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# Enable interactive backend for matplotlib
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'widget')
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
from ipywidgets import HBox, VBox, Label, Layout
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import IFrame
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats, display, Math, Markdown, Latex, HTML
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as pat'seaborn-whitegrid') # global style for plotting
class SuspendedObjectLab:
This class embeds all the necessary code to create a virtual lab to study the static equilibrium of an object suspended on a clothesline with a counterweight.
def __init__(self, m_object = 3, distance = 5, height = 1, x_origin = 0, y_origin = 0):
Initiates and displays the virtual lab on suspended objects.
:m_object: mass of the suspended object
:distance: horizontal distance between the two poles
:height: height of the poles (same height for both)
:x_origin: x coordinate of the bottom of the left pole (origin of the coordinate system)
:y_origin: y coordinate of the bottom of the left pole (origin of the coordinate system)
###--- Static parameters of the situation
self.m_object = m_object # mass of the wet object, in kg
self.distance = distance # distance between the poles, in m
self.height = height # height of the poles, in m
self.x_origin = x_origin # x coordinate of point of origin of the figure = x position of the left pole, in m
self.y_origin = y_origin # y coordinate of point of origin of the figure = y position of the lower point (ground), in m
###--- Then we define the elements of the ihm:
# parameters for sliders
self.m_counterweight_min = 0.0
self.m_counterweight_max = 100.0
self.m_counterweight = self.m_counterweight_min # initial mass of the counterweight (0 by default, no counterweight at the beginning)
# IHM input elements
self.m_counterweight_label = Label('Mass of the counterweight ($kg$):', layout=Layout(margin='15px 5px 15px 0px'))
self.m_counterweight_widget = widgets.FloatSlider(min=self.m_counterweight_min,max=self.m_counterweight_max,step=0.5,value=self.m_counterweight, layout=Layout(margin='15px 0px'))
self.m_counterweight_input = HBox([self.m_counterweight_label, self.m_counterweight_widget])
# IHM output elements
self.quiz_output = widgets.Output()
# Linking widgets to handlers
self.m_counterweight_widget.observe(self.m_counterweight_event_handler, names='value')
###--- Compute variables dependent with the counterweight selected by the user
alpha = self.get_angle(self.m_counterweight)
alpha_degrees = alpha*180/np.pi
alpha_text = r'$\alpha$ = {:.2f} $^\circ$'.format(alpha_degrees)
coord_object = self.get_object_coords(alpha)
height_text = r'h = {:.2f} $m$'.format(coord_object[1])
###--- Create the figure
#plt.ioff() # deactivate interactive mode until we actually decide to show it
#plt.clf() # clear any previously drawn figure
# Create the figure and subplots in it
self.fig = plt.figure(num='Suspended Object Lab', constrained_layout=False, figsize=(10,4)) # hack for interactive backend: num is the title which appears above the canvas
gs = self.fig.add_gridspec(ncols=7, nrows=1, wspace=0.5, hspace=0, right=0.95, top=0.9, left=0.05, bottom=0.1)
ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :3])
ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 3:5], sharey = ax1)
ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 5:7], sharex = ax2)
# Deactivate toolbar (hack for interactive backend)
self.fig.canvas.toolbar_visible = False
# Deactivate coordinate formatter (hack for interactive backend)
ax1.format_coord = lambda x, y: ''
ax2.format_coord = lambda x, y: ''
ax3.format_coord = lambda x, y: ''
# Adjust canvas size so that quiz below is visible (hack for interactive backend)
# self.fig.set_size_inches([10,4], forward = True)
###--- First display the clothesline
ax1.set_title('Suspended object ({} kg)'.format(self.m_object))
# Fix graph to problem boundaries
ymargin = .06
xmargin = .4
ax1.set_ylim(bottom = self.y_origin - ymargin) # limit bottom of y axis to ground
ax1.set_ylim(top = self.y_origin + self.height + ymargin) # limit top of y axis to values just above height
# Customize graph style so that it doesn't look like a graph
ax1.grid(False) # hide the grid
ax1.set_ylabel("Height ($m$)") # add a label on the y axis
ax1.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # hide x axis
ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # hide the frame
# Draw the poles
x_pole1 = np.array([self.x_origin, self.x_origin])
y_pole1 = np.array([self.y_origin, self.y_origin+self.height])
ax1.plot(x_pole1, y_pole1, "k-", linewidth=7, zorder=1)
x_pole2 = np.array([self.x_origin+self.distance, self.x_origin+self.distance])
y_pole2 = np.array([self.y_origin, self.y_origin+self.height])
ax1.plot(x_pole2, y_pole2, "k-", linewidth=7, zorder=1)
# Draw the ground
ax1.axhline(y=self.y_origin, color='black', linewidth=1, zorder=2)
ax1.add_patch(pat.Polygon([[self.x_origin-xmargin, self.y_origin], [self.x_origin+self.distance+xmargin, self.y_origin], [self.x_origin+self.distance+xmargin, self.y_origin-ymargin], [self.x_origin-xmargin, self.y_origin-ymargin]], closed=True, fill="white", facecolor="white", edgecolor="gray", hatch='///', linewidth=0.0, zorder=2))
# Draw the horizon line
ax1.axhline(y=self.y_origin+self.height, color='gray', linestyle='-.', linewidth=1, zorder=1)
# -DYN- Draw the hanging cable
x = np.array([self.x_origin, coord_object[0], self.x_origin+self.distance])
y = np.array([self.y_origin+self.height, coord_object[1], self.y_origin+self.height])
self.cable, = ax1.plot(x, y, linewidth=2, linestyle = "-", color="black")
# -DYN- Draw the angle between the hanging cable and horizonline
ellipse_radius = 0.2
fig_ratio = self.height / self.distance
self.cable_angle = pat.Arc(xy = (self.x_origin, self.y_origin+self.height), width = ellipse_radius/fig_ratio, height = ellipse_radius, theta1 = -1*alpha_degrees, theta2 = 0, color="gray", linestyle='-.')
self.cable_angle_text = ax1.annotate(alpha_text, xy=(self.x_origin, self.y_origin+self.height), xytext=(30, -15), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor = "white", edgecolor = "white", alpha = 0.8))
# -DYN- Draw the point at which the object is suspended
self.cable_point = ax1.scatter(coord_object[0], coord_object[1], s=80, c="black", zorder=15)
self.cable_point_text = ax1.annotate(height_text, xy=(coord_object[0], coord_object[1]), xytext=(10, -10), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor = "white", edgecolor = "white", alpha = 0.8))
# -DYN- Draw the force vectors
# Parameters for drawing forces
self.gravity = 9.81
self.force_scaling = .01
# Weight
Fy = self.m_object*self.gravity*self.force_scaling
self.cable_weight = ax1.quiver(coord_object[0], coord_object[1], 0, -Fy, color='blue', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, zorder=12, width=0.007)
self.cable_weight_text = ax1.annotate(r'$\vec{F}$', xy=(coord_object[0], coord_object[1]), xytext=(10, -55), textcoords='offset points', color='blue')
# Tension
Tx = ((self.m_object*self.gravity) / (2*np.tan(alpha)))*self.force_scaling
Ty = .5*self.m_object*self.gravity*self.force_scaling
self.cable_tension_right = ax1.quiver(coord_object[0], coord_object[1], Tx, Ty, color='red', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, zorder=12, width=0.007, linewidth=1)
self.cable_tension_right_text = ax1.annotate(r'$\vec{T}$', xy=(coord_object[0], coord_object[1]), xytext=(40, 5), textcoords='offset points', color='red')
self.cable_tension_left = ax1.quiver(coord_object[0], coord_object[1], -Tx, Ty, color='red', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, zorder=12, width=0.007, linewidth=1)
self.cable_tension_left_text = ax1.annotate(r'$\vec{T}$', xy=(coord_object[0], coord_object[1]), xytext=(-45, 5), textcoords='offset points', color='red')
self.cable_tension_sum = ax1.quiver(coord_object[0], coord_object[1], 0, Fy, color='red', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, zorder=12, width=0.007, facecolor="none", edgecolor="red", hatch="/"*8, linewidth=0.0)
self.cable_tension_sum_text = ax1.annotate(r'$\vec{T_r}$', xy=(coord_object[0], coord_object[1]), xytext=(10, 45), textcoords='offset points', color='red')
###--- Then display the angle and the height as functions from the mass of the counterweight
# Create all possible values of the mass of the counterweight
m_cw = np.linspace(self.m_counterweight_min, self.m_counterweight_max, 100)
# Compute the angle (in degrees) and height for all these values
angle = []
height = []
for m in m_cw:
a = self.get_angle(m)
c = self.get_object_coords(a)
# Display the functions on the graphs
ax2.set_title(r'Height ($m$)')
ax2.set_xlabel('Mass of the counterweight (kg)')
ax2.plot(m_cw, height, "green")
ax3.set_title(r'Angle $\alpha$ ($^\circ$)')
ax3.set_xlabel('Mass of the counterweight (kg)')
ax3.plot(m_cw, angle, "green")
# Draw the horizon lines
ax2.axhline(y=self.y_origin+self.height, color='gray', linestyle='-.', linewidth=1, zorder=1)
ax3.axhline(y=self.y_origin, color='gray', linestyle='-.', linewidth=1, zorder=1)
# -DYN- Add the current height from the counterweight selected by the user
self.graph_height_point = ax2.scatter(self.m_counterweight, coord_object[1], s=80, c="black", zorder=15)
self.graph_height_text = ax2.annotate(height_text, xy=(self.m_counterweight, coord_object[1]), xytext=(10, -10), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor = "white", edgecolor = "white", alpha = 0.8))
# -DYN- Add the current angle from the counterweight selected by the user
self.graph_angle_point = ax3.scatter(self.m_counterweight, alpha_degrees, s=80, c="black", zorder=15)
self.graph_angle_text = ax3.annotate(alpha_text, xy=(self.m_counterweight, alpha_degrees), xytext=(10, 5), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor = "white", edgecolor = "white", alpha = 0.8))
###--- Display the whole interface
#display(VBox([self.fig.canvas, self.m_counterweight_input]))
# Hack: (brutal and not great, executes only once) hide the toolbar and the top and bottom part of figure using javascript and jquery
js = """<script src = '' type = 'text/javascript'></script>
$('.jupyter-matplotlib-figure').children('.jupyter-widgets.widget-label').css('display', 'none');
$('.jupyter-matplotlib-toolbar').css('display', 'none');
# Utility functions
def get_angle(self, m_counterweight):
Computes the angle that the cable makes with the horizon depending on the counterweight chosen:
- if the counterweight is sufficient: angle = arcsin(1/2 * m_object / m_counterweight)
- else (object on the ground): alpha = arctan(height / (distance / 2))
:m_counterweight: mass of the chosen counterweight
:returns: angle that the cable makes with the horizon (in rad)
# Default alpha value i.e. object is on the ground
alpha_default = np.arctan(self.height / (self.distance / 2))
alpha = alpha_default
# Let's check that there is actually a counterweight
if m_counterweight > 0:
# Then we compute the ratio of masses
ratio = 0.5 * self.m_object / m_counterweight
# Check that the ratio of masses is in the domain of validity of arcsin ([-1;1])
if abs(ratio) < 1:
alpha = np.arcsin(ratio)
return min(alpha_default, alpha)
def get_object_coords(self, angle):
Computes the position of the object on the cable taking into account the angle determined by the counterweight and the dimensions of the hanging system.
By default:
- the object is supposed to be suspended exactly in the middle of the cable
- the object is on considered the ground for all values of the angle
:angle: angle that the cable makes with the horizon
:returns: coordinates of the point at which the object are hanged
# the jean is midway between the poles
x_object = self.x_origin + 0.5 * self.distance
# default y value: the jean is on the ground
y_object = self.y_origin
# we check that the angle is comprised between horizontal (greater than 0) and vertical (smaller than pi/2)
if angle > 0 and angle < (np.pi / 2):
# we compute the delta between the horizon and the point given by the angle
delta = (0.5 * self.distance * np.tan(angle))
# we check that the delta is smaller than the height of the poles (otherwise it just means the jean is on the ground)
if delta <= self.height:
y_object = self.y_origin + self.height - delta
return [x_object, y_object]
# Event handler
def m_counterweight_event_handler(self, change):
self.m_counterweight =
# Compute new values with the counterweight selected by the user
alpha = self.get_angle(self.m_counterweight)
alpha_degrees = alpha*180/np.pi
alpha_text = r'$\alpha$ = {:.2f} $^\circ$'.format(alpha_degrees)
coord_object = self.get_object_coords(alpha)
height_text = r'h = {:.2f} $m$'.format(coord_object[1])
### Update the clothesline figure
# Update of the cable line
x = np.array([self.x_origin, coord_object[0], self.x_origin+self.distance])
y = np.array([self.y_origin+self.height, coord_object[1], self.y_origin+self.height])
# Update of the point
self.cable_point_text.xy = (coord_object[0], coord_object[1])
# Update of the angle
self.cable_angle.theta1 = -1*alpha_degrees
# Update the weight position (direction does not change)
self.cable_weight_text.xy = (coord_object[0], coord_object[1])
# Update the tension position and directions
Tx = ((self.m_object*self.gravity) / (2*np.tan(alpha)))*self.force_scaling
Ty = .5*self.m_object*self.gravity*self.force_scaling
self.cable_tension_right.set_UVC(Tx, Ty)
self.cable_tension_right_text.xy = (coord_object[0], coord_object[1])
self.cable_tension_left.set_UVC(-Tx, Ty)
self.cable_tension_left_text.xy = (coord_object[0], coord_object[1])
self.cable_tension_sum_text.xy = (coord_object[0], coord_object[1])
### Update the other two graphs
# Update point of angle
self.graph_angle_point.set_offsets([self.m_counterweight, alpha_degrees])
self.graph_angle_text.xy = (self.m_counterweight, alpha_degrees)
# Update point of height
self.graph_height_point.set_offsets([self.m_counterweight, coord_object[1]])
self.graph_height_text.xy = (self.m_counterweight, coord_object[1])
# Display graph

Event Timeline