export const EDITINGURL: string = 'http://localhost:3030/nietzsche-rw/query'; // queries for parametrization export const RQ_ASK_EXISTS_IN_STORE = ` ASK WHERE { ?subjectToParametrize ?p ?o }`; // all distinct properties whoose range is a class or a list export const RQ_AVAILABLE_PROPERTIES = ` PREFIX rdfs: select DISTINCT ?prop { ?prop rdfs:domain ?classToParametrize . }`; // all distinct properties whoose range is a class or a list export const RQ_AVAILABLE_PROPERTIES2 = ` PREFIX rdfs: select DISTINCT ?prop ?range WHERE { ?prop rdfs:domain ?classToParametrize . ?prop rdfs:range ?range . {?range a . } UNION { ?prop rdfs:range . } UNION { ?prop rdfs:range .} UNION { ?prop rdfs:range .} }`; export const RQ_ASK_IF_CLASS_INSTANCE = ` PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: ASK WHERE { ?iriToReplace rdf:type ?rdfType . ?rdfType rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* owl:Class . } `; export const RQ_ASK_IF_PROPERTY = ` PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: ASK WHERE { ?thingToReplace rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* owl:ObjectProperty . }`; export const RQ_RDF_Type = ` PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT ?rdf_type ?typeoftype WHERE { ?thingToParametrize rdf:type ?rdf_type . ?rdf_type rdf:type ?typeoftype . }`; export const RQ_GET_SPO = ` PREFIX rdfs: select ?s ?p ?o { ?s ?p ?o }`; export const RQ_GET_DOMAIN = ` PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX tln: select ?domain WHERE { ?predicateToExchange rdfs:domain ?domain .} `; export const RQ_GET_RANGE = ` PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX tln: select ?range WHERE { ?predicateToExchange rdfs:range ?range . } `; export const RQ_CONSTRUCT_LISTS = ` prefix rdf: PREFIX tln: CONSTRUCT { ?thingToReplace ?propertyToReplace ?list . ?listRest rdf:first ?head ; rdf:rest ?tail . } WHERE { ?thing tln:hasGeneticOrder ?list . ?list rdf:rest* ?listRest . ?listRest rdf:first ?head ; rdf:rest ?tail . } `; export const RQ_GET_SP_WHERE_THING_IN_LIST = ` PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: SELECT distinct ?s ?p ?list ?thing ?type WHERE { ?s ?p ?list . ?p a owl:ObjectProperty. ?list rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?thing . } `; // deletes all list entries of a list connected with the spo mysupject myPredicate list export const DELETE_LIST_ENTRIES_RQ = ` PREFIX rdf: PREFIX tln: DELETE { ?anyThing rdf:first ?firstThing ; rdf:rest ?rest . } WHERE { ?mySubject ?myPredicate ?listToDelete . ?listToDelete rdf:rest* ?anyThing . ?anyThing rdf:first ?firstThing ; rdf:rest ?rest . } `; // Deletes the triple connecting a subject to a list via myproperty export const DELETE_SPO_RQ = ` DELETE {?s ?p ?o } WHERE {?s ?p ?o }`;