function [cluster_info, cluster_fig] = fmri_cluster_report(varargin) % % USAGE: cluster_info = fmri_cluster_report(min_size, min_dist, ... % peak_bs_thresh, peak_bs_thresh2, ... % peak_blv_thresh,peak_blv_thresh2) % % Input: % min_size - minimum number of voxels within a cluster (default = 5) % min_dist - minimum distant (in mm) between the peaks of any two % clusters (default = 4mm) % peak_bs_thresh - Positive peak BSR threshold % peak_bs_thresh2 - Negative peak BSR threshold % peak_blv_thresh - Positive peak BLV threshold % peak_blv_thresh2 - Negative peak BLV threshold % cluster_info = []; cluster_fig = []; if (nargin == 0) | ~ischar(varargin{1}) if (nargin >= 1) min_size = varargin{1}; else min_size = 5; end; if (nargin >= 2) min_dist = varargin{2}; else min_dist = 10; end; if (nargin >= 3) peak_bs_thresh = varargin{3}; else peak_bs_thresh = []; end; if (nargin >= 4) peak_bs_thresh2 = varargin{4}; else peak_bs_thresh2 = []; end; if (nargin >= 5) peak_blv_thresh = varargin{5}; else peak_blv_thresh = []; end; if (nargin >= 6) peak_blv_thresh2 = varargin{6}; else peak_blv_thresh2 = []; end; mainfig = gcbf; cluster_info = get_cluster_info(min_size,min_dist,peak_bs_thresh, ... peak_bs_thresh2,peak_blv_thresh,peak_blv_thresh2); if ~isempty(cluster_info) report_type = getappdata(gcbf,'ViewBootstrapRatio'); cluster_fig = show_cluster_report(cluster_info,report_type,mainfig); end; return; end; action = varargin{1}; switch (action), case {'initialize'} cluster_info = varargin{2}; header_type = varargin{3}; show_cluster_report(cluster_info,header_type,[]); case {'PrevPage'} curr_page = getappdata(gcbf,'CurrPage'); show_report_page(curr_page-1); case {'NextPage'} curr_page = getappdata(gcbf,'CurrPage'); show_report_page(curr_page+1); case {'LoadClusterReport'} cluster_fig = load_cluster_report(varargin{2}); case {'SaveClusterReport'} save_cluster_report; case {'SaveClusterTXT'} save_cluster_txt; case {'SaveAllLocation'} save_all_location; case {'SavePeakLocation'} save_peak_location; case {'delete_fig'} delete_fig; end; return; % find_active_cluster %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [cluster_info] = get_cluster_info(min_size,min_dist, ... peak_bs_thresh,peak_bs_thresh2,peak_blv_thresh,peak_blv_thresh2) % % This function uses data from the "pls_result_ui" figure cluster_info = []; % make sure the threshold value are used for the current plotting % view_state = getappdata(gcbf,'ViewBootstrapRatio'); if (view_state == 0), thresh_field = str2num(get(findobj(gcbf,'Tag','Threshold'),'String')); thresh_field2 = str2num(get(findobj(gcbf,'Tag','Threshold2'),'String')); plotted_thresh = getappdata(gcbf,'BLVThreshold'); plotted_thresh2 = getappdata(gcbf,'BLVThreshold2'); if isempty(peak_blv_thresh) peak_thresh = plotted_thresh; else peak_thresh = peak_blv_thresh; end if isempty(peak_blv_thresh2) peak_thresh2 = plotted_thresh2; else peak_thresh2 = peak_blv_thresh2; end else thresh_field = str2num(get(findobj(gcbf,'Tag','BSThreshold'),'String')); thresh_field2 = str2num(get(findobj(gcbf,'Tag','BSThreshold2'),'String')); plotted_thresh = getappdata(gcbf,'BSThreshold'); plotted_thresh2 = getappdata(gcbf,'BSThreshold2'); if isempty(peak_bs_thresh) peak_thresh = plotted_thresh; else peak_thresh = peak_bs_thresh; end if isempty(peak_bs_thresh2) peak_thresh2 = plotted_thresh2; else peak_thresh2 = peak_bs_thresh2; end end; thresh_diff = abs(plotted_thresh - thresh_field) + abs(plotted_thresh2 - thresh_field2); if (thresh_diff > 0.0002) msg = 'Threshold field have been changed. Press PLOT button first'; set(findobj(gcbf,'Tag','MessageLine'),'String',['ERROR: ' msg]); return; end; % extract the brain LV data or Bootstrap Ratio % lv_idx = getappdata(gcbf,'CurrLVIdx'); st_dims = getappdata(gcbf,'STDims'); win_size = getappdata(gcbf,'WinSize'); voxel_size = getappdata(gcbf,'STVoxelSize'); st_origin = getappdata(gcbf,'STOrigin'); PLSResultFile = get(findobj(gcbf,'Tag','ResultFile'),'UserData'); if isempty(st_origin) | all(st_origin == 0) if all(st_dims == [40 48 1 34]) & all(st_voxel_size == [4 4 4]) st_origin = [20 29 12]; elseif all(st_dims == [91 109 1 91]) & all(st_voxel_size == [2 2 2]) st_origin = [46 64 37]; else % according to SPM: if the origin field contains 0, then the origin is % assumed to be at the center of the volume. % st_origin = floor((dims([1 2 4])+1)/2); % st_origin = round(st_dims([1 2 4])/2); end; end; if (view_state == 0), data = getappdata(gcbf,'BLVData'); std_ratio = []; st_coords = getappdata(gcbf,'BLVCoords'); else data = getappdata(gcbf,'BSRatio'); curr_bs_ratio = data(:,lv_idx); curr_bs_ratio(isnan(curr_bs_ratio)) = 0; % avoid the outliers idx = find(abs(curr_bs_ratio) < std(curr_bs_ratio) * 5); std_ratio = std(curr_bs_ratio(idx)); st_coords = getappdata(gcbf,'BSRatioCoords'); end; % extract voxels that have values above the threshold % pos_active_list = cell(1,win_size); neg_active_list = cell(1,win_size); for i=1:win_size, voxels = data(i:win_size:end,lv_idx); pos_active_voxel_idx = find(voxels > plotted_thresh); pos_active_voxels = voxels(pos_active_voxel_idx); neg_active_voxel_idx = find(voxels < plotted_thresh2); neg_active_voxels = voxels(neg_active_voxel_idx); [dummy_voxels, sorted_order] = sort(pos_active_voxels); sorted_order = sorted_order(end:-1:1); pos_active_list{i}.voxels = pos_active_voxels(sorted_order)'; pos_active_list{i}.coords = st_coords(pos_active_voxel_idx(sorted_order)); [dummy_voxels, sorted_order] = sort(neg_active_voxels); neg_active_list{i}.voxels = neg_active_voxels(sorted_order)'; neg_active_list{i}.coords = st_coords(neg_active_voxel_idx(sorted_order)); end; % now compute the cluster information of the active voxels % cluster_info.source = PLSResultFile; cluster_info.min_size = min_size; cluster_info.min_dist = min_dist; cluster_info.threshold = plotted_thresh; cluster_info.threshold2 = plotted_thresh2; cluster_info.peak_thresh = peak_thresh; cluster_info.peak_thresh2 = peak_thresh2; cluster_info.std_ratio = std_ratio; cluster_info.lv_idx = lv_idx; = cell(1,win_size); for i=1:win_size pos_cluster = compute_cluster_stat(gcbf, pos_active_list{i}, st_origin, ... voxel_size,st_dims,min_size,min_dist); neg_cluster = compute_cluster_stat(gcbf, neg_active_list{i}, st_origin, ... voxel_size,st_dims,min_size,min_dist); % Apply peak threshold here % peak_thresh_idx = find(pos_cluster.peak_values < peak_thresh); peak_thresh_id =; = []; pos_cluster.size(peak_thresh_idx) = []; pos_cluster.peak_values(peak_thresh_idx) = []; pos_cluster.peak_coords(peak_thresh_idx) = []; pos_cluster.peak_xyz(peak_thresh_idx,:) = []; pos_cluster.peak_loc(peak_thresh_idx,:) = []; for pid = 1:length(peak_thresh_id) mask_idx = find( pos_cluster.mask == peak_thresh_id(pid) ); pos_cluster.mask(mask_idx) = []; pos_cluster.idx(mask_idx) = []; end peak_thresh_idx = find(neg_cluster.peak_values > peak_thresh2); peak_thresh_id =; = []; neg_cluster.size(peak_thresh_idx) = []; neg_cluster.peak_values(peak_thresh_idx) = []; neg_cluster.peak_coords(peak_thresh_idx) = []; neg_cluster.peak_xyz(peak_thresh_idx,:) = []; neg_cluster.peak_loc(peak_thresh_idx,:) = []; for pid = 1:length(peak_thresh_id) mask_idx = find( neg_cluster.mask == peak_thresh_id(pid) ); neg_cluster.mask(mask_idx) = []; neg_cluster.idx(mask_idx) = []; end % put the positive and negative cluster info together % = [ ]; curr_cluster.size = [ pos_cluster.size neg_cluster.size ]; curr_cluster.peak_values = ... [ pos_cluster.peak_values neg_cluster.peak_values ]; curr_cluster.peak_coords = ... [ pos_cluster.peak_coords neg_cluster.peak_coords ]; curr_cluster.peak_xyz = [ pos_cluster.peak_xyz; neg_cluster.peak_xyz ]; curr_cluster.peak_loc = [ pos_cluster.peak_loc; neg_cluster.peak_loc ]; curr_cluster.idx = [ pos_cluster.idx neg_cluster.idx ]; curr_cluster.mask = [ pos_cluster.mask -neg_cluster.mask ]; sort_by_cluster=[]; for j=1:length( sort_by_cluster = [sort_by_cluster find(]; end curr_cluster.idx = curr_cluster.idx(sort_by_cluster); curr_cluster.mask = curr_cluster.mask(sort_by_cluster);{i} = curr_cluster; end; return; % get_cluster_info %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [cluster_info] = compute_cluster_stat(fig, active_list,st_origin, ... voxel_size,st_dims,min_size,min_dist), % num_active_voxels = length(active_list.voxels); mask = zeros(st_dims([1 2 4])); mask(active_list.coords) = -1; y_idx = repmat([1:st_dims(2)],1,st_dims(4)); z_idx = repmat([1:st_dims(4)],st_dims(2),1); coords = active_list.coords; cluster_id = zeros(1,num_active_voxels); cluster_size = zeros(1,num_active_voxels); for i=1:num_active_voxels, x = mod(coords(i)-1,st_dims(1)) + 1; col_idx = floor((coords(i)-x)/st_dims(1)); y = y_idx(col_idx+1); z = z_idx(col_idx+1); [updated_mask,csize,same_clusters] = fillmask([x y z],i,mask); if ~isempty(updated_mask) cluster_id(i) = i; cluster_size(i) = csize; mask = updated_mask; if ~isempty(same_clusters) same_clusters = [same_clusters i]; min_cnt = min(cluster_id(same_clusters)); cluster_id(same_clusters) = min_cnt; end; end; end; % Fix Wilkin's cluster report bug: in case of combination % (i.e. cluster_id(i) ~= i), we should trace all the way % to the min. cluster_id % for i=1:num_active_voxels y = cluster_id(i); if y ~= 0 x = i; while x ~= y x = y; y = cluster_id(x); end cluster_id(i) = y; end end % merge clusters when needed % active_voxels = find(mask > 0); active_clusters = []; for i=1:num_active_voxels, if (cluster_id(i) ~= 0), curr_cluster_id = i; cluster_set = find(cluster_id == curr_cluster_id); total_cluster_size = sum(cluster_size(cluster_set)); cluster_id(cluster_set) = 0; cluster_size(cluster_set) = 0; if (total_cluster_size >= min_size) active_clusters = [active_clusters curr_cluster_id]; cluster_id(curr_cluster_id) = curr_cluster_id; cluster_size(curr_cluster_id) = total_cluster_size; else curr_cluster_id = 0; end; for j=1:length(cluster_set), idx = find(mask(active_voxels) == cluster_set(j)); mask(active_voxels(idx)) = curr_cluster_id; end; end; end; cluster_id = cluster_id(active_clusters); cluster_size = cluster_size(active_clusters); peak_values = active_list.voxels(cluster_id); peak_values(:)'; peak_coords = active_list.coords(cluster_id); peak_coords(:)'; [peak_xyz, peak_loc] = coords2xyz(fig, peak_coords,st_origin,voxel_size,st_dims); mask_idx = find(mask > 0); mask_value = mask(mask_idx); % combine clusters that are close together (i.e. their peaks are less % than the distance specified by min_dist); % min_dist_sq = min_dist^2; num_clusters = length(cluster_id); is_not_merged = ones(1,num_clusters); for i=1:num_clusters-1, if (is_not_merged(i)), for j=i+1:num_clusters, if (is_not_merged(j)), dist = (peak_xyz(i,:) - peak_xyz(j,:)) .* voxel_size; if ((dist * dist') <= min_dist_sq), % cluster needed to be merged cluster_size(i) = cluster_size(i)+cluster_size(j); mask_value(find(mask_value==cluster_id(j))) = cluster_id(i); is_not_merged(j) = 0; end; end end; end; end; % setup the cluster record % final_cluster_idx = find(is_not_merged == 1); = cluster_id(final_cluster_idx); cluster_info.size = cluster_size(final_cluster_idx); cluster_info.peak_values = peak_values(final_cluster_idx); cluster_info.peak_coords = peak_coords(final_cluster_idx); cluster_info.peak_xyz = peak_xyz(final_cluster_idx,:); cluster_info.peak_loc = peak_loc(final_cluster_idx,:); cluster_info.idx = mask_idx(:)'; cluster_info.mask = mask_value(:)'; return; % compute_cluster_stat %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % function [updated_mask,c_size,same_clusters] = fillmask(xyz,cnt,initial_mask), % persistent mask persistent mask_dims persistent cluster_size persistent start_xzy persistent recursion_cnt persistent recursion_limit persistent combine_clusters updated_mask = []; same_clusters = []; c_size = 0; if exist('initial_mask','var') first_iteration = 1; mask = initial_mask; mask_dims = size(mask); cluster_size = 0; start_xyz = xyz; combine_clusters = []; recursion_cnt = 1; recursion_limit = get(0,'RecursionLimit'); else recursion_cnt = recursion_cnt+1; first_iteration = 0; end; x=xyz(1); y=xyz(2); z=xyz(3); curr_voxel_value = mask(x,y,z); if (curr_voxel_value == 0 | curr_voxel_value == cnt) return; end; % handle the missing voxels for the previous clusters due to % run out of stack space (i.e. recursive limitation) if (curr_voxel_value > 0) combine_clusters = [combine_clusters curr_voxel_value]; return; end; mask(x,y,z) = cnt; cluster_size = cluster_size+1; if (recursion_cnt >= recursion_limit) return; % too many recursion end; neighbor_voxels = [ x-1 y z; x+1 y z; x y-1 z; x y+1 z; x y z-1; x y z+1 ]; for i=1:size(neighbor_voxels,1), % exclude points that are out of boundary % curr_xyz = neighbor_voxels(i,:); within_boundary = and(curr_xyz>=[1 1 1],curr_xyz<=mask_dims); if isempty(find(~within_boundary)), fillmask(curr_xyz,cnt); end; end; if (first_iteration) % done all recursive calls, setup if ~isempty(combine_clusters) same_clusters = unique(combine_clusters); end; updated_mask = mask; % return values c_size = cluster_size; end; return; % fillmask %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % function [xyz, xyz_mm] = coords2xyz(fig, coords, origin, voxel_size, dim); sa = getappdata(fig, 'sa'); if isempty(sa) [xyz, xyz_mm] = rri_coord2xyz(coords, dim, origin, voxel_size); elseif sa origin = origin([3 1 2]); voxel_size = voxel_size([3 1 2]); [xyz, xyz_mm] = rri_coord2xyz(coords, dim, origin, voxel_size); else origin = origin([1 3 2]); voxel_size = voxel_size([1 3 2]); [xyz, xyz_mm] = rri_coord2xyz(coords, dim, origin, voxel_size); end return; % if isempty(coords), xyz = []; xyz_mm = []; return; end; y_idx = repmat([1:st_dims(2)],1,st_dims(4)); z_idx = repmat([1:st_dims(4)],st_dims(2),1); x = mod(coords-1,st_dims(1)) + 1; col_idx = floor((coords-x)/st_dims(1)); % y = st_dims(2) - y_idx(col_idx+1) + 1; y = y_idx(col_idx+1); z = z_idx(col_idx+1); xyz = [x(:) y(:) z(:)]; xyz_offset = xyz - ones(length(x),1) * st_origin; % xyz_offset = [ x(:)-st_origin(1) ... % (st_dims(2)-st_origin(2)+1)-y(:) ... % z(:)-st_origin(3)]; xyz_mm = xyz_offset * diag(voxel_size); return; % coords2xyz %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cluster_fig = show_cluster_report(cluster_info,report_type,mainfig), % cluster_fig = []; isbsr = getappdata(mainfig,'ViewBootstrapRatio'); curr_lv_idx = getappdata(mainfig,'CurrLVIdx'); cluster_blv = getappdata(mainfig,'cluster_blv'); cluster_bsr = getappdata(mainfig,'cluster_bsr'); if isbsr cluster_bsr{curr_lv_idx} = cluster_info; setappdata(mainfig,'cluster_bsr',cluster_bsr); else cluster_blv{curr_lv_idx} = cluster_info; setappdata(mainfig,'cluster_blv',cluster_blv); end cluster_fig = create_report_figure(report_type,mainfig); setup_cluster_data_idx(cluster_info); setup_header; setup_footer; show_report_page(1); return; % show_cluster_report %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_report_page(page_num), % report_type = getappdata(gcf,'ReportType'); num_rows = getappdata(gcf,'NumRows'); top_margin = getappdata(gcf,'TopMargin'); line_height = getappdata(gcf,'LineHeight'); cluster_info = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo'); cluster_data_idx = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterDataIdx'); standard_text_obj = getappdata(gcf,'StandardTextObj'); h_list = getappdata(gcf,'HdlList'); axes_h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','ClusterReportAxes'); axes_pos = get(axes_h,'Position'); first_row_pos = 1 - top_margin; last_row_pos = first_row_pos - (num_rows-1)*line_height; if isempty(cluster_data_idx) return; end; show_page_keys(page_num); % display the cluster information for the current page % start_row = num_rows * (page_num - 1) + 1; if (cluster_data_idx(1,start_row) == 0), % the first row is empty start_row = start_row - 1; num_rows = num_rows - 1; end; v_pos = [first_row_pos:-line_height:last_row_pos]; if (report_type == 0) % BLV value report h_pos = [0.09 0.19 0.24 0.40 0.70 0.87]; h_pvalue_pos = 0; else % Bootstrap ratio report h_pos = [0.09 0.19 0.24 0.40 0.66 0.87]; h_pvalue_pos = 0.75; end; delete(h_list); h_list = []; last_row = min(size(cluster_data_idx,2),start_row+num_rows-1); for idx=start_row:last_row, v_idx = idx-start_row+1; cluster_id = cluster_data_idx(1,idx); if (cluster_id ~= 0), cluster_lag = cluster_data_idx(2,idx); cluster_idx = cluster_data_idx(3,idx); c_data ={cluster_lag}; h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % cluster # cluster_num = sprintf('%3d',cluster_id); set(h, 'String',cluster_num, ... 'Position',[h_pos(1) v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; if (idx==start_row | cluster_idx==1) h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % lag set(h, 'String',num2str(cluster_lag-1), ... 'Position',[h_pos(2) v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; end; h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % peak xyz peak_xyz_str = sprintf('[%3d %3d %3d]',c_data.peak_xyz(cluster_idx,:)); set(h, 'String',peak_xyz_str, ... 'Position',[h_pos(3) v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % peak loc peak_loc_str = sprintf('[%6.1f %6.1f %6.1f]', ... c_data.peak_loc(cluster_idx,:)); set(h, 'String',peak_loc_str, ... 'Position',[h_pos(4) v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % peak value peak_value_str = sprintf('%8.4f',c_data.peak_values(cluster_idx)); set(h, 'String',peak_value_str, ... 'Position',[h_pos(5) v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; if (h_pvalue_pos ~= 0) h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % P value p_value = ratio2p(abs(c_data.peak_values(cluster_idx)), ... 0,1 ); p_value_str = sprintf('(%6.4f)',p_value); set(h, 'String',p_value_str, ... 'Position',[h_pvalue_pos v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; end; h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); % cluster size size_str = sprintf('%4d',c_data.size(cluster_idx)); set(h, 'String',size_str, ... 'Position',[h_pos(6) v_pos(v_idx) 0], ... 'Visible','on'); h_list = [h_list h]; end; end; setappdata(gcf,'CurrPage',page_num); setappdata(gcf,'HdlList',h_list); return; % show_report_page %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function save_cluster_report() report_type = getappdata(gcf,'ReportType'); cluster_info = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo'); if (report_type == 0) % BLV value report cluster_info.type = 'BLV Report'; else cluster_info.type = 'Bootstrap Ratio Report'; end; result_name = getappdata(gcbf, 'ResultName'); if findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name) [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_BfMRIcluster.mat','Save to .mat file'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_bfmricluster'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_BfMRIcluster.mat']; end else [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_fMRIcluster.mat','Save to .mat file'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_fmricluster'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_fMRIcluster.mat']; end end if isequal(filename,0) status = 0; return; end; report_file = fullfile(pathname,filename); try save (report_file, 'cluster_info', 'report_type' ); msg = ['File ', filename, ' has been saved']; msgbox(msg, 'Info'); catch msg = ['File ', filename, ' can not be open to write']; msgbox(msg, 'Error'); % msg = sprintf('Cannot save cluster report to %s',report_file), % set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','MessageLine'),'String',['ERROR: ', msg]); status = 0; return; end; return; % save_cluster_report %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function save_cluster_txt() result_name = getappdata(gcbf, 'ResultName'); if findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name) [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_BfMRIcluster.txt','Save to .txt file'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_bfmricluster.txt'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_BfMRIcluster.txt']; end else [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_fMRIcluster.txt','Save to .txt file'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_fmricluster.txt'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_fMRIcluster.txt']; end end if isequal(filename,0) status = 0; return; end; report_file = fullfile(pathname,filename); fid = fopen(report_file, 'wt'); if fid == -1 msg = ['File ', filename, ' can not be open to write']; msgbox(msg, 'Error'); return; end cluster_info = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo'); cluster_data_idx = getappdata(gcf, 'ClusterDataIdx'); report_type = getappdata(gcf,'ReportType'); str = sprintf('Clu#\tLag\tX\tY\tZ\tX(mm)\tY(mm)\tZ(mm)\t'); if report_type str = [str sprintf('BSR\tAppro.P\tClu_Size(voxels)\n')]; str = [str '--------------------------------------------------------']; str = [str '----------------------------------------']; else str = [str sprintf('BLV\tClu_Size(voxels)\n')]; str = [str '--------------------------------------------------------']; str = [str '--------------------------------']; end fprintf(fid, '\n%s\n\n', str); for idx = 1 : size(cluster_data_idx, 2) cluster_id = cluster_data_idx(1, idx); if cluster_id ~= 0 cluster_lag = cluster_data_idx(2, idx); cluster_idx = cluster_data_idx(3, idx); c_data ={cluster_lag}; cluster_num = sprintf('%d\t', cluster_id); lag_num = sprintf('%d\t', cluster_lag-1); peak_xyz_str = ... sprintf('%d\t%d\t%d\t',c_data.peak_xyz(cluster_idx,:)); peak_loc_str = ... sprintf('%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t',c_data.peak_loc(cluster_idx,:)); peak_value_str = sprintf('%.4f\t',c_data.peak_values(cluster_idx)); if report_type p_value = ... ratio2p(abs(c_data.peak_values(cluster_idx)), 0, ... 1); p_value_str = sprintf('%.4f\t',p_value); else p_value_str = ''; end size_str = sprintf('%d\n',c_data.size(cluster_idx)); str = [cluster_num,lag_num,peak_xyz_str,peak_loc_str]; str = [str peak_value_str,p_value_str,size_str]; fprintf(fid, '%s', str); end end % display the footer % source_file = cluster_info.source; source_line = sprintf('Source: %s',source_file); lv_str = sprintf('LV Idx: %d',cluster_info.lv_idx); thresh_str = sprintf('Pos.Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.threshold); thresh_str2 = sprintf('Neg.Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.threshold2); peak_thresh_str = sprintf('Pos.Peak Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.peak_thresh); peak_thresh_str2 = sprintf('Neg.Peak Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.peak_thresh2); min_size_str = sprintf('Min Size: %d(voxels)',cluster_info.min_size); min_dist_str = sprintf('Min Distance: %3.1fmm ',cluster_info.min_dist); parameters_line = sprintf('%s, %s, %s, %s\n%s, %s, %s', ... lv_str,thresh_str,thresh_str2,min_size_str,peak_thresh_str,peak_thresh_str2,min_dist_str); if report_type str = ['--------------------------------------------------------']; str = [str '----------------------------------------']; str = [str sprintf('\n%s\n%s',source_line,parameters_line)]; else str = ['--------------------------------------------------------']; str = [str '--------------------------------']; str = [str sprintf('\n%s\n%s',source_line,parameters_line)]; end fprintf(fid, '\n%s\n\n', str); fclose(fid); msg = ['File ', filename, ' has been saved']; msgbox(msg, 'Info'); return; % save_cluster_txt %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function save_all_location() result_name = getappdata(gcbf, 'ResultName'); result_file = get(findobj(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'),'tag','ResultFile'),'UserData'); st_dims = getappdata(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'),'STDims'); cluster_info = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo'); data =; xyz = []; for i = 1:length(data) new_xyz = rri_coord2xyz(data{i}.idx, st_dims); % if isempty(findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name)) % new_xyz = [(i-1)*ones(size(new_xyz,1),1) new_xyz]; % end xyz = [xyz; new_xyz]; end % xyz = rri_coord2xyz(xyz, st_dims); % xyz = unique(xyz, 'rows'); xyz2=[]; max_cnum=[]; for i = 1:length(data) cnum ={i}.mask; for j=1:length({i}.id) cnum(find({i}{i}.id(j)))=j; end; if isempty(max_cnum),max_cnum=0;end; xyz2 = [xyz2 cnum+max_cnum]; max_cnum=max(xyz2); end coord = getappdata(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'),'BSRatioCoords'); if isempty(coord) coord = getappdata(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'),'BLVCoords'); end if getappdata(gcf,'ReportType') data = getappdata(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'), 'BSRatio'); else data = getappdata(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'), 'BLVData'); end data = data(:, cluster_info.lv_idx); win_size = getappdata(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'), 'WinSize'); data2=[]; for i = 1:win_size coord_idx = ones(size({i}.idx)); voxels = data(i:win_size:end); for j=1:length(coord_idx) coord_idx(j) = find({i}.idx(j)); end data2 = [data2; voxels(coord_idx)]; end xyz = double(xyz2xyzmm(xyz, result_file)); xyz2 = double([xyz2' double(data2) xyz]); if findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name) [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_BfMRIcluster_all.txt','Export All Location'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_bfmricluster_all.txt'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_BfMRIcluster_all.txt']; end else [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_fMRIcluster_all.txt','Export All Location'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_fmricluster_all.txt'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_fMRIcluster_all.txt']; end end if isequal(filename,0) status = 0; return; end; report_file = fullfile(pathname,filename); try save (report_file, '-ascii', 'xyz' ); msg = ['File ', filename, ' has been saved']; msgbox(msg, 'Info'); catch msg = ['File ', filename, ' can not be open to write']; msgbox(msg, 'Error'); % msg = sprintf('Cannot export all location to %s',report_file), % set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','MessageLine'),'String',['ERROR: ', msg]); status = 0; return; end; filename2 = strrep(filename,'fMRIcluster_all.txt','fMRIcluster_num.txt'); report_file2 = fullfile(pathname,filename2); try save (report_file2, '-ascii', 'xyz2' ); msg = ['File ', filename2, ' has been saved']; msgbox(msg, 'Info'); catch msg = ['File ', filename2, ' can not be open to write']; msgbox(msg, 'Error'); % msg = sprintf('Cannot export all location to %s',report_file), % set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','MessageLine'),'String',['ERROR: ', msg]); status = 0; return; end; return; % save_all_location %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function save_peak_location() result_name = getappdata(gcbf, 'ResultName'); result_file = get(findobj(getappdata(gcf,'mainfig'),'tag','ResultFile'),'UserData'); cluster_info = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo'); data =; xyz = []; for i = 1:length(data) new_xyz = data{i}.peak_xyz; % if isempty(findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name)) % new_xyz = [(i-1)*ones(size(new_xyz,1),1) new_xyz]; % end xyz = [xyz; new_xyz]; end % xyz = unique(xyz, 'rows'); xyz = double(xyz2xyzmm(xyz, result_file)); if findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name) [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_BfMRIcluster_peak.txt','Export Peak Location'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_bfmricluster_peak.txt'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_BfMRIcluster_peak.txt']; end else [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_fMRIcluster_peak.txt','Export Peak Location'); if ischar(filename) & (length(filename)<9 | isempty(findstr(lower(filename),'_fmricluster_peak.txt'))) [tmp filename] = fileparts(filename); filename = [filename, '_fMRIcluster_peak.txt']; end end if isequal(filename,0) status = 0; return; end; report_file = fullfile(pathname,filename); try save (report_file, '-ascii', 'xyz' ); msg = ['File ', filename, ' has been saved']; msgbox(msg, 'Info'); catch [tmp filename] = fileparts(report_file); msg = ['File ', filename, ' can not be open to write']; msgbox(msg, 'Error'); % msg = sprintf('Cannot export peak location to %s',report_file), % set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','MessageLine'),'String',['ERROR: ', msg]); status = 0; return; end; return; % save_peak_location %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cluster_fig = load_cluster_report(mainfig) cluster_fig = []; result_name = get(gcbf, 'name'); if findstr('BfMRIresult.mat', result_name) [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_BfMRIcluster.mat','Load the cluster report'); else [filename, pathname] = ... rri_selectfile('*_fMRIcluster.mat','Load the cluster report'); end if isequal(filename,0) status = 0; return; end; report_file = fullfile(pathname,filename); try load(report_file); catch msg = sprintf('Cannot open the cluster report file: %s',report_file), set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','MessageLine'),'String',['ERROR: ', msg]); status = 0; return; end; if ~isfield(cluster_info,'peak_thresh') cluster_info.peak_thresh = cluster_info.threshold; cluster_info.peak_thresh2 = cluster_info.threshold2; end cluster_fig = show_cluster_report(cluster_info,report_type,mainfig); return; % load_cluster_report %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fig_h = create_report_figure(report_type,mainfig) % save_setting_status = 'on'; fmri_cluster_report_pos = []; try load('pls_profile'); catch end if ~isempty(fmri_cluster_report_pos) & strcmp(save_setting_status,'on') pos = fmri_cluster_report_pos; else w = 0.8; h = 0.85; x = (1-w)/2; y = (1-h)/2; pos = [x y w h]; end if isequal(get(gcbf,'Tag'),'ClusterReportFigure'), fig_h = gcbf; setappdata(gcf,'HdlList',[]); clf(fig_h); else fig_h = figure('Color',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ... 'Units','normal', ... 'Name','PLS Active Clusters Report', ... 'NumberTitle', 'off', ... 'DoubleBuffer','on', ... 'MenuBar','none',... 'Position',pos, ... 'DeleteFcn','fmri_cluster_report(''delete_fig'');', ... 'InvertHardcopy','off', ... 'PaperPositionMode','auto', ... 'Tag','ClusterReportFigure', ... 'ToolBar','none'); end; w = 0.94; h = 0.94; x = (1-w)/2; y = (1-h)/2; pos = [x y w h]; axes_h = axes('Parent',fig_h, ... 'Units','normal', ... 'Box','on', ... 'CameraUpVector',[0 1 0], ... 'CameraUpVectorMode','manual', ... 'Color',[1 1 1], ... 'Position',pos, ... 'XTick', [], ... 'XLim', [0 1], ... 'YTick', [], ... 'YLim', [0 1], ... 'Tag','ClusterReportAxes'); standard_text = text('Fontname','courier', ... 'FontWeight','Normal', ... 'FontAngle','Normal', ... 'FontUnit','point', ... 'FontSize',10, ... 'Units','normal', ... 'Color',[0 0 0], ... 'Visible','off','Interpreter','none'); % File submenu % h_file = uimenu('Parent',fig_h, ... 'Label','&File', ... 'Tag','FileMenu', ... 'Visible','on'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','&Load', ... 'Tag','MenuLoad', ... 'Visible','off', ... 'Callback','fmri_cluster_report(''LoadClusterReport'');'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Save to .mat file', ... 'Tag','MenuSave', ... 'Callback','fmri_cluster_report(''SaveClusterReport'');'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Save to .txt file', ... 'Tag','MenuSaveTxt', ... 'Callback','fmri_cluster_report(''SaveClusterTXT'');'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Export All Location', ... 'Tag','MenuSaveAllLocation', ... 'Callback','fmri_cluster_report(''SaveAllLocation'');'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Export Peak Location', ... 'Tag','MenuSavePeakLocation', ... 'Callback','fmri_cluster_report(''SavePeakLocation'');'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Separator', 'on', ... 'Label','&Print...', ... 'Tag','MenuPrint', ... 'visible', 'off', ... 'Callback','printdlg'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Print Pre&view...', ... 'Tag','MenuPrintPreview', ... 'visible', 'off', ... 'Callback','printpreview(gcbf)'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Print Set&up...', ... 'Tag','MenuPrintSetup', ... 'visible', 'off', ... 'Callback','filemenufcn(gcbf,''FilePrintSetup'')'); h2 = uimenu(h_file, ... 'Label','Pa&ge Setup...', ... 'Tag','MenuPageSetup', ... 'visible', 'off', ... 'Callback','pagesetupdlg(gcbf)'); rri_file_menu(fig_h); setappdata(gcf,'ResultName', get(gcbf,'name')); setappdata(gcf,'LineHeight', 0.03); setappdata(gcf,'TopMargin', 0.14); setappdata(gcf,'BottomMargin', 0.11); setappdata(gcf,'StandardTextObj', standard_text); setappdata(gcf,'ReportType', report_type); if ~isempty(mainfig) & ishandle(mainfig) setappdata(gcf,'mainfig',mainfig); end return; % create_figure; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setup_header(); standard_text_obj = getappdata(gcf,'StandardTextObj'); report_type = getappdata(gcf,'ReportType'); axes_h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','ClusterReportAxes'); axes_pos = get(axes_h,'Position'); total_height = 1; header_text = { ... % {label, [x y z], type}, where y is counted from top { 'Cluster #', [0.06 0.08 0], -1 }, ... { 'Lag', [0.18 0.08 0], -1 }, ... { 'Peak Location', [0.36 0.05 0], -1 }, ... { 'XYZ', [0.30 0.08 0], -1 }, ... { 'XYZ(mm)', [0.49 0.08 0], -1 }, ... { 'Brain LV', [0.70 0.05 0], 0 }, ... { 'Value', [0.72 0.08 0], 0 }, ... { 'Bootstrap', [0.70 0.05 0], 1 }, ... { 'Ratio', [0.68 0.08 0], 1 }, ... { 'Appro.P', [0.75 0.08 0], 1 }, ... { 'Cluster Size', [0.84 0.05 0], -1 }, ... { '(voxels)', [0.86 0.08 0], -1 }}; str_field = 1; pos_field = 2; type_field = 3; for i=1:length(header_text), if (header_text{i}{type_field}<0 | report_type==header_text{i}{type_field}) h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); text_pos = header_text{i}{pos_field}; text_pos(2) = total_height - text_pos(2); % text pos=[x height-y z] set(h,'String', header_text{i}{str_field}, ... 'Position', text_pos, ... 'Visible','on'); end; end; % line is located at the 0.08 from top % y_pos = 1 - 0.11; line_hdl = line( ... 'XData', [0.040 0.960], ... 'YData', [y_pos y_pos], ... 'LineStyle', '-', ... 'LineWidth', 1, ... 'Color', [0 0 0], ... 'Marker', 'none'); return; % setup_header; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setup_footer(), axes_h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','ClusterReportAxes'); standard_text_obj = getappdata(gcf,'StandardTextObj'); cluster_info = getappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo'); key_text = { ... { '<>', [0.90 0.06 0], 'NextPage'}}; str_field = 1; pos_field = 2; tag_field = 3; for i=1:length(key_text), h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); bd_fn = sprintf('fmri_cluster_report(''%s'');',key_text{i}{tag_field}); set(h,'String', key_text{i}{str_field}, ... 'Position',key_text{i}{pos_field}, ... 'ButtonDownFcn',bd_fn, ... 'Tag',key_text{i}{tag_field}, ... 'Visible','off'); end; % display the footer % source_file = cluster_info.source; len_str = length(source_file); if (len_str > 80) source_file = [ '...' source_file(len_str-76:end)]; end; source_line = sprintf('Source: %s',source_file); h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); x = 0.03; y = 0.08; pos = [x y 0]; set(h,'String', source_line, ... 'Interpreter','none', ... 'Fontname','courier', ... 'FontWeight','Normal', ... 'FontAngle','Normal', ... 'FontUnit','point', ... 'FontSize',10, ... 'Position',pos, ... 'Visible','on'); lv_str = sprintf('LV Idx: %d',cluster_info.lv_idx); thresh_str = sprintf('Pos. Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.threshold); thresh_str2 = sprintf('Neg. Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.threshold2); peak_thresh_str = sprintf('Pos.Peak Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.peak_thresh); peak_thresh_str2 = sprintf('Neg.Peak Thresh: %2.4f',cluster_info.peak_thresh2); min_size_str = sprintf('Min Size: %d(voxels)', ... cluster_info.min_size); min_dist_str = sprintf('Min Distance: %3.1fmm ', ... cluster_info.min_dist); parameters_line = sprintf('%s, %s, %s, %s\n%s, %s, %s', ... lv_str,thresh_str,thresh_str2,min_size_str,peak_thresh_str,peak_thresh_str2,min_dist_str); h = copyobj(standard_text_obj,axes_h); y = 0.05; pos = [x y 0]; set(h,'String', parameters_line, ... 'Position',pos, ... 'Fontname','courier', ... 'FontWeight','Normal', ... 'FontAngle','Normal', ... 'FontUnit','point', ... 'FontSize',10, ... 'Visible','on'); return; % setup_footer; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_page_keys(page_num), total_pages = getappdata(gcf,'TotalPages'); h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','PrevPage'); if (page_num ~= 1), set(h,'Visible','on'); else set(h,'Visible','off'); end; h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','NextPage'); if (page_num ~= total_pages) set(h,'Visible','on'); else set(h,'Visible','off'); end; return; % show_page_keys; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setup_cluster_data_idx(cluster_info), % standard_text_obj = getappdata(gcf,'StandardTextObj'); line_height = getappdata(gcf,'LineHeight'); top_margin = getappdata(gcf,'TopMargin'); bottom_margin = getappdata(gcf,'BottomMargin'); axes_h = findobj(gcf,'Tag','ClusterReportAxes'); axes_pos = get(axes_h,'Position'); total_height = 1; num_rows = floor((total_height - top_margin - bottom_margin) / line_height); lag_idx = []; cluster_id = []; cluster_idx = []; start_cluster_id = 1; cluster_data =; for i=1:length(cluster_data), num_clusters = length(cluster_data{i}.id); if (num_clusters ~= 0) lag_idx = [lag_idx repmat(i,1,num_clusters+1)]; cluster_idx = [cluster_idx [1:num_clusters 0]]; last_cluster_id = start_cluster_id+num_clusters-1; cluster_id = [cluster_id [start_cluster_id:last_cluster_id 0]]; start_cluster_id = last_cluster_id+1; end; end; cluster_data_idx = [cluster_id; lag_idx; cluster_idx]; cluster_data_idx = cluster_data_idx(:,1:end-1); total_clusters = size(cluster_data_idx,2); total_pages = ceil(total_clusters / num_rows); setappdata(gcf,'ClusterInfo',cluster_info); setappdata(gcf,'ClusterDataIdx',cluster_data_idx); setappdata(gcf,'TotalPages',total_pages); setappdata(gcf,'NumRows',num_rows); return; % setup_page_rows %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p_value = ratio2p(x,mu,sigma) p_value = (1 + erf((x - mu) / (sqrt(2)*sigma))) / 2; p_value = (1 - p_value) * 2; return; % ratio2p %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function delete_fig link_figure = getappdata(gcbf,'LinkFigureInfo'); try rmappdata(link_figure.hdl,; end; try load('pls_profile'); pls_profile = which('pls_profile.mat'); fmri_cluster_report_pos = get(gcbf,'position'); save(pls_profile, '-append', 'fmri_cluster_report_pos'); catch end return;