function myH=show_FSmesh(hemi,meshType,varargin) % SHOW_FSMESH show a freesurfer 3-dimensional hemisphere mesh % % IN: % hemi - a char array containing 'l','r', or 'lr', indicating which hemi- % sphere to display % meshtype - a char array containing mesh type ('white') % 'faceColor': ColorSpec - colour for the faces of the brain mesh % triangles % 'faceAlpha': scalar between 0 and 1 - alpha transparency value to % use for brain mesh triangles (0: fully transparent, 1: fully % opaque) % 'edgeColor': ColorSpec - colour for the edges of the brain mesh % triangles % 'edgeAlpha': scalar between 0 and 1 - alpha transparency value to % use for brain mesh triangle edges (0: fully transparent, 1: fully % opaque) % 'reducePatchVal': scalar, fraction of patches to keep - increasing % from the default value may crash Matlab due to a bug in Matlab. % OUT: % myH: a vector of handles to patch objects % % v1.0 Nov 2009 Jonas Richiardi % - inital release based on read_surf/trisurf snippet by Markus Gschwind % v1.1 2009 Dec 10 Jonas Richiardi % - code clean up % - fix for alpha values crashing in 2-hemispheres display (known bug % 484445): use subdivision algorithm to "downsample" Delaunay triangulation % This is a better solution in this case than those suggested in % % v1.2 2010 Jul Jonas Richiardi % - fix a bug due to reducepatch does not setting CData and FaceVertexCData % after reducing the vertex and face count (despite the doc saying it does % not set the Faces and Vertices properties). Now CData and FaceVertexCData % are in sync. [createFigure,FaceColor,EdgeColor,FaceAlpha,EdgeAlpha,useConvexHull,... reducePatchVal]=process_options(varargin,... 'createFigure',true,'FaceColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8],'EdgeColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],... 'FaceAlpha',0.2,'EdgeAlpha',0.05,'useConvexHull',false,'reducePatchVal',... 0.015); %% sanity check hemiSupported={'l','r','lr'}; meshTypeSupported={'white'}; if all(cellfun('isempty',strfind(hemiSupported,hemi))) error(['Unsupported hemi type: ' hemi]); end if all(cellfun('isempty',strfind(meshTypeSupported,meshType))) error(['Unsupported mesh type: ' meshType]); end %% setup host-specific options and paths % location=whereAmIRunning; % if strcmp(location,'jmac') % % set root path to FreeSurfer application % FSROOTPATH='/Users/TiBiUan/Desktop/freesurfer/'; % %FSROOTPATH='/Applications/freesurfer/'; % else % error('Please modify whereAmIRunning.m for your own settings'); % end % % generate path where to find the surface mesh files % FSSURFPATH=fullfile(FSROOTPATH,'subjects','fsaverage','surf'); % % if exist('read_surf')~=2 % addpath(fullfile(FSROOTPATH,'matlab')); % end if (createFigure==true) figure; end hold on; %% load surfaces % surfaces are encoded by Delaunay triangulation (region-adjacency graph % of Voronoi tesselation - Delaunay graph is the dual of the Voronoi % diagram (Okabe et al 200)) % faces is the m x 3 triangulation matrix - the set of simplices (triangle) % that make the triangulation. Each row (in simplex-vertex format) encodes % the three vertices a triangular face via indexing into a matrix containing % the 3D space location of vertices % e.g. 1 4 2 says that this triangles is made up of vertices 1, 4, and 2, % whose 3D spatial locations are found in the vertices matrix. myH=zeros(numel(hemi),1); for h=1:numel(hemi) if strcmp(hemi(h),'r') f_surf=['rh.' meshType]; elseif strcmp(hemi(h),'l') f_surf=['lh.' meshType]; else error('Wrong hemi specification. How on earth did you trigger this code path?'); end % read surface using freesurfer function % note we could access matlab functionality for the TriRep class via % trirep(faces+,vertices(:,1)... etc) [vertices,faces]=read_surf(fullfile(pwd,f_surf)); vertices=single(vertices); % save memory nVertices = size(vertices,1); if (useConvexHull==true) disp('Computing convex hull...'); myConvHull = convhulln(double(vertices)); myH(h)=trisurf(myConvHull+1,vertices(:,1),vertices(:,2),vertices(:,3),... 'FaceColor',FaceColor,'EdgeColor',EdgeColor); %disp('Doing mesh subdivision...'); %reducepatch(myH(h),0.05); else % plot Delaunay triangulated mesh myH(h)=trisurf(faces+1,vertices(:,1),vertices(:,2),vertices(:,3),... ones(nVertices,1),'FaceColor',FaceColor,'EdgeColor',EdgeColor); % do subdivision to reduce number of faces % another solution would be to set(gca,'DrawMode','Fast'); as per % 484445 bug report %disp('Doing mesh subdivision...'); reducepatch(myH(h),reducePatchVal); % higher may cause crash, still too many faces % CData and FaceVertexCData are now desynchronised, so fix them % manually nf=get(myH(h),'Faces'); nv=get(myH(h),'Vertices'); % 1) fix CData to be 3xsize(Faces,1), all ones or actually FaceColor set(myH(h),'CData',repmat(FaceColor,3,size(nf,1))); % 2) fix FaceVertexCData to be nVertices x 1 set(myH(h),'FaceVertexCData',repmat(FaceColor,size(nv,1),1)); end xlabel('left-right'); ylabel('posterior-anterior'); zlabel('ventral-dorsal'); clear vertices faces; if (h==1) axis equal; view(0,90); end end %set(gca,'DrawMode','Fast'); % set transparency now, with reduced number of faces (does not crash) for h=1:numel(hemi) set(myH(h),'EdgeAlpha',EdgeAlpha,'FaceAlpha',FaceAlpha,... 'DiffuseStrength',1,'SpecularStrength',0); end