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Wed, Jun 12, 14:17


* @ngdoc module
* @name ethLocationsFilterModule
* @description
* Customization for the locations filter:<br>
* - the locations filter is visible by default
* If there is 1 location: prmLocationItemsAfter
* If there are multiple locations: prmLocationAfter;
* after all locations: prmLocationsAfter;
* after choosing a location: prmLocationItemsAfter
* <b>AngularJS Dependencies</b><br>
* <b>CSS/Image Dependencies</b><br>
* CSS eth-locations-filter.css
import {ethLocationItemsFilterController} from './eth-location-items-filter.controller';
export const ethLocationItemsFilterModule = angular
.module('ethLocationItemsFilterModule', [])
.controller('ethLocationItemsFilterController', ethLocationItemsFilterController)
.component('ethLocationItemsFilterComponent', {
bindings: {afterCtrl: '<'},
controller: 'ethLocationItemsFilterController'

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