<h1 class="md-headline">Welcome to <b>BEAST</b></h1>
<p>The <b>BEAST</b> catalog (<b>B</b>ooks, <b>E</b>books and <b>A</b>rticles <b>S</b>earch <b>T</b>ool) allows you to search through all EPFL Library documentary resources (books and ebooks, online and printed journals and articles, EPFL theses, DVDs, video games, etc.), as well as through the collections of the other libraries of <a href="https://slsp.ch">swisscovery</a> network.</p>
<p>Please <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch?iz=epfl&lang=en" target="_blank">register</a> for swisscovery network to benefit from services such as:</p>
<li>Access to the collections of more than <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 scientific libraries</a> in Switzerland</li>
<li>Use electronic resources available through EPFL Library license</li>
<li>Order documents from other libraries (free of charge if picked up at the EPFL Library)</li>
<li>Access your reader account, loans and reservations</li>
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<span class="legal">The EPFL library is member of the <a href="https://slsp.ch" target="_blank" class="ps_link">Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) network</a></span>