angular .module('slspArchivesHtgi', []) // "how to get it" section for resources of archives MFA, TMA (CMI STAR) .controller('ArchivesHtgiController', [function () { this.$onInit = function () { try{ if(!this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.display.source || this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.display.source.length === 0){ return; } this.source = this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.display.source[0]; // CMI STAR sources if(this.source === 'ETH_MaxFrischArchiv' || this.source === 'ETH_ThomasMannArchiv'){ // hide content of htgi section let section = document.getElementById('full-view-container'); section.classList.add('slsp-archives-hide'); // get guid of CMIStar let sourceid = this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.control.originalsourceid[0]; let guid = sourceid.substring(sourceid.lastIndexOf(':') + 1); // different sources: concat url if(this.source === 'ETH_ThomasMannArchiv'){ this.url = '' + guid; // only for test //this.label = 'Detailed information in Thomas Mann-Archiv Online (metadata only)'; } else if (this.source === 'ETH_MaxFrischArchiv') { this.url = '' + guid; // only for test //this.label = 'Request via Max Frisch-Archiv Online'; } } } catch(e){ console.error("***SLSP*** an error occured: ArchivesHtgiController\n\n"); console.error(e.message); } } }]) .component('almaHtgiSvcAfter', { bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' }, controller: 'ArchivesHtgiController', template: `
{{('customized.archives.' + $ctrl.source + '.linktext' | translate)}} {{$ctrl.label}}
No request possible. The digitized item can be consulted in the Thomas Mann Archives reading room upon advance registration ( Contact ).
Informationen zu Bestellung und Benutzung siehe Bedienungshinweise .
` });