'use strict'; let customFile = 'custom.js'; let customModuleFile = 'custom.module.js'; let customCssFile = 'custom1.css'; let mainFile = 'main.js'; let browserify; let view; let ve; let useScss; let reinstallNodeModules; let saml; let cas; var PROXY_SERVER; function setView(_view) { view = _view; } function setSaml(_saml) { saml = _saml; } function getSaml() { return saml; } function setCas(_cas) { cas = _cas; } function getCas() { return cas; } function setUseScss(_useScss) { useScss = _useScss; } function getUseScss() { return useScss; } function setProxy(_proxy) { this.PROXY_SERVER = _proxy; PROXY_SERVER = _proxy; } function getProxy(){ return PROXY_SERVER; } function getVe() { return ve; } function setVe(_ve) { ve = _ve; } function getBrowserify() { return browserify; } function setBrowserify(_browserify) { browserify = _browserify; } function setReinstallNodeModules(_reinstallNodeModules) { reinstallNodeModules = _reinstallNodeModules; } function getReinstallNodeModules() { return reinstallNodeModules; } function getView(){ return view; } function customPath() { return viewJsDir()+'/'+customFile; } function customModulePath() { return viewJsDir()+'/'+customModuleFile; } function viewHtmlDir() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/html`; } function viewJsDir() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/js`; } function mainPath() { return viewJsDir()+'/*.js'; } function mainJsPath() { return viewJsDir()+'/main.js'; } function customCssMainPath() { return viewCssDir()+'/*.css'; } function customColorsPath(){ return `colors.json`; } function viewRootDir() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}`; } function viewCssDir() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/css`; } function customScssDir() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/scss`; } function customScssMainPath() { return customScssDir() + "/main.scss"; } function customCssPath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/css/custom1.css`; } function customNpmModuleRootDir() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules`; } function customNpmJsCustomPath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules/primo-explore*/js/custom.js`; } function customNpmJsModulePath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules/primo-explore*/js/custom.module.js`; } function customNpmJsPath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules/primo-explore*/js/*.js`; } function customNpmDistPath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules/primo-explore*/dist/*.js`; } function customNpmCssPath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules/primo-explore*/css/*.css`; } function customNpmHtmlPath() { return `primo-explore/custom/${view}/node_modules/primo-explore*/html/*.html`; } var SERVERS = { local: 'http://localhost:8002' }; /** * The URL to your sandbox or production Primo instance. * For SSL environments (https), the port number (443) must be included. * * Examples: * var PROXY_SERVER = 'http://abc-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com' * var PROXY_SERVER = 'https://abc-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com:443' */ // var PROXY_SERVER = 'https://slsp-epfl.primo.exlibrisgroup.com:443'; let buildParams = { customFile: customFile, customCssFile: customCssFile, customPath: customPath, customModulePath: customModulePath, mainPath: mainPath, mainJsPath: mainJsPath, viewRootDir: viewRootDir, viewJsDir: viewJsDir, viewHtmlDir: viewHtmlDir, viewCssDir: viewCssDir, customScssDir: customScssDir, customScssMainPath: customScssMainPath, customCssPath: customCssPath, customNpmModuleRootDir: customNpmModuleRootDir, customNpmJsPath: customNpmJsPath, customNpmDistPath: customNpmDistPath, customNpmJsCustomPath: customNpmJsCustomPath, customNpmJsModulePath: customNpmJsModulePath, customNpmCssPath: customNpmCssPath, customNpmHtmlPath: customNpmHtmlPath, customCssMainPath: customCssMainPath, customColorsPath: customColorsPath }; module.exports = { buildParams: buildParams, PROXY_SERVER: getProxy(), setView: setView, setUseScss: setUseScss, getUseScss: getUseScss, setProxy: setProxy, getReinstallNodeModules: getReinstallNodeModules, setReinstallNodeModules: setReinstallNodeModules, proxy: getProxy, view: getView, getBrowserify: getBrowserify, setBrowserify: setBrowserify, getVe: getVe, setVe: setVe, getSaml: getSaml, setSaml: setSaml, getCas: getCas, setCas: setCas };