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import { BasicResultBindingElement, FusekiResults } from './basic_datatype';
import { Manuscript, Page } from '../models';
import { TlnPositionalStyleMarkup } from './positional-markup';
import { PageStub, TlnPage } from './page';
export class ManuscriptStub extends BasicResultBindingElement implements Manuscript {
static readonly query: string = `
PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX tln: <>
SELECT ?id ?title ?type WHERE {
?id a tln:ArchivalManuscriptUnity ;
tln:hasTitle ?title;
tln:hasManuscriptType ?type.
title: string;
type: string;
constructor (data: any, id?: string, service?: any) {
super(data, id, service);
this.title = this.getData4Key('title');
this.type = this.getData4Key('type');
export class TlnExtManuscript extends ManuscriptStub {
* the internal default key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id"
* in {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#getQuery|getQuery} if "key" is omitted.
static readonly default_key: string = 'manuscript';
static readonly query: string = `
PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX tln: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX stoff: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?gsaSignature ?title ?thumbImage ?type ?archivalicSignature WHERE {
?manuscript tln:hasPages/rdf:first/tln:hasFaksimileImage/tln:hasThumburl ?thumbImage;
tln:hasGsaSignature ?gsaSignature;
tln:hasTitle ?title;
tln:hasManuscriptType ?type.
?manuscript tln:hasArchivalicSignature ?archivalicSignature.
* the public key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id".
static readonly query_key: string = 'manuscript';
thumbImage: string;
gsaSignature?: string;
archivalicSignature?: string;
constructor (data: any, id?: string, service?: any) {
super(data, id, service);
this.thumbImage = this.getData4Key('thumbImage');
this.gsaSignature = this.getData4Key('gsaSignature');
this.archivalicSignature = this.getData4Key('archivalicSignature');
export class ReconstructedKonvolut extends ManuscriptStub {
* the internal default key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id"
* in {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#getQuery|getQuery} if "key" is omitted.
static readonly default_key: string = 'manuscript';
static readonly query: string = `
PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX tln: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX stoff: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?manuscriptTitle ?title ?type ?page ?number ?description WHERE {
?manuscript tln:partsBelongToReconstructedKonvolut ?id.
?id tln:hasTitle ?manuscriptTitle;
tln:hasDescription/tln:textHasContent ?description;
tln:hasManuscriptType ?type;
tln:hasPages/rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?page.
OPTIONAL { ?page tln:hasNumber ?number.}
?archivalicUnity a tln:ArchivalManuscriptUnity;
tln:hasPages/rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?page;
tln:hasTitle ?title.
* the public key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id".
static readonly query_key: string = 'manuscript';
pages: Page[] = [];
description: string;
constructor (data: any, id?: string, service?: any) {
super(data, id, service);
this.title = this.getData4Key('manuscriptTitle');
this.description = this.getData4Key('description');
public static convertData<T extends typeof BasicResultBindingElement>(this: T, data: FusekiResults, id?: string, service?: any): Array<InstanceType<T>> {
let elements = [];
let content = this.getContent(data);
for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++){
let element = new ReconstructedKonvolut(content[i], id, service);
let pages = [];
if (content[i]['page'] != undefined && content[i]['page'] != null){
pages = (content[i]['title'] != undefined && content[i]['title'] != null)
? TlnPage.convertData({ head: { vars: []}, results: { bindings: <any>[ content[i] ] } }, content[i]['page']['value'])
: PageStub.convertData({ head: { vars: []}, results: { bindings: <any>[ content[i] ] } }, content[i]['page']['value']);
if (elements.length > 0 && elements[elements.length-1].id =={
if (pages.length > 0){
} else {
if (pages.length > 0){
return elements;
export class ManuscriptDescription extends BasicResultBindingElement {
* the internal default key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id"
* in {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#getQuery|getQuery} if "key" is omitted.
static readonly default_key: string = 'manuscript';
static readonly query: string = `
PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX tln: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX stoff: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?text ?description_markup ?cssStyleTag ?startIndex ?endIndex WHERE {
?manuscript tln:hasDescription ?id.
?id tln:textHasContent ?text.
OPTIONAL { ?id tln:textHasMarkup ?description_markup.
?description_markup stoff:hasCSS ?cssStyleTag;
stoff:standoffMarkupHasStartIndex ?startIndex;
stoff:standoffMarkupHasEndIndex ?endIndex.}
* the public key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id".
static readonly query_key: string = 'manuscript';
text: string;
markups: TlnPositionalStyleMarkup[];
constructor (data: any, id?: string, service?: any) {
super(data, id, service);
this.text = this.getData4Key('text');
this.markups = [];
public static convertData<T extends typeof BasicResultBindingElement>(this: T, data: FusekiResults, id?: string, service?: any): Array<InstanceType<T>> {
let elements = [];
let content = this.getContent(data);
for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++){
let element = new ManuscriptDescription(content[i], id, service);
let markups = (content[i]['description_markup'] != undefined && content[i]['description_markup'] != null) ?
TlnPositionalStyleMarkup.convertData({ head: { vars: []}, results: { bindings: <any>[ content[i] ] } }, content[i]['description_markup']['value']) : [];
if (elements.length > 0 && elements[elements.length-1].id =={
if (markups.length > 0){
} else {
if (markups.length > 0){
return elements;
export class ManuscriptEarlierDescription extends BasicResultBindingElement {
* the internal default key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id"
* in {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#getQuery|getQuery} if "key" is omitted.
static readonly default_key: string = 'manuscript';
static readonly query: string = `
PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX tln: <>
PREFIX stoff: <>
SELECT ?id ?text ?author ?citation ?description_markup ?cssStyleTag ?startIndex ?endIndex WHERE {
?manuscript tln:hasEarlierDescriptions ?id.
?id tln:textHasContent ?text;
tln:hasAuthor ?author;
tln:hasCitation ?citation.
OPTIONAL { ?id tln:textHasMarkup ?description_markup.
?description_markup stoff:hasCSS ?cssStyleTag;
stoff:standoffMarkupHasStartIndex ?startIndex;
stoff:standoffMarkupHasEndIndex ?endIndex.}
* the public key for replacing {@link /classes/TlnLine.html#query|query} by "id".
static readonly query_key: string = 'manuscript';
text: string;
author: string;
citation: string;
markups: TlnPositionalStyleMarkup[];
constructor (data: any, id?: string, service?: any) {
super(data, id, service);
this.text = this.getData4Key('text'); = this.getData4Key('author');
this.citation = this.getData4Key('citation');
this.markups = [];
public static convertData<T extends typeof BasicResultBindingElement>(this: T, data: FusekiResults, id?: string, service?: any): Array<InstanceType<T>> {
let elements = [];
let content = this.getContent(data);
for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++){
let element = new ManuscriptEarlierDescription(content[i], id, service);
let markups = (content[i]['description_markup'] != undefined && content[i]['description_markup'] != null) ?
TlnPositionalStyleMarkup.convertData({ head: { vars: []}, results: { bindings: <any>[ content[i] ] } }, content[i]['description_markup']['value']) : [];
if (elements.length > 0 && elements[elements.length-1].id =={
if (markups.length > 0){
} else {
if (markups.length > 0){
return elements;

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