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# Copyright (C) 2018 by the RROMPy authors
# This file is part of RROMPy.
# RROMPy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RROMPy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with RROMPy. If not, see <>.
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from itertools import product as iterprod
from copy import deepcopy as copy
from os import remove as osrm
from rrompy.sampling.base.sampling_engine_base import SamplingEngineBase
from rrompy.utilities.base.types import Np1D, DictAny, HFEng, sampleEng, strLst
from rrompy.utilities.base import purgeDict, verbosityDepth, getNewFilename
from rrompy.utilities.exception_manager import (RROMPyException, modeAssert,
from rrompy.utilities.base import pickleDump, pickleLoad
__all__ = ['GenericApproximant']
def addNormFieldToClass(self, fieldName):
def objFunc(self, mu:complex, homogeneized : bool = False) -> float:
getObj = getattr(self.__class__, "get" + fieldName)
return self.HFEngine.norm(getObj(self, mu, homogeneized))
setattr(self.__class__, "norm" + fieldName, objFunc)
def addPlotFieldToClass(self, fieldName):
def objFunc(self, mu:complex, name : str = fieldName, save : str = None,
what : strLst = 'all', saveFormat : str = "eps",
saveDPI : int = 100, show : bool = True,
homogeneized : bool = False, **figspecs):
uV = getattr(self.__class__, "get" + fieldName)(self, mu, homogeneized)
self.HFEngine.plot(uV, name = name, save = save, what = what,
saveFormat = saveFormat, saveDPI = saveDPI,
show = show, **figspecs)
setattr(self.__class__, "plot" + fieldName, objFunc)
def addOutParaviewFieldToClass(self, fieldName):
def objFunc(self, mu:complex, name : str = fieldName,
filename : str = "out", time : float = 0.,
what : strLst = 'all', forceNewFile : bool = True,
folder : bool = False, filePW = None,
homogeneized : bool = False):
uV = getattr(self.__class__, "get" + fieldName)(self, mu, homogeneized)
self.HFEngine.outParaview(uV, name = name, filename = filename,
time = time, what = what,
forceNewFile = forceNewFile,
folder = folder, filePW = filePW)
setattr(self.__class__, "outParaview" + fieldName, objFunc)
def addOutParaviewTimeDomainFieldToClass(self, fieldName):
def objFunc(self, mu:complex, omega : float = None,
timeFinal : float = None, periodResolution : int = 20,
name : str = fieldName, filename : str = "out",
forceNewFile : bool = True, folder : bool = False,
homogeneized : bool = False):
uV = getattr(self.__class__, "get" + fieldName)(self, mu, homogeneized)
if omega is None: omega = np.real(mu)
self.HFEngine.outParaviewTimeDomain(uV, omega = omega,
timeFinal = timeFinal,
periodResolution = periodResolution,
name = name, filename = filename,
forceNewFile = forceNewFile,
folder = folder)
setattr(self.__class__, "outParaviewTimeDomain" + fieldName, objFunc)
class GenericApproximant:
ROM approximant computation for parametric problems.
HFEngine: HF problem solver.
mu0(optional): Default parameter. Defaults to 0.
approxParameters(optional): Dictionary containing values for main
parameters of approximant. Recognized keys are:
- 'POD': whether to compute POD of snapshots; defaults to True.
Defaults to empty dict.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to homogeneize Dirichlet BCs. Defaults
to False.
verbosity(optional): Verbosity level. Defaults to 10.
HFEngine: HF problem solver.
trainedModel: Trained model evaluator.
mu0: Default parameter.
homogeneized: Whether to homogeneize Dirichlet BCs.
approxParameters: Dictionary containing values for main parameters of
approximant. Recognized keys are in parameterList.
parameterList: Recognized keys of approximant parameters:
- 'POD': whether to compute POD of snapshots.
verbosity: Verbosity level.
POD: Whether to compute POD of snapshots.
samplingEngine: Sampling engine.
uHF: High fidelity solution with wavenumber lastSolvedHF as numpy
complex vector.
lastSolvedHF: Wavenumber corresponding to last computed high fidelity
uApp: Last evaluated approximant as numpy complex vector.
__all__ += [ftype + dtype for ftype, dtype in iterprod(
["norm", "plot", "outParaview", "outParaviewTimeDomain"],
["HF", "RHS", "Approx", "Res", "Err"])]
def __init__(self, HFEngine:HFEng, mu0 : complex = 0,
approxParameters : DictAny = {}, homogeneized : bool = False,
verbosity : int = 10, timestamp : bool = True):
self._mode = RROMPy_READY
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.timestamp = timestamp
if self.verbosity >= 10:
verbosityDepth("INIT", ("Initializing approximant engine of "
"type {}.").format(,
timestamp = self.timestamp)
self._HFEngine = HFEngine
self.mu0 = mu0
self.homogeneized = homogeneized
self.approxParameters = approxParameters
### add norm{HF,RHS,Approx,Res,Err} methods
Compute norm of * at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
Target norm of *.
for objName in ["HF", "RHS", "Approx", "Res", "Err"]:
addNormFieldToClass(self, objName)
### add plot{HF,RHS,Approx,Res,Err} methods
Do some nice plots of * at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
name(optional): Name to be shown as title of the plots. Defaults to
what(optional): Which plots to do. If list, can contain 'ABS',
'PHASE', 'REAL', 'IMAG'. If str, same plus wildcard 'ALL'.
Defaults to 'ALL'.
save(optional): Where to save plot(s). Defaults to None, i.e. no
saveFormat(optional): Format for saved plot(s). Defaults to "eps".
saveDPI(optional): DPI for saved plot(s). Defaults to 100.
show(optional): Whether to show figure. Defaults to True.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
figspecs(optional key args): Optional arguments for matplotlib
figure creation.
for objName in ["HF", "RHS", "Approx", "Res", "Err"]:
addPlotFieldToClass(self, objName)
### add outParaview{HF,RHS,Approx,Res,Err} methods
Output * to ParaView file.
mu: Target parameter.
name(optional): Base name to be used for data output.
filename(optional): Name of output file.
time(optional): Timestamp.
what(optional): Which plots to do. If list, can contain 'MESH',
'ABS', 'PHASE', 'REAL', 'IMAG'. If str, same plus wildcard
'ALL'. Defaults to 'ALL'.
forceNewFile(optional): Whether to create new output file.
filePW(optional): Fenics File entity (for time series).
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
for objName in ["HF", "RHS", "Approx", "Res", "Err"]:
addOutParaviewFieldToClass(self, objName)
### add outParaviewTimeDomain{HF,RHS,Approx,Res,Err} methods
Output * to ParaView file, converted to time domain.
mu: Target parameter.
omega(optional): frequency.
timeFinal(optional): final time of simulation.
periodResolution(optional): number of time steps per period.
name(optional): Base name to be used for data output.
filename(optional): Name of output file.
forceNewFile(optional): Whether to create new output file.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
for objName in ["HF", "RHS", "Approx", "Res", "Err"]:
addOutParaviewTimeDomainFieldToClass(self, objName)
def _preInit(self):
if not hasattr(self, "depth"): self.depth = 0
else: self.depth += 1
def _addParametersToList(self, what:strLst):
if not hasattr(self, "parameterList"):
self.parameterList = []
self.parameterList += what
def _postInit(self):
if self.depth == 0:
if self.verbosity >= 10:
verbosityDepth("DEL", "Done initializing.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)
del self.depth
else: self.depth -= 1
def name(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__
def __str__(self) -> str:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__() + " at " + hex(id(self))
def setupSampling(self, SamplingEngine : sampleEng = SamplingEngineBase):
"""Setup sampling engine."""
modeAssert(self._mode, message = "Cannot setup sampling engine.")
self.samplingEngine = SamplingEngine(self.HFEngine,
verbosity = self.verbosity)
def HFEngine(self):
"""Value of HFEngine."""
return self._HFEngine
def HFEngine(self, HFEngine):
RROMPyException("Cannot change HFEngine.")
def mu0(self):
"""Value of mu0."""
return self._mu0
def mu0(self, mu0):
if not (hasattr(self, "_mu0") and np.isclose(mu0, self.mu0)):
self._mu0 = mu0
def approxParameters(self):
"""Value of approximant parameters."""
return self._approxParameters
def approxParameters(self, approxParams):
if not hasattr(self, "approxParameters"):
self._approxParameters = {}
approxParameters = purgeDict(approxParams, self.parameterList,
dictname = + ".approxParameters",
baselevel = 1)
keyList = list(approxParameters.keys())
if "POD" in keyList:
self.POD = approxParameters["POD"]
elif not hasattr(self, "_POD") or self._POD is None:
self.POD = True
def POD(self):
"""Value of POD."""
return self._POD
def POD(self, POD):
if hasattr(self, "_POD"): PODold = self.POD
else: PODold = -1
self._POD = POD
self._approxParameters["POD"] = self.POD
if PODold != self.POD:
self.samplingEngine = None
def homogeneized(self):
"""Value of homogeneized."""
return self._homogeneized
def homogeneized(self, homogeneized):
if not hasattr(self, "_homogeneized"):
self._homogeneized = None
if homogeneized != self.homogeneized:
self._homogeneized = homogeneized
def setHF(self, muHF:complex, uHF:Np1D):
"""Assign high fidelity solution."""
self.lastSolvedHF = copy(muHF)
self.uHF = copy(uHF)
def solveHF(self, mu : complex = None):
Find high fidelity solution with original parameters and arbitrary
mu: Target parameter.
if mu is None: mu = self.mu0
if not np.isclose(self.lastSolvedHF, mu):
self.setHF(mu, self.samplingEngine.solveLS(mu,
homogeneized = self.homogeneized))
def resetSamples(self):
"""Reset samples."""
if hasattr(self, "samplingEngine") and self.samplingEngine is not None:
self.trainedModel = None
self.setHF(np.nan, None)
self._mode = RROMPy_READY
def plotSamples(self, name : str = "u", save : str = None,
what : strLst = 'all', saveFormat : str = "eps",
saveDPI : int = 100, **figspecs):
Do some nice plots of the samples.
name(optional): Name to be shown as title of the plots. Defaults to
what(optional): Which plots to do. If list, can contain 'ABS',
'PHASE', 'REAL', 'IMAG'. If str, same plus wildcard 'ALL'.
Defaults to 'ALL'.
save(optional): Where to save plot(s). Defaults to None, i.e. no
saveFormat(optional): Format for saved plot(s). Defaults to "eps".
saveDPI(optional): DPI for saved plot(s). Defaults to 100.
figspecs(optional key args): Optional arguments for matplotlib
figure creation.
modeAssert(self._mode, message = "Cannot plot samples.")
self.samplingEngine.plotSamples(name = name, save = save, what = what,
saveFormat = saveFormat,
saveDPI = saveDPI,
def outParaviewSamples(self, name : str = "u", filename : str = "out",
times : Np1D = None, what : strLst = 'all',
forceNewFile : bool = True, folders : bool = False,
filePW = None):
Output samples to ParaView file.
name(optional): Base name to be used for data output.
filename(optional): Name of output file.
times(optional): Timestamps.
what(optional): Which plots to do. If list, can contain 'MESH',
'ABS', 'PHASE', 'REAL', 'IMAG'. If str, same plus wildcard
'ALL'. Defaults to 'ALL'.
forceNewFile(optional): Whether to create new output file.
folders(optional): Whether to split output in folders.
filePW(optional): Fenics File entity (for time series).
modeAssert(self._mode, message = "Cannot output samples.")
self.samplingEngine.outParaviewSamples(name = name,
filename = filename,
times = times, what = what,
forceNewFile = forceNewFile,
folders = folders,
filePW = filePW)
def outParaviewTimeDomainSamples(self, omegas : Np1D = None,
timeFinal : Np1D = None,
periodResolution : int = 20,
name : str = "u",
filename : str = "out",
forceNewFile : bool = True,
folders : bool = False):
Output samples to ParaView file, converted to time domain.
omegas(optional): frequencies.
timeFinal(optional): final time of simulation.
periodResolution(optional): number of time steps per period.
name(optional): Base name to be used for data output.
filename(optional): Name of output file.
forceNewFile(optional): Whether to create new output file.
folders(optional): Whether to split output in folders.
modeAssert(self._mode, message = "Cannot output samples.")
self.samplingEngine.outParaviewTimeDomainSamples(omegas = omegas,
timeFinal = timeFinal,
periodResolution = periodResolution,
name = name, filename = filename,
forceNewFile = forceNewFile,
folders = folders)
def setApprox(self, model):
"""Deepcopy approximation from trained model."""
if hasattr(model, "storeTrainedModel"):
verb = model.verbosity
model.verbosity = 0
fileOut = model.storeTrainedModel()
model.verbosity = verb
fileOut = getNewFilename("trained_model", "pkl")
pickleDump(, fileOut)
RROMPyException(("Failed to store model data. Parameter model "
"must have either storeTrainedModel or "
"data.__dict__ properties."))
def setupApprox(self):
Setup approximant. (ABSTRACT)
Any specialization should include something like
if self.checkComputedApprox():
modeAssert(self._mode, message = "Cannot setup approximant.")
self.trainedModel = ... = ... = copy(
def checkComputedApprox(self) -> bool:
Check if setup of new approximant is not needed.
True if new setup is not needed. False otherwise.
return self._mode == RROMPy_FRAGILE or (self.trainedModel is not None
and == self.approxParameters)
def evalApproxReduced(self, mu:complex):
Evaluate reduced representation of approximant at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
self.uAppReduced = self.trainedModel.getApproxReduced(mu)
def evalApprox(self, mu:complex):
Evaluate approximant at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
self.uApp = self.trainedModel.getApprox(mu)
def getHF(self, mu:complex, homogeneized : bool = False) -> Np1D:
Get HF solution at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
if self.homogeneized and not homogeneized:
return self.uHF + self.HFEngine.liftDirichletData(mu)
if not self.homogeneized and homogeneized:
return self.uHF - self.HFEngine.liftDirichletData(mu)
return self.uHF
def getRHS(self, mu:complex, homogeneized : bool = False) -> Np1D:
Get linear system RHS at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
Linear system RHS.
return self.HFEngine.residual(None, mu, homogeneized = homogeneized)
def getApproxReduced(self, mu:complex) -> Np1D:
Get approximant at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
Reduced approximant.
return self.uAppReduced
def getApprox(self, mu:complex, homogeneized : bool = False) -> Np1D:
Get approximant at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
if self.homogeneized and not homogeneized:
return self.uApp + self.HFEngine.liftDirichletData(mu)
if not self.homogeneized and homogeneized:
return self.uApp - self.HFEngine.liftDirichletData(mu)
return self.uApp
def getRes(self, mu:complex, homogeneized : bool = False) -> Np1D:
Get residual at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
Approximant residual.
return self.HFEngine.residual(self.getApprox(mu, homogeneized), mu,
homogeneized = homogeneized)
def getErr(self, mu:complex, homogeneized : bool = False) -> Np1D:
Get error at arbitrary parameter.
mu: Target parameter.
homogeneized(optional): Whether to remove Dirichlet BC. Defaults to
Approximant error.
return self.getApprox(mu, homogeneized) - self.getHF(mu, homogeneized)
def getPoles(self) -> Np1D:
Obtain approximant poles.
Numpy complex vector of poles.
if self.verbosity >= 20:
verbosityDepth("INIT", "Computing poles of model.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)
poles = self.trainedModel.getPoles()
if self.verbosity >= 20:
verbosityDepth("DEL", "Done computing poles.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)
return poles
def storeTrainedModel(self, filenameBase : str = "trained_model",
forceNewFile : bool = True):
"""Store trained reduced model to file."""
if self.verbosity >= 20:
verbosityDepth("INIT", "Storing trained model to file.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)
if forceNewFile:
filename = getNewFilename(filenameBase, "pkl")
filename = "{}.pkl".format(filenameBase)
pickleDump(, filename)
if self.verbosity >= 20:
verbosityDepth("DEL", "Done storing trained model.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)
return filename
def loadTrainedModel(self, filename:str):
"""Load trained reduced model from file."""
if self.verbosity >= 20:
verbosityDepth("INIT", "Loading pre-trained model from file.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)
datadict = pickleLoad(filename)
name = datadict.pop("name")
if name == "TrainedModelPade":
from rrompy.reduction_methods.trained_model import \
TrainedModelPade as tModel
elif name == "TrainedModelRB":
from rrompy.reduction_methods.trained_model import \
TrainedModelRB as tModel
raise RROMPyException(("Trained model name not recognized. "
"Loading failed."))
self.mu0 = datadict.pop("mu0")
from rrompy.reduction_methods.trained_model import TrainedModelData
trainedModel = tModel()
trainedModel.verbosity = self.verbosity
trainedModel.timestamp = self.timestamp
data = TrainedModelData(name, self.mu0, datadict.pop("projMat"),
if "mus" in datadict:
data.mus = datadict.pop("mus")
approxParameters = datadict.pop("approxParameters")
data.approxParameters = copy(approxParameters)
if "sampler" in approxParameters:
self._approxParameters["sampler"] = approxParameters.pop("sampler")
self.approxParameters = copy(approxParameters)
if "mus" in data.__dict__:
self.mus = copy(data.mus)
if name == "TrainedModelPade":
self.scaleFactor = datadict.pop("scaleFactor")
data.scaleFactor = self.scaleFactor
for key in datadict:
setattr(data, key, datadict[key]) = data
self.trainedModel = trainedModel
self._mode = RROMPy_FRAGILE
if self.verbosity >= 20:
verbosityDepth("DEL", "Done loading pre-trained model.",
timestamp = self.timestamp)

Event Timeline