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Sat, Apr 27, 14:56


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Parser, Generator, Wildcard } from 'sparqljs';
import {HttpClient, HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http';
import {DELETE_LIST_ENTRIES_RQ, DELETE_SPO_RQ} from '../rdf-editor-module/constants';
export class QueryService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
* Gets the data from an endpoint via http post
* @param baseUrl: The url of the endpoint.
* @param query: The query to run.
* @param queryType: "CONSTRUCT" or "QUERY"
* @returns the response.
public getData(baseUrl: string, query: string, queryType?: string ) {
let httpOptions;
if (queryType === 'CONSTRUCT') {
// A construct does contain a text as response, not a json, so responseType must be 'text' to avoid parse errors
httpOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({'Content-Type': 'application/sparql-query', 'Accept': 'text/turtle'}),
responseType: 'text'};
return, query, httpOptions).toPromise();
} if (queryType === 'SELECT' || queryType === 'ASK') {
httpOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/sparql-query',
'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json; charset=UTF-8'})};
return, query, httpOptions).toPromise();
public updateData(baseUrl: string, data: string) {
let query = `INSERT DATA {${data}}`;
let httpOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/sparql-update',
'Authorization': 'Basic bmlldHpzY2hlX3VzZXI6bmlldHpzY2hl',
'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json; charset=UTF-8'}), method: 'POST', body: query};, query, httpOptions).toPromise().then(fuu => console.log(fuu) );
* Gets a text file by its name from the directory assets/queries.
* @param filename The name of the file + file name extension.
* @returns the text of the file.
public getQueryfromFilename(filename) {
return this.http.get('../assets/queries/' + filename, {responseType: 'text'}).toPromise();
* parametrizeSimpleQueryWithItem()
* Parametrizes a given baseQuery's where clause with an iri passed. only the first where clause will be parametrized
* @param subjectIri: The iri of the selected resource
* @param baseQuery: name of the query to parametrize
* @param propertyIri: The iri of the selected property
* @param objectIri: The iri of the selected object
* @returns the query for the resource.
public parametrizeWhereClauseWithItems(baseQuery: string, subjectIri?: string, predicateIri?: string, objectIri?: string): string {
let qParametrizer = new TlnQueryParametrizer(baseQuery);
qParametrizer.parametrizeWhereSPO(subjectIri, predicateIri, objectIri);
return qParametrizer.writeOut();
// the static version
public static parametrizeWhereClauseWithItem(baseQuery: string, subjectIri?: string, propertyIri?: string, objectIri?: string): string {
let qParametrizer = new TlnQueryParametrizer(baseQuery);
qParametrizer.parametrizeWhereSPO(subjectIri, propertyIri, objectIri);
return qParametrizer.writeOut();
// binds an iri to a variable and adds the BIND on top of the Where clause
public bindVariableWithIri(baseQuery: string, variable: string, iri: string) {
let qParametrizer = new TlnQueryParametrizer(baseQuery);
qParametrizer.bindVariable(variable, iri);
return qParametrizer.writeOut();
// binds an iri to a variable and adds the BIND on top of the Where clause
public static bindVariableWithIri(baseQuery: string, variable: string, iri: string, type = 0) {
let qParametrizer = new TlnQueryParametrizer(baseQuery);
qParametrizer.bindVariable(variable, iri, type);
return qParametrizer.writeOut();
export class TlnQueryParametrizer {
parser: Parser;
sparqlGenerator = new Generator({});
constructor(baseQuery: string) {
this.parser = new Parser();
this.parsedQuery = this.parser.parse(baseQuery);
// parametrizes the first occurence of a given s p o in the first where clause
parametrizeWhereSPO(subjectIri?: string, predicateIri?: string, objectIri?: string) {
// get the idx of the first where clause
this.setNode(subjectIri, 'subject');
this.setNode(predicateIri, 'predicate');
this.setNode(objectIri, 'object');
setNode(iri: string, role: string): void {
if (!iri || iri === '') { return } // guard
if (this.parsedQuery.type === 'update') {
this.parsedQuery.updates[0].where[0].triples[0][role] = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(iri) };
} else {
const whereIdx = this.parsedQuery.where.findIndex(where => where.type === 'bgp');
// console.log(this.parsedQuery.where[whereIdx].triples[0][role])
this.parsedQuery.where[whereIdx].triples[0][role] = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(iri) };
if (this.parsedQuery.queryType === 'CONSTRUCT') { // in case of constructs we also change the template subject
this.parsedQuery.template[0][role] = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(iri) };
setSubject(subjectIri: string, whereIdx): void {
if (!subjectIri || subjectIri === '') { return } // guard
this.parsedQuery.where[whereIdx].triples[0].subject = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(subjectIri) };
if (this.parsedQuery.queryType === 'CONSTRUCT') { // in case of constructs we also change the template subject
this.parsedQuery.template[0].subject = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(subjectIri) };
setPredicate(predicateIri: string, whereIdx): void { //guard
if (!predicateIri || predicateIri === '') { return }
this.parsedQuery.where[whereIdx].triples[0].predicate = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(predicateIri) };
if (this.parsedQuery.queryType === 'CONSTRUCT') { // in case of constructs we also change the template perdicate
this.parsedQuery.template[0].predicate = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(predicateIri) };
setObject(objectIri: string, whereIdx): void {
if (!objectIri || objectIri === '') { return } // guard
this.parsedQuery.where[whereIdx].triples[0].object = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(objectIri) };
if (this.parsedQuery.queryType === 'CONSTRUCT') { // in case of constructs we also change the template object
this.parsedQuery.template[0].object = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(objectIri) };
bindVariable(variable: string, iri: string, type: number = 0) {
let bind = {
expression: {
termType: "Uri",
value: iri,
language: "",
datatype: {termType: "NamedNode", value:"" }
type: "bind",
variable: {termType: 'Variable', value: variable} }
if (type === 0) { // select query
this.parsedQuery.where.splice(0, 0, bind );
if (type === 1) { //updatedelete
// console.log(type, variable, iri);
this.parsedQuery.updates[0].where.splice(0, 0, bind );
// sets all occurencies of a variable
setVars(node: string, value: string) {
let bgp = this.parsedQuery.where.filter(where => where.type === 'bgp');
if (bgp.length <= 1 || !bgp.triples || bgp.triples.length <= 1) { return} // guard
const valueNode = {'termType': 'NamedNode', 'value': decodeURI(value)};
let variableToParametrize = bgp.triples[0][node].value;
// replacing all occurenceis of variableToParametrize in the where clause
for (let i = 0; i <= this.parsedQuery.where.length; i++) {
if (this.parsedQuery.where[i].triples[0].subject.value === variableToParametrize) {
this.parsedQuery.where[i].triples[0].subject = valueNode; }
if (this.parsedQuery.where[i].triples[0].predicate.value === variableToParametrize) {
this.parsedQuery.where[i].triples[0].predicate = valueNode }
if (this.parsedQuery.where[i].triples[0].object.value === variableToParametrize) {
this.parsedQuery.where[i].triples[0].object = valueNode }
// Deletes all list entries & all lists of a subject for a given predicate
public static getDelQueriesOfListsOfSP(subjectIri: string, predicateIri: string): string[] {
// parametrize first the subject
const qSubject = QueryService.bindVariableWithIri(DELETE_LIST_ENTRIES_RQ, 'mySubject', subjectIri, 1);
// then the predicate
const delListEntriesQuery = QueryService.bindVariableWithIri(qSubject, 'myPredicate', predicateIri, 1);
console.log('delListEntriesQuery', delListEntriesQuery)
// parametrize the query to delete the triples
const delSPOToList = QueryService.parametrizeWhereClauseWithItem(DELETE_SPO_RQ, subjectIri, predicateIri) ;
return [delListEntriesQuery, delSPOToList];
writeOut() {
return this.sparqlGenerator.stringify(this.parsedQuery);

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