% Both entries should have size n_subjects x n_dims WITHOUT NAN VALUES function [U,V,EV,sprob,BS_U,BS_V,Ub_vect,Vb_vect,permsamp,S] = RunPLS(Functional,Behavioral) Y0 = Functional; X0 = Behavioral; % Number of subjects in the PLS nSub = size(Y0,1); % normalization of X and Y Y=myPLS_norm(Y0,1,ones(1,nSub),2); X=myPLS_norm(X0,1,ones(1,nSub),2); %%% COMPUTATIONS OF ACTUAL PLS % Covariance matrix computation R=myPLS_cov(X,Y,1,ones(1,nSub)); % SVD on the covariance matrix [U,S,V]=svd(R,'econ'); EV = (diag(S).^2) / sum(diag(S.^2)); % Number of latent variables NUM_LVs=min(size(S)); % ICA convention: turn LVs such that max is positive for iLV=1:NUM_LVs [~,maxID] = max(abs(U(:,iLV))); if U(maxID,iLV)<0 U(:,iLV)=-U(:,iLV); V(:,iLV)=-V(:,iLV); end end %%% PERMUTATION-BASED ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE for iter=1:1000 fprintf('%d ',iter); if ~mod(iter,20) fprintf('\n'); end % How to randomize the data perm_order=randperm(size(X,1)); % Permuted behavioral data (untouched) Xp=X; % Permuted functional data (shuffled) Yp=Y0(perm_order,:); % Renormalization Yp=myPLS_norm(Yp,1,ones(1,nSub),2); % "Null" correlation matrix and SVD Rp=myPLS_cov(Xp,Yp,1,ones(1,nSub)); [Up,Sp,Vp]=svd(Rp,'econ'); % Procrustes transform to fit the new U (permuted) to the old one, as % well as the singular values %rotatemat = rri_bootprocrust(U, Up); %Up = Up * Sp * rotatemat; %Sp = sqrt(sum(Up.^2)); % Current null singular values are stored permsamp(:,iter)=diag(Sp); % sp contains whether the current singular value exceeds the actual one % (real one) if iter==1 sp= (diag(Sp)>=diag(S)); else sp = sp + (diag(Sp)>=diag(S)); end end fprintf('\n'); % The larger the sprob entries, the larger the p-value sprob = sp ./ (1000 + 1); for iter=1:NUM_LVs str{iter}=sprintf('%d (p=%5.4f)',iter,sprob(iter)); fprintf('LV%s\n',str{iter}); end %%% BOOTSTRAPPING ASSESSMENT OF STABILITY % Computes the indices to use for bootstrapping (with replacement) [boot_order]=rri_boot_order(nSub,1,1000); % Runs across bootstrapping folds for iter=1:1000 fprintf('%d ',iter); if ~mod(iter,20) fprintf('\n'); end % Takes bootstrapped behavioral data and normalizes it Xb=X0(boot_order(:,iter),:); Xb=myPLS_norm(Xb,1,ones(1,nSub),2); % Same for functional data Yb=Y0(boot_order(:,iter),:); Yb=myPLS_norm(Yb,1,ones(1,nSub),2); % Accordingly, computes R and the SVD Rb=myPLS_cov(Xb,Yb,1,ones(1,nSub)); [Ub,Sb,Vb]=svd(Rb,'econ'); % Procrustes transform as before to generate fitting U and V % bootstrapped variants rotatemat = rri_bootprocrust(U, Ub); rotatemat2 = rri_bootprocrust(V, Vb); % Full rotation Rot_full = (rotatemat + rotatemat2)/2; Vb = Vb * Rot_full; Ub = Ub * Rot_full; % Saves them all Ub_vect(iter,:,:) = Ub; Vb_vect(iter,:,:) = Vb; end % Generation of boostrap scores mu = squeeze(mean(Ub_vect,1)); stan = squeeze(std(Ub_vect,1)); BS_U = mu./stan; mu2 = squeeze(mean(Vb_vect,1)); stan2 = squeeze(std(Vb_vect,1)); BS_V = mu2./stan2; end