%% Creates the statistics for ST1 for p = 1:6 for k1 = 1:4 for k2 = 1:4 if k2 > k1 [PVAL(p,k1,k2),~,STATS{p,k1,k2}] = ranksum(Summary_position(IDX==k1,p),Summary_position(IDX==k2,p)); else PVAL(p,k1,k2) = 1; STATS{p,k1,k2} = {}; end end end end % Reassigns indices iddd = [2,4,3,1]; PVAL = PVAL(:,iddd,iddd); STATS = STATS(:,iddd,iddd); %% Creates the heatmaps for significant behavioral scores % Weight Weight_HM = [0,0,0,0; 2.95, 0, 0, 0; -4.1, -6.02, 0, 0; 0.45, -2.02, 3.62, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(Weight_HM); Height_HM = [0,0,0,0; 1.53, 0, 0, 0; 4.51, 3.32, 0, 0; 1.94, 0.58, -2.67, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(Height_HM); Bp_HM = [0,0,0,0; 0.88, 0, 0, 0; -3.05, -3.64, 0, 0; 0.34, -0.54, 2.55, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(Bp_HM); COGN_HM = [0,0,0,0; 3.45, 0, 0, 0; 3.46, 0.03, 0, 0; 0.76, -2.11, -2.08, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(COGN_HM); ENDURANCE_HM = [0,0,0,0; 0.38, 0, 0, 0; 2.67, 2.4, 0, 0; 0.04, -0.29, -2.63, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(ENDURANCE_HM); SOMATIC_HM = [0,0,0,0; -0.17, 0, 0, 0; -1.75, -1.42, 0, 0; -2.98, -2.69, -1.35, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(SOMATIC_HM); INATTENTION_HM = [0,0,0,0; 0.04, 0, 0, 0; -1.59, -1.62, 0, 0; -2.88, -2.99, -1.87, 0]'; PlotHeatmap(INATTENTION_HM); %% Correlation plots with Age, Gender and FD