Class allowing the saving of all the variables to define the system we want to solve. In fact, it takes as input variable (integer or double)\+: Timestep, Dimension, Order, Number\+Steps, Write\+Output\+Timestep. Moreover, \doxyref{Input}{p.}{class_input} object needs 3 matrix to define the system \+: Initial\+Condition\+Matrix, Coefficient\+Matrix, Function\+Matrix. Matrix are defined to be vector of vector of double. \doxyref{Input}{p.}{class_input} variables are given to the input class by the constructor. The other methods are getter allowing the access to theses private attributes.
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Constructor allowing the definition of the system we want to solve. In this class, the three input matrix were hardcode with the order of the system. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
\textbf{ Input} (double time\+\_\+step, int dimension, int order, int number\+\_\+steps, int write\+\_\+output\+\_\+timestep, const vector$<$ vector$<$ double $>$$>$ \&initial\+\_\+condition\+\_\+matrix, const vector$<$ vector$<$ double $>$$>$ \&changing\+\_\+matrix, const vector$<$ vector$<$ double $>$$>$ \&past\+\_\+step\+\_\+matrix)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Constructor of the class allowing the definition of the system. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
int \textbf{ Ask\+Number\+To\+User} ()
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Method allowing the asking of a number to the user. The user will enter this input number thank to the keyboard. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Destructor allowing the liberation of memory. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection{Detailed Description}
Class allowing the saving of all the variables to define the system we want to solve. In fact, it takes as input variable (integer or double)\+: Timestep, Dimension, Order, Number\+Steps, Write\+Output\+Timestep. Moreover, \doxyref{Input}{p.}{class_input} object needs 3 matrix to define the system \+: Initial\+Condition\+Matrix, Coefficient\+Matrix, Function\+Matrix. Matrix are defined to be vector of vector of double. \doxyref{Input}{p.}{class_input} variables are given to the input class by the constructor. The other methods are getter allowing the access to theses private attributes.
Constructor of the class allowing the definition of the system.
{\em time\+\_\+step} & \+: Double representing the time step we will use in the O\+DE solver. \\
{\em dimension} & \+: Integer representing the dimension of the system. \\
{\em order} & \+: Integer representing the order of the system. \\
{\em number\+\_\+steps} & \+: Integer representing the overall number of steps we will do to solve the system. \\
{\em write\+\_\+output\+\_\+timestep} & \+: Integer representing the steps when we write the solutions \\
{\em initial\+\_\+condition\+\_\+matrix} & \+: Matrix (which is a vector of vector of double) representing the initial conditions of the system. \\
{\em coefficient\+\_\+matrix} & \+: Matrix (which is a vector of vector of double) containing the value of the function defining the system for all the step we want to compute. \\
{\em function\+\_\+matrix} & \+: Matrix (which is a vector of vector of double) allowing the definition of the R\+HS of the O\+DE. \\