var modRewrite = require('connect-modrewrite'); var fs = require('fs') var Promise = require("bluebird"); var config = require('./config'); var glob = require('glob'); Promise.promisifyAll(glob); var Response = require('http-response-object'); module.exports.getCustimazationObject = function (vid,appName) { var basedir = appName+'/custom'; var ignored = ['img', 'css', 'custom']; var base_path = 'custom/'; var customizationObject = { viewJs: '', centralJs: '', viewCss: '', centralCss: '', favIcon: '', libraryLogo: '', resourceIcons: '', staticHtml: '' }; var promises = []; var packages = glob.sync(base_path + "*", {cwd:appName,ignore:'**/'}); var isInherited = packages.indexOf(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE') > -1; if(vid !== ''){ var viewPackage = base_path + vid; } if(vid === '') { var viewPackage = packages.filter((package) => package !== base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE'); } viewPackage = viewPackage || viewPackage[0]; console.log(viewPackage); if(viewPackage.length ===0 ){ viewPackage = ''; } //js if(viewPackage !== '' && viewPackage !== 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE') { customizationObject.viewJs = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/js/custom.js", {cwd: appName}); } if (isInherited) { customizationObject.centralJs = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/js/custom.js", {cwd:appName}); } //css customizationObject.viewCss = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/css/custom1.css", {cwd:appName}); if (isInherited) { customizationObject.centralCss = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/css/custom1.css", {cwd:appName}); } //images customizationObject.favIcon = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/img/favicon.ico", {cwd:appName}); if (isInherited && customizationObject.favIcon === '') { customizationObject.favIcon = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/img/favicon.ico", {cwd:appName}) } customizationObject.libraryLogo = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/img/library-logo.png", {cwd:appName})[0]; if (isInherited && (!customizationObject.libraryLogo || customizationObject.libraryLogo === '')) { customizationObject.libraryLogo = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/img/library-logo.png", {cwd:appName})[0]; } var paths = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/img/icon_**.png", {cwd:appName}); customizationObject.resourceIcons = {}; for (path of paths) { var pathFixed = path.substring(path.indexOf('/img/icon_') + 10, path.indexOf('.png')); customizationObject.resourceIcons[pathFixed] = path; } if (isInherited) { var paths = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/img/icon_**.png", {cwd:appName}); for (path of paths) { var pathFixed = path.substring(path.indexOf('/img/icon_') + 10, path.indexOf('.png')); if (!customizationObject.resourceIcons[pathFixed]) { customizationObject.resourceIcons[pathFixed] = path; } } } //html var paths = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/html/home_**.html", {cwd:appName}); if(paths && paths.length > 0){ // for August 2016 version customizationObject.staticHtml = {}; customizationObject.staticHtml.homepage = {}; for (path of paths) { var pathFixed = path.substring(path.indexOf('/html/home_')+11, path.indexOf('.html')); customizationObject.staticHtml.homepage[pathFixed] = path; } if (isInherited) { var paths = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/html/home_**.html", {cwd:appName}); for (path of paths) { var pathFixed = path.substring(path.indexOf('/html/home_')+11, path.indexOf('.html')); if (!customizationObject.staticHtml.homepage[pathFixed]) { customizationObject.staticHtml.homepage[pathFixed] = path; } } } }else{ // starting November 2016 version var paths = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/html/**/*.html", {cwd:appName}); if(!paths || paths.length ===0){ paths = glob.sync(viewPackage + "/html/*.html", {cwd:appName}); } var staticHtmlRes = {}; staticHtmlRes = getHtmlCustomizations(paths,viewPackage,staticHtmlRes); if (isInherited) { var paths = glob.sync(base_path + 'CENTRAL_PACKAGE' + "/html/**/*.html", {cwd:appName}); staticHtmlRes = getHtmlCustomizations(paths,'custom/CENTRAL_PACKAGE',staticHtmlRes); } customizationObject.staticHtml = staticHtmlRes; } function getLanguage(entry) { var numberOfCharsForLang = config.getVe() ? 2 : 5; var start = entry.indexOf('.html')-numberOfCharsForLang; var res = entry.substring(start,start+numberOfCharsForLang); return res; } function getHtmlCustomizations(paths,path,staticDict){ var patternString = path+'/html/'; var re = new RegExp(patternString, "g"); var res = paths .map(e => e.replace(re,'')); res.forEach((e)=> { var lang = getLanguage(e); var dirName = e.replace('_'+lang+'.html',''); if (dirName.indexOf('/') > -1) { var sepIndex = dirName.indexOf('/'); dirName = dirName.substr(0, sepIndex); } if(!staticDict[dirName]) { staticDict[dirName] = {}; } staticDict[dirName][lang] = path+ '/html/'+e; if(lang ==='en_US' || lang === 'en') { staticDict[dirName]['default'] = path+ '/html/'+e; } }); return staticDict; } return customizationObject; } module.exports.proxy_function = function () { var proxyServer = config.PROXY_SERVER; var res = new Response(200, {'content-type': 'text/css'}, new Buffer(''), ''); var loginRewriteFlags = (config.getSaml() || config.getCas()) ? 'RL' : 'PL'; return modRewrite([ '/primo_library/libweb/webservices/rest/(.*) ' + proxyServer + '/primo_library/libweb/webservices/rest/$1 [PL]', '/primaws/rest/(.*) ' + proxyServer + '/primaws/rest/$1 [PL]', '/primo_library/libweb/primoExploreLogin ' + proxyServer + '/primo_library/libweb/primoExploreLogin [' + loginRewriteFlags + ']', '/primaws/suprimaLogin ' + proxyServer + '/primaws/suprimaLogin [' + loginRewriteFlags + ']', '/primaws/suprimaExtLogin ' + proxyServer + '/primaws/suprimaExtLogin [' + loginRewriteFlags + ']', '/primo-explore/index.html ' + proxyServer + '/primo-explore/index.html [PL]', '/discovery/index.html ' + proxyServer + '/discovery/index.html [PL]', '/primo-explore/custom/(.*) /custom/$1 [L]', '/discovery/custom/(.*) /custom/$1 [L]', '/primo-explore/(.*) ' + proxyServer + '/primo-explore/$1 [PL]', '/discovery/(.*) ' + proxyServer + '/discovery/$1 [PL]', '.*primoExploreJwt=.* /index.html [L]', '^[^\\.]*$ /index.html [L]' ]); };