# RROMPy -- Rational Reduced Order Modeling in Python ===================================================== Module for the solution and rational model order reduction of parametric PDE-based problem. Coded in Python 3.6. ## Prerequisites **RROMPy** requires * **numpy**; * **scipy**; * **fenics**. Testing requires * **pytest**. ### Fenics Most of the PDE engines already provided rely on [FEniCS](http://fenicsproject.org/). If you do not have FEniCS installed, you may want to create an [Anaconda3/Miniconda3](http://anaconda.org/) environment using the provided !!conda-fenics.yml!! environment file by running the command ``` conda env create --file conda-fenics.yml ``` This will create an environment where Fenics can be used. In order to use FEniCS, the environment must be activated through ``` source activate fenicsenv ``` ## Installing Clone the repository ``` git clone https://c4science.ch/source/RROMPy.git ``` enter the main folder and install the package by typing ``` python3 setup.py install ``` The installation can be tested with ``` python3 setup.py test ``` ## License This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE license - see the !!LICENSE!! file for details. ## Acknowledgments Part of the funding that made this module possible has been provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the FNS Research Project No. 182236.