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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#ifndef NEURONE_H
#define NEURONE_H
* @class Neurone
* @brief represents a neurone and allows to simulate its life
class Neurone {
private :
* Represents the neurone's membrane potential
double membrane_potential_;
* Used to store the spike times
std::vector<double> spikes_times_;
* Manage the rest time
double rest_time_;
public :
* @brief Neurone constructor (the initiation constants are in constant.h
* @brief update the neurone (change the membrane potential, make it
* spike if the treshold is reached and manage rest time)
* @param Input_current the current coming inside the neurone
* @param time_i time of the simulation
void update (double const Input_current, double time_i);
* @brief return the membrane potential
double getMembranePotential () const ;
* @brief Test if the treshold is reached, if it is, make the neurone spike
* and reinitialize the membrane potential. Store the spike's time
* @param time_i used to store the spike's time
void Spike(double time_i);
* @brief Test if the neuron is in rest. If it is, subtract an unit of time
* to the rest time
bool isInRest();
* @brief Return all the spike times
std::vector<double> getSpikeTimes() const;

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