */
Nextnode[last - MaxNodes] = no;
Nodes[last].u.d.nextnode = no;
Nextnode[last] = no;
last = no;
if(no < All.MaxPart) /* only set it for single particles */
Father[no] = father;
/*! This function updates the multipole moments of the pseudo-particles
* that represent the mass distribution on different CPUs. For that
* purpose, it first exchanges the necessary data, and then updates the
* top-level tree accordingly. The detailed implementation of these two
* tasks is done in separate functions.
void force_update_pseudoparticles(void)
/*! This function communicates the values of the multipole moments of the
* top-level tree-nodes of the domain grid. This data can then be used to
* update the pseudo-particles on each CPU accordingly.
void force_exchange_pseudodata(void)
int i, no;
MPI_Status status;
int level, sendTask, recvTask;
for(i = DomainMyStart; i <= DomainMyLast; i++)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
/* read out the multipole moments from the local base cells */
DomainMoment[i].s[0] = Nodes[no].u.d.s[0];
DomainMoment[i].s[1] = Nodes[no].u.d.s[1];
DomainMoment[i].s[2] = Nodes[no].u.d.s[2];
DomainMoment[i].vs[0] = Extnodes[no].vs[0];
DomainMoment[i].vs[1] = Extnodes[no].vs[1];
DomainMoment[i].vs[2] = Extnodes[no].vs[2];
DomainMoment[i].mass = Nodes[no].u.d.mass;
DomainMoment[i].starlum = Nodes[no].starlum;
DomainMoment[i].bitflags = Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags;
DomainMoment[i].maxsoft = Nodes[no].maxsoft;
/* share the pseudo-particle data accross CPUs */
for(level = 1; level < (1 << PTask); level++)
sendTask = ThisTask;
recvTask = ThisTask ^ level;
if(recvTask < NTask)
(DomainEndList[sendTask] - DomainStartList[sendTask] + 1) * sizeof(struct DomainNODE),
(DomainEndList[recvTask] - DomainStartList[recvTask] + 1) * sizeof(struct DomainNODE),
MPI_BYTE, recvTask, TAG_DMOM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
/*! This function updates the top-level tree after the multipole moments of
* the pseudo-particles have been updated.
void force_treeupdate_pseudos(void)
int i, k, no;
FLOAT sold[3], vsold[3], snew[3], vsnew[3], massold, massnew, mm;
FLOAT starlumold, starlumnew, starmm;
int maxsofttype, diffsoftflag;
FLOAT maxsoft;
for(i = 0; i < NTopleaves; i++)
if(i < DomainMyStart || i > DomainMyLast)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
sold[k] = Nodes[no].u.d.s[k];
vsold[k] = Extnodes[no].vs[k];
massold = Nodes[no].u.d.mass;
starlumold = Nodes[no].starlum;
for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
snew[k] = DomainMoment[i].s[k];
vsnew[k] = DomainMoment[i].vs[k];
massnew = DomainMoment[i].mass;
starlumnew = DomainMoment[i].starlum;
maxsofttype = (DomainMoment[i].bitflags >> 2) & 7;
diffsoftflag = (DomainMoment[i].bitflags >> 5) & 1;
maxsoft = DomainMoment[i].maxsoft;
mm = Nodes[no].u.d.mass + massnew - massold;
starmm = Nodes[no].starlum + starlumnew - starlumold;
for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if(mm > 0)
Nodes[no].u.d.s[k] =
(Nodes[no].u.d.mass * Nodes[no].u.d.s[k] + massnew * snew[k] - massold * sold[k]) / mm;
Extnodes[no].vs[k] =
(Nodes[no].u.d.mass * Extnodes[no].vs[k] + massnew * vsnew[k] -
massold * vsold[k]) / mm;
Nodes[no].u.d.mass = mm;
Nodes[no].starlum = starmm;
diffsoftflag |= (Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags >> 5) & 1;
if(maxsofttype == 7)
maxsofttype = (Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7;
if(((Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7) != 7)
if(All.ForceSoftening[((Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7)] >
maxsofttype = ((Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7);
diffsoftflag = 1;
if(All.ForceSoftening[((Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7)] <
diffsoftflag = 1;
Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags = (Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & 3) + 4 * maxsofttype + 32 * diffsoftflag;
if(Nodes[no].maxsoft < maxsoft)
Nodes[no].maxsoft = maxsoft;
maxsoft = Nodes[no].maxsoft;
no = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
while(no >= 0);
/*! This function flags nodes in the top-level tree that are dependent on
* local particle data.
void force_flag_localnodes(void)
int no, i;
/* mark all top-level nodes */
for(i = 0; i < NTopleaves; i++)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
while(no >= 0)
if((Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & 1))
Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags |= 1;
no = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
/* mark top-level nodes that contain local particles */
for(i = DomainMyStart; i <= DomainMyLast; i++)
if(DomainMoment[i].mass > 0)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
while(no >= 0)
if((Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & 2))
Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags |= 2;
no = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
/*! This function updates the side-length of tree nodes in case the tree is
* not reconstructed, but only drifted. The grouping of particles to tree
* nodes is not changed in this case, but some tree nodes may need to be
* enlarged because particles moved out of their original bounds.
void force_update_len(void)
int i, no;
MPI_Status status;
int level, sendTask, recvTask;
/* first update the side-lengths of all local nodes */
for(i = DomainMyStart; i <= DomainMyLast; i++)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
DomainTreeNodeLen[i] = Nodes[no].len;
for(level = 1; level < (1 << PTask); level++)
sendTask = ThisTask;
recvTask = ThisTask ^ level;
if(recvTask < NTask)
(DomainEndList[sendTask] - DomainStartList[sendTask] + 1) * sizeof(FLOAT),
(DomainEndList[recvTask] - DomainStartList[recvTask] + 1) * sizeof(FLOAT),
/* Finally, we update the top-level tree. */
/*! This function recursively enlarges nodes such that they always contain
* all their daughter nodes and daughter particles.
void force_update_node_len_local(void)
int i, p, k, no;
FLOAT dist, distmax;
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
no = Father[i];
for(k = 0, distmax = 0; k < 3; k++)
dist = P[i].Pos[k] - Nodes[no].center[k];
if(dist < 0)
dist = -dist;
if(dist > distmax)
distmax = dist;
if(distmax + distmax > Nodes[no].len)
Nodes[no].len = distmax + distmax;
p = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
while(p >= 0)
distmax = Nodes[p].center[0] - Nodes[no].center[0];
if(distmax < 0)
distmax = -distmax;
distmax = distmax + distmax + Nodes[no].len;
if(0.999999 * distmax > Nodes[p].len)
Nodes[p].len = distmax;
no = p;
p = Nodes[p].u.d.father;
/*! This function recursively enlarges nodes of the top-level tree such
* that they always contain all their daughter nodes.
void force_update_node_len_toptree(void)
int i, no, p;
FLOAT distmax;
for(i = 0; i < NTopleaves; i++)
if(i < DomainMyStart || i > DomainMyLast)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
if(Nodes[no].len < DomainTreeNodeLen[i])
Nodes[no].len = DomainTreeNodeLen[i];
p = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
while(p >= 0)
distmax = Nodes[p].center[0] - Nodes[no].center[0];
if(distmax < 0)
distmax = -distmax;
distmax = distmax + distmax + Nodes[no].len;
if(0.999999 * distmax > Nodes[p].len)
Nodes[p].len = distmax;
no = p;
p = Nodes[p].u.d.father;
/*! This function updates the hmax-values in tree nodes that hold SPH
* particles. These values are needed to find all neighbors in the
* hydro-force computation. Since the Hsml-values are potentially changed
* in the SPH-denity computation, force_update_hmax() should be carried
* out just before the hydrodynamical SPH forces are computed, i.e. after
* density().
void force_update_hmax(void)
int i, no;
MPI_Status status;
int level, sendTask, recvTask;
for(i = DomainMyStart; i <= DomainMyLast; i++)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
DomainHmax[i] = Extnodes[no].hmax;
/* share the hmax-data of the pseudo-particles accross CPUs */
for(level = 1; level < (1 << PTask); level++)
sendTask = ThisTask;
recvTask = ThisTask ^ level;
if(recvTask < NTask)
(DomainEndList[sendTask] - DomainStartList[sendTask] + 1) * sizeof(FLOAT),
(DomainEndList[recvTask] - DomainStartList[recvTask] + 1) * sizeof(FLOAT),
MPI_BYTE, recvTask, TAG_HMAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
/*! This routine updates the hmax-values of local tree nodes.
void force_update_node_hmax_local(void)
int i, p, no;
for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
no = Father[i];
if(SphP[i].Hsml > Extnodes[no].hmax)
Extnodes[no].hmax = SphP[i].Hsml;
p = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
while(p >= 0)
if(Extnodes[no].hmax > Extnodes[p].hmax)
Extnodes[p].hmax = Extnodes[no].hmax;
no = p;
p = Nodes[p].u.d.father;
/*! This function recursively sets the hmax-values of the top-level tree.
void force_update_node_hmax_toptree(void)
int i, no, p;
for(i = 0; i < NTopleaves; i++)
if(i < DomainMyStart || i > DomainMyLast)
no = DomainNodeIndex[i];
if(Extnodes[no].hmax < DomainHmax[i])
Extnodes[no].hmax = DomainHmax[i];
p = Nodes[no].u.d.father;
while(p >= 0)
if(Extnodes[no].hmax > Extnodes[p].hmax)
Extnodes[p].hmax = Extnodes[no].hmax;
no = p;
p = Nodes[p].u.d.father;
/*! This routine computes the gravitational force for a given local
* particle, or for a particle in the communication buffer. Depending on
* the value of TypeOfOpeningCriterion, either the geometrical BH
* cell-opening criterion, or the `relative' opening criterion is used.
int force_treeevaluate(int target, int mode, double *ewaldcountsum)
struct NODE *nop = 0;
int no, ninteractions, ptype;
double r2, dx, dy, dz, mass, r, fac, u, h, h_inv, h3_inv;
double acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, aold;
int maxsofttype;
double soft = 0;
double boxsize, boxhalf;
boxsize = All.BoxSize;
boxhalf = 0.5 * All.BoxSize;
double flux=0,starlum=0;
int type=0;
double hf;
acc_x = 0;
acc_y = 0;
acc_z = 0;
ninteractions = 0;
if(mode == 0)
pos_x = P[target].Pos[0];
pos_y = P[target].Pos[1];
pos_z = P[target].Pos[2];
ptype = P[target].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * P[target].OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = SphP[target].Hsml;
type = P[target].Type;
pos_x = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[0];
pos_y = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[1];
pos_z = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[2];
ptype = GravDataGet[target].Type;
ptype = P[0].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * GravDataGet[target].w.OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = GravDataGet[target].Soft;
type = GravDataGet[target].Type;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
h3_inv = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
no = All.MaxPart; /* root node */
while(no >= 0)
if(no < All.MaxPart) /* single particle */
/* the index of the node is the index of the particle */
/* observe the sign */
dx = P[no].Pos[0] - pos_x;
dy = P[no].Pos[1] - pos_y;
dz = P[no].Pos[2] - pos_z;
mass = P[no].Mass;
starlum = P[no].Mass*All.HeatingPeLMRatio[P[no].Type];
if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */
if(mode == 0)
Exportflag[DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]] = 1;
no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes];
nop = &Nodes[no];
dx = nop->u.d.s[0] - pos_x;
dy = nop->u.d.s[1] - pos_y;
dz = nop->u.d.s[2] - pos_z;
mass = nop->u.d.mass;
starlum = nop->starlum;
dx = NEAREST(dx);
dy = NEAREST(dy);
dz = NEAREST(dz);
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if(no < All.MaxPart)
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(P[no].Type == 0)
if(h < SphP[no].Hsml)
h = SphP[no].Hsml;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
no = Nextnode[no];
else /* we have an internal node. Need to check opening criterion */
if(mode == 1)
if((nop->u.d.bitflags & 3) == 1) /* if it's a top-level node
* which does not contain
* local particles we can
* continue to do a short-cut */
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
if(All.ErrTolTheta) /* check Barnes-Hut opening criterion */
if(nop->len * nop->len > r2 * All.ErrTolTheta * All.ErrTolTheta)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
else /* check relative opening criterion */
if(mass * nop->len * nop->len > r2 * r2 * aold)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
/* check in addition whether we lie inside the cell */
if(fabs(nop->center[0] - pos_x) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[1] - pos_y) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[2] - pos_z) < 0.60 * nop->len)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
maxsofttype = (nop->u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7;
if(maxsofttype == 7) /* may only occur for zero mass top-level nodes */
if(mass > 0)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype])
h = All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype];
if(r2 < h * h)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags >> 5) & 1)) /* bit-5 signals that there are particles of different softening in the node */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < nop->maxsoft)
h = nop->maxsoft;
if(r2 < h * h)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
no = nop->u.d.sibling; /* ok, node can be used */
if(mode == 1)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags) & 1)) /* Bit 0 signals that this node belongs to top-level tree */
r = sqrt(r2);
if(r >= h)
fac = mass / (r2 * r);
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
h3_inv = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
u = r * h_inv;
if(u < 0.5)
fac = mass * h3_inv * (10.666666666667 + u * u * (32.0 * u - 38.4));
fac =
mass * h3_inv * (21.333333333333 - 48.0 * u +
38.4 * u * u - 10.666666666667 * u * u * u - 0.066666666667 / (u * u * u));
acc_x += dx * fac;
acc_y += dy * fac;
acc_z += dz * fac;
if (type==0) /* gas particle */
hf = All.SofteningTable[type];
flux += starlum / (4*PI) / (r2 + hf*hf) ;
//if ((target==0)&&(starlum!=0))
// printf("flux flux=%g\n",flux);
//if ((target==0)&&(starlum!=0))
// printf("flux r=%g starlum=%g mass=%g h=%g no=%d\n",sqrt(r2),starlum,mass,hf,no);
//if(r >= hf)
// flux += starlum/All.HeatingPeLMRatio/ (4*PI) / r2 ;
// flux += starlum/All.HeatingPeLMRatio/ (4*PI) / (r2 + hf*hf) ;
/* store result at the proper place */
if(mode == 0)
P[target].GravAccel[0] = acc_x;
P[target].GravAccel[1] = acc_y;
P[target].GravAccel[2] = acc_z;
if (P[target].Type==0) /* only for gas */
SphP[target].EnergyFlux = flux;
P[target].GravCost = ninteractions;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[0] = acc_x;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[1] = acc_y;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[2] = acc_z;
GravDataResult[target].EnergyFlux = flux;
GravDataResult[target].w.Ninteractions = ninteractions;
*ewaldcountsum += force_treeevaluate_ewald_correction(target, mode, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, aold);
return ninteractions;
#ifdef PMGRID
/*! In the TreePM algorithm, the tree is walked only locally around the
* target coordinate. Tree nodes that fall outside a box of half
* side-length Rcut= RCUT*ASMTH*MeshSize can be discarded. The short-range
* potential is modified by a complementary error function, multiplied
* with the Newtonian form. The resulting short-range suppression compared
* to the Newtonian force is tabulated, because looking up from this table
* is faster than recomputing the corresponding factor, despite the
* memory-access panelty (which reduces cache performance) incurred by the
* table.
int force_treeevaluate_shortrange(int target, int mode)
struct NODE *nop = 0;
int no, ptype, ninteractions, tabindex;
double r2, dx, dy, dz, mass, r, fac, u, h, h_inv, h3_inv;
double acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, aold;
double eff_dist;
double rcut, asmth, asmthfac, rcut2, dist;
int maxsofttype;
double soft = 0;
double boxsize, boxhalf;
boxsize = All.BoxSize;
boxhalf = 0.5 * All.BoxSize;
acc_x = 0;
acc_y = 0;
acc_z = 0;
ninteractions = 0;
if(mode == 0)
pos_x = P[target].Pos[0];
pos_y = P[target].Pos[1];
pos_z = P[target].Pos[2];
ptype = P[target].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * P[target].OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = SphP[target].Hsml;
pos_x = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[0];
pos_y = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[1];
pos_z = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[2];
ptype = GravDataGet[target].Type;
ptype = P[0].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * GravDataGet[target].w.OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = GravDataGet[target].Soft;
rcut = All.Rcut[0];
asmth = All.Asmth[0];
if(((1 << ptype) & (PLACEHIGHRESREGION)))
rcut = All.Rcut[1];
asmth = All.Asmth[1];
rcut2 = rcut * rcut;
asmthfac = 0.5 / asmth * (NTAB / 3.0);
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
h3_inv = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
no = All.MaxPart; /* root node */
while(no >= 0)
if(no < All.MaxPart)
/* the index of the node is the index of the particle */
dx = P[no].Pos[0] - pos_x;
dy = P[no].Pos[1] - pos_y;
dz = P[no].Pos[2] - pos_z;
dx = NEAREST(dx);
dy = NEAREST(dy);
dz = NEAREST(dz);
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
mass = P[no].Mass;
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(P[no].Type == 0)
if(h < SphP[no].Hsml)
h = SphP[no].Hsml;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
no = Nextnode[no];
else /* we have an internal node */
if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */
if(mode == 0)
Exportflag[DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]] = 1;
no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes];
nop = &Nodes[no];
if(mode == 1)
if((nop->u.d.bitflags & 3) == 1) /* if it's a top-level node
* which does not contain
* local particles we can
* continue at this point
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
mass = nop->u.d.mass;
dx = nop->u.d.s[0] - pos_x;
dy = nop->u.d.s[1] - pos_y;
dz = nop->u.d.s[2] - pos_z;
dx = NEAREST(dx);
dy = NEAREST(dy);
dz = NEAREST(dz);
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if(r2 > rcut2)
/* check whether we can stop walking along this branch */
eff_dist = rcut + 0.5 * nop->len;
dist = NEAREST(nop->center[0] - pos_x);
dist = nop->center[0] - pos_x;
if(dist < -eff_dist || dist > eff_dist)
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
dist = NEAREST(nop->center[1] - pos_y);
dist = nop->center[1] - pos_y;
if(dist < -eff_dist || dist > eff_dist)
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
dist = NEAREST(nop->center[2] - pos_z);
dist = nop->center[2] - pos_z;
if(dist < -eff_dist || dist > eff_dist)
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
if(All.ErrTolTheta) /* check Barnes-Hut opening criterion */
if(nop->len * nop->len > r2 * All.ErrTolTheta * All.ErrTolTheta)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
else /* check relative opening criterion */
if(mass * nop->len * nop->len > r2 * r2 * aold)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
/* check in addition whether we lie inside the cell */
if(fabs(nop->center[0] - pos_x) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[1] - pos_y) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[2] - pos_z) < 0.60 * nop->len)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
maxsofttype = (nop->u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7;
if(maxsofttype == 7) /* may only occur for zero mass top-level nodes */
if(mass > 0)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype])
h = All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype];
if(r2 < h * h)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags >> 5) & 1)) /* bit-5 signals that there are particles of different softening in the node */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < nop->maxsoft)
h = nop->maxsoft;
if(r2 < h * h)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
no = nop->u.d.sibling; /* ok, node can be used */
if(mode == 1)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags) & 1)) /* Bit 0 signals that this node belongs to top-level tree */
r = sqrt(r2);
if(r >= h)
fac = mass / (r2 * r);
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
h3_inv = h_inv * h_inv * h_inv;
u = r * h_inv;
if(u < 0.5)
fac = mass * h3_inv * (10.666666666667 + u * u * (32.0 * u - 38.4));
fac =
mass * h3_inv * (21.333333333333 - 48.0 * u +
38.4 * u * u - 10.666666666667 * u * u * u - 0.066666666667 / (u * u * u));
tabindex = (int) (asmthfac * r);
if(tabindex < NTAB)
fac *= shortrange_table[tabindex];
acc_x += dx * fac;
acc_y += dy * fac;
acc_z += dz * fac;
/* store result at the proper place */
if(mode == 0)
P[target].GravAccel[0] = acc_x;
P[target].GravAccel[1] = acc_y;
P[target].GravAccel[2] = acc_z;
P[target].GravCost = ninteractions;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[0] = acc_x;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[1] = acc_y;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[2] = acc_z;
GravDataResult[target].w.Ninteractions = ninteractions;
return ninteractions;
/*! This function computes the Ewald correction, and is needed if periodic
* boundary conditions together with a pure tree algorithm are used. Note
* that the ordinary tree walk does not carry out this correction directly
* as it was done in Gadget-1.1. Instead, the tree is walked a second
* time. This is actually faster because the "Ewald-Treewalk" can use a
* different opening criterion than the normal tree walk. In particular,
* the Ewald correction is negligible for particles that are very close,
* but it is large for particles that are far away (this is quite
* different for the normal direct force). So we can here use a different
* opening criterion. Sufficient accuracy is usually obtained if the node
* length has dropped to a certain fraction ~< 0.25 of the
* BoxLength. However, we may only short-cut the interaction list of the
* normal full Ewald tree walk if we are sure that the whole node and all
* daughter nodes "lie on the same side" of the periodic boundary,
* i.e. that the real tree walk would not find a daughter node or particle
* that was mapped to a different nearest neighbour position when the tree
* walk would be further refined.
int force_treeevaluate_ewald_correction(int target, int mode, double pos_x, double pos_y, double pos_z,
double aold)
struct NODE *nop = 0;
int no, cost;
double dx, dy, dz, mass, r2;
int signx, signy, signz;
int i, j, k, openflag;
double u, v, w;
double f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8;
double acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;
double boxsize, boxhalf;
boxsize = All.BoxSize;
boxhalf = 0.5 * All.BoxSize;
acc_x = 0;
acc_y = 0;
acc_z = 0;
cost = 0;
no = All.MaxPart;
while(no >= 0)
if(no < All.MaxPart) /* single particle */
/* the index of the node is the index of the particle */
/* observe the sign */
dx = P[no].Pos[0] - pos_x;
dy = P[no].Pos[1] - pos_y;
dz = P[no].Pos[2] - pos_z;
mass = P[no].Mass;
if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */
if(mode == 0)
Exportflag[DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]] = 1;
no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes];
nop = &Nodes[no];
dx = nop->u.d.s[0] - pos_x;
dy = nop->u.d.s[1] - pos_y;
dz = nop->u.d.s[2] - pos_z;
mass = nop->u.d.mass;
dx = NEAREST(dx);
dy = NEAREST(dy);
dz = NEAREST(dz);
if(no < All.MaxPart)
no = Nextnode[no];
else /* we have an internal node. Need to check opening criterion */
openflag = 0;
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if(All.ErrTolTheta) /* check Barnes-Hut opening criterion */
if(nop->len * nop->len > r2 * All.ErrTolTheta * All.ErrTolTheta)
openflag = 1;
else /* check relative opening criterion */
if(mass * nop->len * nop->len > r2 * r2 * aold)
openflag = 1;
if(fabs(nop->center[0] - pos_x) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[1] - pos_y) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[2] - pos_z) < 0.60 * nop->len)
openflag = 1;
/* now we check if we can avoid opening the cell */
u = nop->center[0] - pos_x;
if(u > boxhalf)
u -= boxsize;
if(u < -boxhalf)
u += boxsize;
if(fabs(u) > 0.5 * (boxsize - nop->len))
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
u = nop->center[1] - pos_y;
if(u > boxhalf)
u -= boxsize;
if(u < -boxhalf)
u += boxsize;
if(fabs(u) > 0.5 * (boxsize - nop->len))
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
u = nop->center[2] - pos_z;
if(u > boxhalf)
u -= boxsize;
if(u < -boxhalf)
u += boxsize;
if(fabs(u) > 0.5 * (boxsize - nop->len))
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
/* if the cell is too large, we need to refine
* it further
if(nop->len > 0.20 * boxsize)
/* cell is too large */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
no = nop->u.d.sibling; /* ok, node can be used */
if(mode == 1)
if((nop->u.d.bitflags & 1)) /* Bit 0 signals that this node belongs to top-level tree */
/* compute the Ewald correction force */
if(dx < 0)
dx = -dx;
signx = +1;
signx = -1;
if(dy < 0)
dy = -dy;
signy = +1;
signy = -1;
if(dz < 0)
dz = -dz;
signz = +1;
signz = -1;
u = dx * fac_intp;
i = (int) u;
if(i >= EN)
i = EN - 1;
u -= i;
v = dy * fac_intp;
j = (int) v;
if(j >= EN)
j = EN - 1;
v -= j;
w = dz * fac_intp;
k = (int) w;
if(k >= EN)
k = EN - 1;
w -= k;
/* compute factors for trilinear interpolation */
f1 = (1 - u) * (1 - v) * (1 - w);
f2 = (1 - u) * (1 - v) * (w);
f3 = (1 - u) * (v) * (1 - w);
f4 = (1 - u) * (v) * (w);
f5 = (u) * (1 - v) * (1 - w);
f6 = (u) * (1 - v) * (w);
f7 = (u) * (v) * (1 - w);
f8 = (u) * (v) * (w);
acc_x += mass * signx * (fcorrx[i][j][k] * f1 +
fcorrx[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
fcorrx[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
fcorrx[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
fcorrx[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
fcorrx[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 +
fcorrx[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + fcorrx[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8);
acc_y += mass * signy * (fcorry[i][j][k] * f1 +
fcorry[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
fcorry[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
fcorry[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
fcorry[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
fcorry[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 +
fcorry[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + fcorry[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8);
acc_z += mass * signz * (fcorrz[i][j][k] * f1 +
fcorrz[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
fcorrz[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
fcorrz[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
fcorrz[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
fcorrz[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 +
fcorrz[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + fcorrz[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8);
/* add the result at the proper place */
if(mode == 0)
P[target].GravAccel[0] += acc_x;
P[target].GravAccel[1] += acc_y;
P[target].GravAccel[2] += acc_z;
P[target].GravCost += cost;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[0] += acc_x;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[1] += acc_y;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[2] += acc_z;
GravDataResult[target].w.Ninteractions += cost;
return cost;
/*! This routine computes the gravitational potential by walking the
* tree. The same opening criteria is used as for the gravitational force
* walk.
void force_treeevaluate_potential(int target, int mode)
struct NODE *nop = 0;
int no, ptype;
double r2, dx, dy, dz, mass, r, u, h, h_inv, wp;
double pot, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, aold;
int maxsofttype;
double soft = 0;
double boxsize, boxhalf;
boxsize = All.BoxSize;
boxhalf = 0.5 * All.BoxSize;
pot = 0;
if(mode == 0)
pos_x = P[target].Pos[0];
pos_y = P[target].Pos[1];
pos_z = P[target].Pos[2];
ptype = P[target].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * P[target].OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = SphP[target].Hsml;
pos_x = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[0];
pos_y = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[1];
pos_z = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[2];
ptype = GravDataGet[target].Type;
ptype = P[0].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * GravDataGet[target].w.OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = GravDataGet[target].Soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
no = All.MaxPart;
while(no >= 0)
if(no < All.MaxPart) /* single particle */
/* the index of the node is the index of the particle */
/* observe the sign */
dx = P[no].Pos[0] - pos_x;
dy = P[no].Pos[1] - pos_y;
dz = P[no].Pos[2] - pos_z;
mass = P[no].Mass;
if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */
if(mode == 0)
Exportflag[DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]] = 1;
no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes];
nop = &Nodes[no];
dx = nop->u.d.s[0] - pos_x;
dy = nop->u.d.s[1] - pos_y;
dz = nop->u.d.s[2] - pos_z;
mass = nop->u.d.mass;
dx = NEAREST(dx);
dy = NEAREST(dy);
dz = NEAREST(dz);
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if(no < All.MaxPart)
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(P[no].Type == 0)
if(h < SphP[no].Hsml)
h = SphP[no].Hsml;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
no = Nextnode[no];
else /* we have an internal node. Need to check opening criterion */
if(mode == 1)
if((nop->u.d.bitflags & 3) == 1) /* if it's a top-level node
* which does not contain
* local particles we can make
* a short-cut
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
if(All.ErrTolTheta) /* check Barnes-Hut opening criterion */
if(nop->len * nop->len > r2 * All.ErrTolTheta * All.ErrTolTheta)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
else /* check relative opening criterion */
if(mass * nop->len * nop->len > r2 * r2 * aold)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(fabs(nop->center[0] - pos_x) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[1] - pos_y) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[2] - pos_z) < 0.60 * nop->len)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
maxsofttype = (nop->u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7;
if(maxsofttype == 7) /* may only occur for zero mass top-level nodes */
if(mass > 0)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype])
h = All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype];
if(r2 < h * h)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags >> 5) & 1)) /* bit-5 signals that there are particles of different softening in the node */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < nop->maxsoft)
h = nop->maxsoft;
if(r2 < h * h)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
no = nop->u.d.sibling; /* node can be used */
if(mode == 1)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags) & 1)) /* Bit 0 signals that this node belongs to top-level tree */
r = sqrt(r2);
if(r >= h)
pot -= mass / r;
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
u = r * h_inv;
if(u < 0.5)
wp = -2.8 + u * u * (5.333333333333 + u * u * (6.4 * u - 9.6));
wp =
-3.2 + 0.066666666667 / u + u * u * (10.666666666667 +
u * (-16.0 + u * (9.6 - 2.133333333333 * u)));
pot += mass * h_inv * wp;
pot += mass * ewald_pot_corr(dx, dy, dz);
/* store result at the proper place */
if(mode == 0)
P[target].Potential = pot;
GravDataResult[target].u.Potential = pot;
#ifdef PMGRID
/*! This function computes the short-range potential when the TreePM
* algorithm is used. This potential is the Newtonian potential, modified
* by a complementary error function.
void force_treeevaluate_potential_shortrange(int target, int mode)
struct NODE *nop = 0;
int no, ptype, tabindex;
double r2, dx, dy, dz, mass, r, u, h, h_inv, wp;
double pot, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, aold;
double eff_dist, fac, rcut, asmth, asmthfac;
double dxx, dyy, dzz;
int maxsofttype;
double soft = 0;
double boxsize, boxhalf;
boxsize = All.BoxSize;
boxhalf = 0.5 * All.BoxSize;
pot = 0;
if(mode == 0)
pos_x = P[target].Pos[0];
pos_y = P[target].Pos[1];
pos_z = P[target].Pos[2];
ptype = P[target].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * P[target].OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = SphP[target].Hsml;
pos_x = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[0];
pos_y = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[1];
pos_z = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[2];
ptype = GravDataGet[target].Type;
ptype = P[0].Type;
aold = All.ErrTolForceAcc * GravDataGet[target].w.OldAcc;
if(ptype == 0)
soft = GravDataGet[target].Soft;
rcut = All.Rcut[0];
asmth = All.Asmth[0];
if(((1 << ptype) & (PLACEHIGHRESREGION)))
rcut = All.Rcut[1];
asmth = All.Asmth[1];
asmthfac = 0.5 / asmth * (NTAB / 3.0);
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
no = All.MaxPart;
while(no >= 0)
if(no < All.MaxPart) /* single particle */
/* the index of the node is the index of the particle */
/* observe the sign */
dx = P[no].Pos[0] - pos_x;
dy = P[no].Pos[1] - pos_y;
dz = P[no].Pos[2] - pos_z;
mass = P[no].Mass;
if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */
if(mode == 0)
Exportflag[DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]] = 1;
no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes];
nop = &Nodes[no];
dx = nop->u.d.s[0] - pos_x;
dy = nop->u.d.s[1] - pos_y;
dz = nop->u.d.s[2] - pos_z;
mass = nop->u.d.mass;
dx = NEAREST(dx);
dy = NEAREST(dy);
dz = NEAREST(dz);
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if(no < All.MaxPart)
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(P[no].Type == 0)
if(h < SphP[no].Hsml)
h = SphP[no].Hsml;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type])
h = All.ForceSoftening[P[no].Type];
no = Nextnode[no];
else /* we have an internal node. Need to check opening criterion */
/* check whether we can stop walking along this branch */
if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */
if(mode == 0)
Exportflag[DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]] = 1;
no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes];
if(mode == 1)
if((nop->u.d.bitflags & 3) == 1) /* if it's a top-level node which does not contain local particles */
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
eff_dist = rcut + 0.5 * nop->len;
dxx = nop->center[0] - pos_x; /* observe the sign ! */
dyy = nop->center[1] - pos_y; /* this vector is -y in my thesis notation */
dzz = nop->center[2] - pos_z;
dxx = NEAREST(dxx);
dyy = NEAREST(dyy);
dzz = NEAREST(dzz);
if(dxx < -eff_dist || dxx > eff_dist)
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
if(dyy < -eff_dist || dyy > eff_dist)
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
if(dzz < -eff_dist || dzz > eff_dist)
no = nop->u.d.sibling;
if(All.ErrTolTheta) /* check Barnes-Hut opening criterion */
if(nop->len * nop->len > r2 * All.ErrTolTheta * All.ErrTolTheta)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
else /* check relative opening criterion */
if(mass * nop->len * nop->len > r2 * r2 * aold)
/* open cell */
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(fabs(nop->center[0] - pos_x) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[1] - pos_y) < 0.60 * nop->len)
if(fabs(nop->center[2] - pos_z) < 0.60 * nop->len)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
maxsofttype = (nop->u.d.bitflags >> 2) & 7;
if(maxsofttype == 7) /* may only occur for zero mass top-level nodes */
if(mass > 0)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(h < All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype])
h = All.ForceSoftening[maxsofttype];
if(r2 < h * h)
/* bit-5 signals that there are particles of
* different softening in the node
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags >> 5) & 1))
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
if(ptype == 0)
h = soft;
h = All.ForceSoftening[ptype];
if(h < nop->maxsoft)
h = nop->maxsoft;
if(r2 < h * h)
no = nop->u.d.nextnode;
no = nop->u.d.sibling; /* node can be used */
if(mode == 1)
if(((nop->u.d.bitflags) & 1)) /* Bit 0 signals that this node belongs to top-level tree */
r = sqrt(r2);
tabindex = (int) (r * asmthfac);
if(tabindex < NTAB)
fac = shortrange_table_potential[tabindex];
if(r >= h)
pot -= fac * mass / r;
h_inv = 1.0 / h;
u = r * h_inv;
if(u < 0.5)
wp = -2.8 + u * u * (5.333333333333 + u * u * (6.4 * u - 9.6));
wp =
-3.2 + 0.066666666667 / u + u * u * (10.666666666667 +
u * (-16.0 + u * (9.6 - 2.133333333333 * u)));
pot += fac * mass * h_inv * wp;
/* store result at the proper place */
if(mode == 0)
P[target].Potential = pot;
GravDataResult[target].u.Potential = pot;
/*! This function allocates the memory used for storage of the tree and of
* auxiliary arrays needed for tree-walk and link-lists. Usually,
* maxnodes approximately equal to 0.7*maxpart is sufficient to store the
* tree for up to maxpart particles.
void force_treeallocate(int maxnodes, int maxpart)
int i;
size_t bytes;
double allbytes = 0;
double u;
MaxNodes = maxnodes;
if(!(Nodes_base = malloc(bytes = (MaxNodes + 1) * sizeof(struct NODE))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for %d tree-nodes (%g MB).\n", MaxNodes, bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
allbytes += bytes;
if(!(Extnodes_base = malloc(bytes = (MaxNodes + 1) * sizeof(struct extNODE))))
printf("failed to allocate memory for %d tree-extnodes (%g MB).\n", MaxNodes,
bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
allbytes += bytes;
Nodes = Nodes_base - All.MaxPart;
Extnodes = Extnodes_base - All.MaxPart;
if(!(Nextnode = malloc(bytes = (maxpart + MAXTOPNODES) * sizeof(int))))
printf("Failed to allocate %d spaces for 'Nextnode' array (%g MB)\n", maxpart + MAXTOPNODES,
bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
allbytes += bytes;
if(!(Father = malloc(bytes = (maxpart) * sizeof(int))))
printf("Failed to allocate %d spaces for 'Father' array (%g MB)\n", maxpart, bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
allbytes += bytes;
if(first_flag == 0)
first_flag = 1;
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("\nAllocated %g MByte for BH-tree. %d\n\n", allbytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0),
sizeof(struct NODE) + sizeof(struct extNODE));
tabfac = NTAB / 3.0;
for(i = 0; i < NTAB; i++)
u = 3.0 / NTAB * (i + 0.5);
shortrange_table[i] = erfc(u) + 2.0 * u / sqrt(M_PI) * exp(-u * u);
shortrange_table_potential[i] = erfc(u);
/*! This function frees the memory allocated for the tree, i.e. it frees
* the space allocated by the function force_treeallocate().
void force_treefree(void)
/*! This function does the force computation with direct summation for the
* specified particle in the communication buffer. This can be useful for
* debugging purposes, in particular for explicit checks of the force
* accuracy.
int force_treeevaluate_direct(int target, int mode)
double epsilon;
double h, h_inv, dx, dy, dz, r, r2, u, r_inv, fac;
int i, ptype;
double pos_x, pos_y, pos_z;
double acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;
double fcorr[3];
double boxsize, boxhalf;
boxsize = All.BoxSize;
boxhalf = 0.5 * All.BoxSize;
acc_x = 0;
acc_y = 0;
acc_z = 0;
if(mode == 0)
pos_x = P[target].Pos[0];
pos_y = P[target].Pos[1];
pos_z = P[target].Pos[2];
ptype = P[target].Type;
pos_x = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[0];
pos_y = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[1];
pos_z = GravDataGet[target].u.Pos[2];
ptype = GravDataGet[target].Type;
ptype = P[0].Type;
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
epsilon = dmax(All.ForceSoftening[P[i].Type], All.ForceSoftening[ptype]);
h = epsilon;
h_inv = 1 / h;
dx = P[i].Pos[0] - pos_x;
dy = P[i].Pos[1] - pos_y;
dz = P[i].Pos[2] - pos_z;
while(dx > boxhalf)
dx -= boxsize;
while(dy > boxhalf)
dy -= boxsize;
while(dz > boxhalf)
dz -= boxsize;
while(dx < -boxhalf)
dx += boxsize;
while(dy < -boxhalf)
dy += boxsize;
while(dz < -boxhalf)
dz += boxsize;
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
r = sqrt(r2);
u = r * h_inv;
if(u >= 1)
r_inv = 1 / r;
fac = P[i].Mass * r_inv * r_inv * r_inv;
if(u < 0.5)
fac = P[i].Mass * h_inv * h_inv * h_inv * (10.666666666667 + u * u * (32.0 * u - 38.4));
fac =
P[i].Mass * h_inv * h_inv * h_inv * (21.333333333333 -
48.0 * u + 38.4 * u * u -
10.666666666667 * u * u *
u - 0.066666666667 / (u * u * u));
acc_x += dx * fac;
acc_y += dy * fac;
acc_z += dz * fac;
if(u > 1.0e-5)
ewald_corr(dx, dy, dz, fcorr);
acc_x += P[i].Mass * fcorr[0];
acc_y += P[i].Mass * fcorr[1];
acc_z += P[i].Mass * fcorr[2];
if(mode == 0)
P[target].GravAccelDirect[0] = acc_x;
P[target].GravAccelDirect[1] = acc_y;
P[target].GravAccelDirect[2] = acc_z;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[0] = acc_x;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[1] = acc_y;
GravDataResult[target].u.Acc[2] = acc_z;
return NumPart;
/*! This function dumps some of the basic particle data to a file. In case
* the tree construction fails, it is called just before the run
* terminates with an error message. Examination of the generated file may
* then give clues to what caused the problem.
void dump_particles(void)
FILE *fd;
char buffer[200];
int i;
sprintf(buffer, "particles%d.dat", ThisTask);
fd = fopen(buffer, "w");
my_fwrite(&NumPart, 1, sizeof(int), fd);
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
my_fwrite(&P[i].Pos[0], 3, sizeof(FLOAT), fd);
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
my_fwrite(&P[i].Vel[0], 3, sizeof(FLOAT), fd);
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
my_fwrite(&P[i].ID, 1, sizeof(int), fd);
/*! This function initializes tables with the correction force and the
* correction potential due to the periodic images of a point mass located
* at the origin. These corrections are obtained by Ewald summation. (See
* Hernquist, Bouchet, Suto, ApJS, 1991, 75, 231) The correction fields
* are used to obtain the full periodic force if periodic boundaries
* combined with the pure tree algorithm are used. For the TreePM
* algorithm, the Ewald correction is not used.
* The correction fields are stored on disk once they are computed. If a
* corresponding file is found, they are loaded from disk to speed up the
* initialization. The Ewald summation is done in parallel, i.e. the
* processors share the work to compute the tables if needed.
void ewald_init(void)
int i, j, k, beg, len, size, n, task, count;
double x[3], force[3];
char buf[200];
FILE *fd;
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("initialize Ewald correction...\n");
sprintf(buf, "ewald_spc_table_%d_dbl.dat", EN);
sprintf(buf, "ewald_spc_table_%d.dat", EN);
/* the master check if the file exists */
int is_ewald_file=0;
if(ThisTask == 0)
if((fd = fopen(buf, "r")))
printf("\n(%d) reading Ewald tables from file `%s'\n", ThisTask,buf);
my_fread(&fcorrx[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fread(&fcorry[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fread(&fcorrz[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fread(&potcorr[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
MPI_Bcast(&is_ewald_file, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (is_ewald_file)
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrx[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorry[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrz[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&potcorr[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrx[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorry[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrz[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&potcorr[0][0][0], (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if((fd = fopen(buf, "r")))
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("\nreading Ewald tables from file `%s'\n", buf);
my_fread(&fcorrx[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fread(&fcorry[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fread(&fcorrz[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fread(&potcorr[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("\nNo Ewald tables in file `%s' found.\nRecomputing them...\n", buf);
/* ok, let's recompute things. Actually, we do that in parallel. */
size = (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) / NTask;
beg = ThisTask * size;
len = size;
if(ThisTask == (NTask - 1))
len = (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) - beg;
for(i = 0, count = 0; i <= EN; i++)
for(j = 0; j <= EN; j++)
for(k = 0; k <= EN; k++)
n = (i * (EN + 1) + j) * (EN + 1) + k;
if(n >= beg && n < (beg + len))
if(ThisTask == 0)
if((count % (len / 20)) == 0)
printf("%4.1f percent done\n", count / (len / 100.0));
x[0] = 0.5 * ((double) i) / EN;
x[1] = 0.5 * ((double) j) / EN;
x[2] = 0.5 * ((double) k) / EN;
ewald_force(i, j, k, x, force);
fcorrx[i][j][k] = force[0];
fcorry[i][j][k] = force[1];
fcorrz[i][j][k] = force[2];
if(i + j + k == 0)
potcorr[i][j][k] = 2.8372975;
potcorr[i][j][k] = ewald_psi(x);
for(task = 0; task < NTask; task++)
beg = task * size;
len = size;
if(task == (NTask - 1))
len = (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) - beg;
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrx[0][0][beg], len, MPI_DOUBLE, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorry[0][0][beg], len, MPI_DOUBLE, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrz[0][0][beg], len, MPI_DOUBLE, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&potcorr[0][0][beg], len, MPI_DOUBLE, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrx[0][0][beg], len, MPI_FLOAT, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorry[0][0][beg], len, MPI_FLOAT, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&fcorrz[0][0][beg], len, MPI_FLOAT, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&potcorr[0][0][beg], len, MPI_FLOAT, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("\nwriting Ewald tables to file `%s'\n", buf);
if((fd = fopen(buf, "w")))
my_fwrite(&fcorrx[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fwrite(&fcorry[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fwrite(&fcorrz[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
my_fwrite(&potcorr[0][0][0], sizeof(FLOAT), (EN + 1) * (EN + 1) * (EN + 1), fd);
fac_intp = 2 * EN / All.BoxSize;
for(i = 0; i <= EN; i++)
for(j = 0; j <= EN; j++)
for(k = 0; k <= EN; k++)
potcorr[i][j][k] /= All.BoxSize;
fcorrx[i][j][k] /= All.BoxSize * All.BoxSize;
fcorry[i][j][k] /= All.BoxSize * All.BoxSize;
fcorrz[i][j][k] /= All.BoxSize * All.BoxSize;
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("initialization of periodic boundaries finished.\n");
/*! This function looks up the correction force due to the infinite number
* of periodic particle/node images. We here use trilinear interpolation
* to get it from the precomputed tables, which contain one octant
* around the target particle at the origin. The other octants are
* obtained from it by exploiting the symmetry properties.
void ewald_corr(double dx, double dy, double dz, double *fper)
int signx, signy, signz;
int i, j, k;
double u, v, w;
double f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8;
if(dx < 0)
dx = -dx;
signx = +1;
signx = -1;
if(dy < 0)
dy = -dy;
signy = +1;
signy = -1;
if(dz < 0)
dz = -dz;
signz = +1;
signz = -1;
u = dx * fac_intp;
i = (int) u;
if(i >= EN)
i = EN - 1;
u -= i;
v = dy * fac_intp;
j = (int) v;
if(j >= EN)
j = EN - 1;
v -= j;
w = dz * fac_intp;
k = (int) w;
if(k >= EN)
k = EN - 1;
w -= k;
f1 = (1 - u) * (1 - v) * (1 - w);
f2 = (1 - u) * (1 - v) * (w);
f3 = (1 - u) * (v) * (1 - w);
f4 = (1 - u) * (v) * (w);
f5 = (u) * (1 - v) * (1 - w);
f6 = (u) * (1 - v) * (w);
f7 = (u) * (v) * (1 - w);
f8 = (u) * (v) * (w);
fper[0] = signx * (fcorrx[i][j][k] * f1 +
fcorrx[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
fcorrx[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
fcorrx[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
fcorrx[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
fcorrx[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 +
fcorrx[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + fcorrx[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8);
fper[1] = signy * (fcorry[i][j][k] * f1 +
fcorry[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
fcorry[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
fcorry[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
fcorry[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
fcorry[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 +
fcorry[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + fcorry[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8);
fper[2] = signz * (fcorrz[i][j][k] * f1 +
fcorrz[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
fcorrz[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
fcorrz[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
fcorrz[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
fcorrz[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 +
fcorrz[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + fcorrz[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8);
/*! This function looks up the correction potential due to the infinite
* number of periodic particle/node images. We here use tri-linear
* interpolation to get it from the precomputed table, which contains
* one octant around the target particle at the origin. The other
* octants are obtained from it by exploiting symmetry properties.
double ewald_pot_corr(double dx, double dy, double dz)
int i, j, k;
double u, v, w;
double f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8;
if(dx < 0)
dx = -dx;
if(dy < 0)
dy = -dy;
if(dz < 0)
dz = -dz;
u = dx * fac_intp;
i = (int) u;
if(i >= EN)
i = EN - 1;
u -= i;
v = dy * fac_intp;
j = (int) v;
if(j >= EN)
j = EN - 1;
v -= j;
w = dz * fac_intp;
k = (int) w;
if(k >= EN)
k = EN - 1;
w -= k;
f1 = (1 - u) * (1 - v) * (1 - w);
f2 = (1 - u) * (1 - v) * (w);
f3 = (1 - u) * (v) * (1 - w);
f4 = (1 - u) * (v) * (w);
f5 = (u) * (1 - v) * (1 - w);
f6 = (u) * (1 - v) * (w);
f7 = (u) * (v) * (1 - w);
f8 = (u) * (v) * (w);
return potcorr[i][j][k] * f1 +
potcorr[i][j][k + 1] * f2 +
potcorr[i][j + 1][k] * f3 +
potcorr[i][j + 1][k + 1] * f4 +
potcorr[i + 1][j][k] * f5 +
potcorr[i + 1][j][k + 1] * f6 + potcorr[i + 1][j + 1][k] * f7 + potcorr[i + 1][j + 1][k + 1] * f8;
/*! This function computes the potential correction term by means of Ewald
* summation.
double ewald_psi(double x[3])
double alpha, psi;
double r, sum1, sum2, hdotx;
double dx[3];
int i, n[3], h[3], h2;
alpha = 2.0;
for(n[0] = -4, sum1 = 0; n[0] <= 4; n[0]++)
for(n[1] = -4; n[1] <= 4; n[1]++)
for(n[2] = -4; n[2] <= 4; n[2]++)
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
dx[i] = x[i] - n[i];
r = sqrt(dx[0] * dx[0] + dx[1] * dx[1] + dx[2] * dx[2]);
sum1 += erfc(alpha * r) / r;
for(h[0] = -4, sum2 = 0; h[0] <= 4; h[0]++)
for(h[1] = -4; h[1] <= 4; h[1]++)
for(h[2] = -4; h[2] <= 4; h[2]++)
hdotx = x[0] * h[0] + x[1] * h[1] + x[2] * h[2];
h2 = h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1] + h[2] * h[2];
if(h2 > 0)
sum2 += 1 / (M_PI * h2) * exp(-M_PI * M_PI * h2 / (alpha * alpha)) * cos(2 * M_PI * hdotx);
r = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
psi = M_PI / (alpha * alpha) - sum1 - sum2 + 1 / r;
return psi;
/*! This function computes the force correction term (difference between full
* force of infinite lattice and nearest image) by Ewald summation.
void ewald_force(int iii, int jjj, int kkk, double x[3], double force[3])
double alpha, r2;
double r, val, hdotx, dx[3];
int i, h[3], n[3], h2;
alpha = 2.0;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
force[i] = 0;
if(iii == 0 && jjj == 0 && kkk == 0)
r2 = x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2];
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
force[i] += x[i] / (r2 * sqrt(r2));
for(n[0] = -4; n[0] <= 4; n[0]++)
for(n[1] = -4; n[1] <= 4; n[1]++)
for(n[2] = -4; n[2] <= 4; n[2]++)
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
dx[i] = x[i] - n[i];
r = sqrt(dx[0] * dx[0] + dx[1] * dx[1] + dx[2] * dx[2]);
val = erfc(alpha * r) + 2 * alpha * r / sqrt(M_PI) * exp(-alpha * alpha * r * r);
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
force[i] -= dx[i] / (r * r * r) * val;
for(h[0] = -4; h[0] <= 4; h[0]++)
for(h[1] = -4; h[1] <= 4; h[1]++)
for(h[2] = -4; h[2] <= 4; h[2]++)
hdotx = x[0] * h[0] + x[1] * h[1] + x[2] * h[2];
h2 = h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1] + h[2] * h[2];
if(h2 > 0)
val = 2.0 / ((double) h2) * exp(-M_PI * M_PI * h2 / (alpha * alpha)) * sin(2 * M_PI * hdotx);
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
force[i] -= h[i] * val;

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