angular .module('slspArchivesViewit', []) // .component('prmSearchResultAvailabilityLineAfter', { VERSION ETH //bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' }, .component('prmEthSearchResultAvailabilityLineAfter', { // VERSION EPFL bindings: { afterCtrl: '<' }, controller: 'ArchivesAvailabilityLineController' }) .component('prmEthAlmaViewitAfter', { bindings: { afterCtrl: '<' }, controller: 'ArchivesViewitController', template: `
{{('customized.archives.' + $ctrl.source + '.linktext' | translate)}} {{$ctrl.label}}
Informationen zu Bestellung und Benutzung siehe Bedienungshinweise .
` }) // viewit section for archives when there are only partial digitized items, e.g. "ETH Hochschularchiv" (CMI STAR) .controller('ArchivesViewitController', ['$translate', function ($translate) { this.parentCtrl = this.afterCtrl.parentCtrl; this.$onInit = function () { try{ if(!this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.display.source || this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.display.source.length === 0){ return; } this.source = this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.display.source[0]; // CMI STAR sources if(this.source === 'ETH_Hochschularchiv'){ if( && > 0 &&[0].links &&[0].links.length > 0){ // there is an online resource: return and do nothing let aOnlineLink =[0].links.filter( l => { if(l.isLinktoOnline && !== ''){ return true; } return false; }); if (aOnlineLink.length > 0) { return; } // there is no online resource // change section heading $translate('nui.getit.service_howtogetit').then((translation) => { let fullView = document.getElementById('fullView'); angular.element(fullView.querySelector("h4[translate='nui.getit.service_viewit']")).text(translation); angular.element(fullView.querySelector("#services-index span[translate='nui.getit.service_viewit']")).text(translation); }); } // hide content of viewit section let section = document.getElementById('full-view-container'); section.classList.add('slsp-archives-hide'); // get guid of CMIStar let sourceid = this.parentCtrl.item.pnx.control.originalsourceid[0]; let guid = sourceid.substring(sourceid.lastIndexOf(':') + 1); // different sources: concat url if(this.source === 'ETH_Hochschularchiv'){ this.url = '' + guid; // only for test //this.label = 'Bestellen über Hochschularchiv Online'; } } } catch(e){ console.error("***SLSP*** an error occured: ArchivesViewitController\n\n"); console.error(e.message); } } }]) // change availability line, if there is no digitization .controller('ArchivesAvailabilityLineController', ['$translate', function ($translate) { this.$onInit = function () { try{ /********************/ /* DEBUT AJOUT EPFL */ /********************/ this.parentCtrl = this.afterCtrl.parentCtrl; /********************/ /* FIN AJOUT EPFL */ /********************/ this.changeButton = false; if(!this.parentCtrl.result.pnx.display.source || this.parentCtrl.result.pnx.display.source.length === 0){ return; } this.source = this.parentCtrl.result.pnx.display.source[0]; if(!this.source === 'ETH_Hochschularchiv')return; if(! || == 0 || ![0].links ||[0].links.length == 0)return; let aOnlineLink =[0].links.filter( l => { if(l.isLinktoOnline && !== ''){ return true; } return false; }); if (aOnlineLink.length === 0) { // there is no online resource $translate('delivery.code.no_inventory').then((translation) => { this.changeButton = true; this.changeButtonText = translation; }); let availabilityLine = this.parentCtrl.$element[0]; if(availabilityLine) { availabilityLine.classList.add('slsp-hsa-no-online'); } } } catch(e){ console.error("***SLSP*** an error occured: ArchivesAvailabilityLineController\n\n"); console.error(e.message); } } this.$doCheck = function () { try{ if (this.changeButton){ let availabilityLine = this.parentCtrl.$element[0]; let button = availabilityLine.querySelector('.availability-status'); if(angular.element(button) && angular.element(button).length > 0){ angular.element(button).html(this.changeButtonText); this.changeButton = false; this.changeButtonText = ''; } } } catch(e){ console.error("***ETH*** an error occured: ArchivesAvailabilityLineController $doCheck\n\n"); console.error(e.message); } } }])