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#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: pmapdata.c,v 2.23 2021/04/14 11:26:25 rschregle Exp $";
Photon map types and high level interface to nearest neighbour lookups in
underlying point cloud data structure.
The default data structure is an in-core kd-tree (see pmapkdt.{h,c}).
This can be overriden with the PMAP_OOC compiletime switch, which enables
an out-of-core octree (see oococt.{h,c}).
Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@{,})
(c) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems,
supported by the German Research Foundation
(DFG LU-204/10-2, "Fassadenintegrierte Regelsysteme" (FARESYS))
(c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation
(SNSF #147053, "Daylight Redirecting Components",
SNSF #179067, "Light Fields for Spatio-Temporal Glare Assessment")
(c) Tokyo University of Science,
supported by the JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
(KAKENHI JP19KK0115, "Three-Dimensional Light Flow")
$Id: pmapdata.c,v 2.23 2021/04/14 11:26:25 rschregle Exp $
#include "pmapdata.h"
#include "pmapdens.h"
#include "pmaprand.h"
#include "pmapmat.h"
#include "pmaproi.h"
#include "otypes.h"
#include "random.h"
PhotonMap *photonMaps [NUM_PMAP_TYPES] = {
/* Include routines to handle underlying point cloud data structure */
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
#include "pmapooc.c"
#include "pmapkdt.c"
#include "pmaptkdt.c"
/* Ambient include/exclude set (from ambient.c) */
#ifndef MAXASET
#define MAXASET 4095
extern OBJECT ambset [MAXASET+1];
/* Callback to print photon attributes acc. to user defined format */
int (*printPhoton)(RAY *r, Photon *p, PhotonMap *pm);
/* PHOTON MAP BUILD ROUTINES ------------------------------------------ */
void initPhotonMap (PhotonMap *pmap, PhotonMapType t)
/* Init photon map 'n' stuff... */
if (!pmap)
pmap -> numPhotons = 0;
pmap -> biasCompHist = NULL;
pmap -> maxPos [0] = pmap -> maxPos [1] = pmap -> maxPos [2] = -FHUGE;
pmap -> minPos [0] = pmap -> minPos [1] = pmap -> minPos [2] = FHUGE;
pmap -> minGathered = pmap -> maxGathered = pmap -> totalGathered = 0;
pmap -> gatherTolerance = gatherTolerance;
pmap -> minError = pmap -> maxError = pmap -> rmsError = 0;
pmap -> numDensity = 0;
pmap -> distribRatio = 1;
pmap -> type = t;
pmap -> squeue.node = NULL;
pmap -> squeue.len = 0;
/* Init path lookup table and its key buffer */
pmap -> pathLUT = NULL;
pmap -> pathLUTKeys = NULL;
pmap -> numPathLUTKeys = 0;
/* Init transient photon mapping stuff */
pmap -> velocity = photonVelocity;
pmap -> minPathLen = pmap -> maxPathLen = pmap -> avgPathLen = 0;
/* Init local RNG state */
pmap -> randState [0] = 10243;
pmap -> randState [1] = 39829;
pmap -> randState [2] = 9433;
pmapSeed(randSeed, pmap -> randState);
/* Set up type-specific photon lookup callback */
pmap -> lookup = pmapLookup [t];
/* Mark photon contribution source as unused */
pmap -> lastContribSrc.srcIdx = pmap -> lastContribSrc.srcBin = -1;
pmap -> numContribSrc = 0;
pmap -> contribSrc = NULL;
/* Init storage */
pmap -> heap = NULL;
pmap -> heapBuf = NULL;
pmap -> heapBufLen = 0;
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
OOC_Null(&pmap -> store);
kdT_Null(&pmap -> store);
void initPhotonHeap (PhotonMap *pmap)
int fdFlags;
if (!pmap)
error(INTERNAL, "undefined photon map in initPhotonHeap()");
if (!pmap -> heap) {
/* Open heap file */
mktemp(strcpy(pmap -> heapFname, PMAP_TMPFNAME));
if (!(pmap -> heap = fopen(pmap -> heapFname, "w+b")))
error(SYSTEM, "failed opening heap file in initPhotonHeap()");
#ifdef F_SETFL /* XXX is there an alternative needed for Windows? */
fdFlags = fcntl(fileno(pmap -> heap), F_GETFL);
fcntl(fileno(pmap -> heap), F_SETFL, fdFlags | O_APPEND);
#endif/* ftruncate(fileno(pmap -> heap), 0); */
void flushPhotonHeap (PhotonMap *pmap)
int fd;
const unsigned long len = pmap -> heapBufLen * sizeof(Photon);
if (!pmap)
error(INTERNAL, "undefined photon map in flushPhotonHeap()");
if (!pmap -> heap || !pmap -> heapBuf) {
/* Silently ignore undefined heap
error(INTERNAL, "undefined heap in flushPhotonHeap()"); */
/* Atomically seek and write block to heap */
/* !!! Unbuffered I/O via pwrite() avoids potential race conditions
* !!! and buffer corruption which can occur with lseek()/fseek()
* !!! followed by write()/fwrite(). */
fd = fileno(pmap -> heap);
sprintf(errmsg, "Proc %d: flushing %ld photons from pos %ld\n", getpid(),
pmap -> heapBufLen, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) / sizeof(Photon)
/*if (pwrite(fd, pmap -> heapBuf, len, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)) != len) */
if (write(fd, pmap -> heapBuf, len) != len) {
error(SYSTEM, "failed append to heap file in flushPhotonHeap()");
/* Clean up temp file */
fclose(pmap -> heap);
unlink(pmap -> heapFname);
#if NIX
if (fsync(fd))
error(SYSTEM, "failed fsync in flushPhotonHeap()");
pmap -> heapBufLen = 0;
static int checkPhotonHeap (FILE *file)
/* Check heap for nonsensical or duplicate photons */
Photon p, lastp;
int i, dup;
memset(&lastp, 0, sizeof(lastp));
while (fread(&p, sizeof(p), 1, file)) {
dup = 1;
for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
if (p.pos [i] < thescene.cuorg [i] ||
p.pos [i] > thescene.cuorg [i] + thescene.cusize
) {
sprintf(errmsg, "corrupt photon in heap at [%f, %f, %f]\n",
p.pos [0], p.pos [1], p.pos [2]
error(WARNING, errmsg);
dup &= p.pos [i] == lastp.pos [i];
if (dup) {
sprintf(errmsg, "consecutive duplicate photon in heap "
"at [%f, %f, %f]\n", p.pos [0], p.pos [1], p.pos [2]
error(WARNING, errmsg);
return 0;
int newPhoton (PhotonMap* pmap, const RAY* ray)
unsigned i;
Photon photon;
COLOR photonFlux;
/* Account for distribution ratio */
if (!pmap || pmapRandom(pmap -> randState) > pmap -> distribRatio)
return -1;
/* Don't store on sources */
if (ray -> robj > -1 && islight(objptr(ray -> ro -> omod) -> otype))
return -1;
/* Ignore photon if modifier in/outside exclude/include set */
if (ambincl != -1 && ray -> ro &&
ambincl != inset(ambset, ray->ro->omod)
return -1;
/* Store photon if within a region of interest (for ze Ecksperts!) */
if (!photonInROI(ray))
return -1;
/* Adjust flux according to distribution ratio and ray weight */
copycolor(photonFlux, ray -> rcol);
#if 0
/* Factored out ray -> rweight as deprecated (?) for pmap, and infact
erroneously attenuates volume photon flux based on extinction,
which is already factored in by photonParticipate() */
ray -> rweight / (pmap -> distribRatio ? pmap -> distribRatio : 1)
1.0 / (pmap -> distribRatio ? pmap -> distribRatio : 1)
setPhotonFlux(&photon, photonFlux);
/* Set photon position and flags */
VCOPY(photon.pos, ray -> rop);
photon.flags = 0;
photon.caustic = PMAP_CAUSTICRAY(ray);
/* Set photon's subprocess index */
photon.proc = PMAP_GETRAYPROC(ray);
switch (pmap -> type) {
/* Set contrib photon's origin and subprocess index (the latter to
* linearise the origin array after photon distribution completes).
* Also set contribution source index, thereby marking it as used.
* Note the contribution source bin has already been set by
* newPhotonContribSrc(). */
photon.aux.contribSrc = pmap -> numContribSrc;
pmap -> lastContribSrc.srcIdx = ray -> rsrc;
/* Set cumulative path length for transient photon, corresponding
to its time of flight. The cumulative path length is obtained
relative to the maximum path length photonMaxPathDist.
The last intersection distance is subtracted as this isn't
factored in until photonRay() generates a new photon ray. */
photon.aux.pathLen = photonMaxPathDist - ray -> rmax + ray -> rot;
/* Set photon's path ID from ray serial num
(supplemented by photon.proc below) */
photon.aux.pathID = ray -> rno;
/* Set normal */
for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
photon.norm [i] = 127.0 * (isVolumePmap(pmap)
|| isLightFlowPmap(pmap)
? ray -> rdir [i] : ray -> ron [i]
if (!pmap -> heapBuf) {
/* Lazily allocate heap buffa */
#if NIX
/* Randomise buffa size to temporally decorellate flushes in
* multiprocessing mode */
srandom(randSeed + getpid());
pmap -> heapBufSize = PMAP_HEAPBUFSIZE * (0.5 + frandom());
/* Randomisation disabled for single processes on WIN; also useful
* for reproducability during debugging */
pmap -> heapBufSize = PMAP_HEAPBUFSIZE;
if (!(pmap -> heapBuf = calloc(pmap -> heapBufSize, sizeof(Photon))))
error(SYSTEM, "failed heap buffer allocation in newPhoton");
pmap -> heapBufLen = 0;
/* Photon initialised; now append to heap buffa */
memcpy(pmap -> heapBuf + pmap -> heapBufLen, &photon, sizeof(Photon));
if (++pmap -> heapBufLen >= pmap -> heapBufSize)
/* Heap buffa full, flush to heap file */
pmap -> numPhotons++;
/* Print photon attributes */
if (printPhoton)
/* Non-const kludge */
printPhoton((RAY*)ray, &photon, pmap);
return 0;
void buildPhotonMap (PhotonMap *pmap, double *photonFlux,
PhotonContribSourceIdx *contribSrcOfs, unsigned nproc
unsigned long n, nCheck = 0;
unsigned i;
Photon *p;
COLOR flux;
char nuHeapFname [sizeof(PMAP_TMPFNAME)];
FILE *nuHeap;
/* Need double here to reduce summation errors */
double avgFlux [3] = {0, 0, 0}, CoG [3] = {0, 0, 0}, CoGdist = 0,
avgPathLen = 0;
if (!pmap)
error(INTERNAL, "undefined photon map in buildPhotonMap()");
/* Get number of photons from heapfile size */
if (fseek(pmap -> heap, 0, SEEK_END) < 0)
error(SYSTEM, "failed seek to end of photon heap in buildPhotonMap()");
pmap -> numPhotons = ftell(pmap -> heap) / sizeof(Photon);
if (!pmap -> numPhotons)
error(INTERNAL, "empty photon map in buildPhotonMap()");
if (!pmap -> heap)
error(INTERNAL, "no heap in buildPhotonMap()");
eputs("Checking photon heap consistency...\n");
checkPhotonHeap(pmap -> heap);
sprintf(errmsg, "Heap contains %ld photons\n", pmap -> numPhotons);
/* Allocate heap buffa */
if (!pmap -> heapBuf) {
pmap -> heapBufSize = PMAP_HEAPBUFSIZE;
pmap -> heapBuf = calloc(pmap -> heapBufSize, sizeof(Photon));
if (!pmap -> heapBuf)
"failed to allocate postprocessed photon heap in buildPhotonMap()"
/* We REALLY don't need yet another @%&*! heap just to hold the scaled
* photons, but can't think of a quicker fix... */
mktemp(strcpy(nuHeapFname, PMAP_TMPFNAME));
if (!(nuHeap = fopen(nuHeapFname, "w+b")))
"failed to open postprocessed photon heap in buildPhotonMap()"
rewind(pmap -> heap);
eputs("Postprocessing photons...\n");
while (!feof(pmap -> heap)) {
printf("Reading %lu at %lu... ",
pmap -> heapBufSize, ftell(pmap->heap)
pmap -> heapBufLen = fread(pmap -> heapBuf, sizeof(Photon),
pmap -> heapBufSize, pmap -> heap
printf("Got %lu\n", pmap -> heapBufLen);
if (ferror(pmap -> heap))
error(SYSTEM, "failed to read photon heap in buildPhotonMap()");
for (n = pmap -> heapBufLen, p = pmap -> heapBuf; n; n--, p++) {
/* Update min and max pos and set photon flux */
for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
if (p -> pos [i] < pmap -> minPos [i])
pmap -> minPos [i] = p -> pos [i];
else if (p -> pos [i] > pmap -> maxPos [i])
pmap -> maxPos [i] = p -> pos [i];
/* Update centre of gravity with photon position */
CoG [i] += p -> pos [i];
if (isContribPmap(pmap) && contribSrcOfs)
/* Linearise contrib photon origin index from subprocess index
* using the per-subprocess offsets in contribSrcOfs */
p -> aux.contribSrc += contribSrcOfs [p -> proc];
else if (isTransientPmap(pmap)
|| isTransLightFlowPmap(pmap)
) {
/* Update min and max path length */
if (p -> aux.pathLen < pmap -> minPathLen)
pmap -> minPathLen = p -> aux.pathLen;
else if (p -> aux.pathLen > pmap -> maxPathLen)
pmap -> maxPathLen = p -> aux.pathLen;
/* Update avg photon path length */
avgPathLen += p -> aux.pathLen;
/* Scale photon's flux (hitherto normalised to 1 over RGB); in
* case of a contrib photon map, this is done per light source,
* and photonFlux is assumed to be an array */
getPhotonFlux(p, flux);
if (photonFlux) {
photonFlux [isContribPmap(pmap) ? photonSrcIdx(pmap, p) : 0]
setPhotonFlux(p, flux);
/* Update average photon flux; need a double here */
addcolor(avgFlux, flux);
/* Write modified photons to new heap */
fwrite(pmap -> heapBuf, sizeof(Photon), pmap -> heapBufLen, nuHeap);
if (ferror(nuHeap)) {
"failed postprocessing photon flux in buildPhotonMap()"
/* Clean up temp files */
fclose(pmap -> heap);
unlink(pmap -> heapFname);
nCheck += pmap -> heapBufLen;
if (nCheck < pmap -> numPhotons)
error(INTERNAL, "truncated photon heap in buildPhotonMap");
/* Finalise average photon flux */
scalecolor(avgFlux, 1.0 / pmap -> numPhotons);
copycolor(pmap -> photonFlux, avgFlux);
/* Average photon positions to get centre of gravity */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
pmap -> CoG [i] = CoG [i] /= pmap -> numPhotons;
/* Average photon path lengths */
pmap -> avgPathLen = avgPathLen /= pmap -> numPhotons;
rewind(pmap -> heap);
/* Compute average photon distance to centre of gravity */
while (!feof(pmap -> heap)) {
pmap -> heapBufLen = fread(pmap -> heapBuf, sizeof(Photon),
pmap -> heapBufSize, pmap -> heap
for (n = pmap -> heapBufLen, p = pmap -> heapBuf; n; n--, p++) {
VSUB(d, p -> pos, CoG);
CoGdist += DOT(d, d);
if (isTransientPmap(pmap)
|| isTransLightFlowPmap(pmap)
) {
/* Add temporal distance (in units of photon path length)
for transient photons */
d [0] = p -> aux.pathLen - avgPathLen;
CoGdist += d [0] * d [0];
pmap -> CoGdist = CoGdist /= pmap -> numPhotons;
/* Swap heaps, discarding unscaled photons */
fclose(pmap -> heap);
unlink(pmap -> heapFname);
pmap -> heap = nuHeap;
strcpy(pmap -> heapFname, nuHeapFname);
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
OOC_BuildPhotonMap(pmap, nproc);
if (isTransientPmap(pmap)
|| isTransLightFlowPmap(pmap)
/* Trash heap and its buffa */
free(pmap -> heapBuf);
fclose(pmap -> heap);
unlink(pmap -> heapFname);
pmap -> heap = NULL;
pmap -> heapBuf = NULL;
/* PHOTON MAP SEARCH ROUTINES ------------------------------------------ */
/* Dynamic max photon search radius increase and reduction factors */
#define PMAP_MAXDIST_DEC 0.9
/* Num successful lookups before reducing in max search radius */
#define PMAP_MAXDIST_CNT 1000
/* Threshold below which we assume increasing max radius won't help */
/* Coefficient for adaptive maximum search radius */
void findPhotons (PhotonMap* pmap, const RAY* ray)
int redo = 0;
const RREAL *norm = ray -> ron, *pos = ray -> rop;
if (!pmap -> squeue.len) {
/* Lazy init priority queue */
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
pmap -> minGathered = pmap -> maxGather;
pmap -> maxGathered = pmap -> minGather;
pmap -> totalGathered = 0;
pmap -> numLookups = pmap -> numShortLookups = 0;
pmap -> shortLookupPct = 0;
pmap -> minError = FHUGE;
pmap -> maxError = -FHUGE;
pmap -> rmsError = 0;
/* SQUARED max search radius limit is based on avg photon distance to
* centre of gravity, unless fixed by user (maxDistFix > 0) */
pmap -> maxDist0 = pmap -> maxDist2Limit = maxDistFix > 0
? maxDistFix * maxDistFix
: PMAP_MAXDIST_COEFF * pmap -> squeue.len *
pmap -> CoGdist / pmap -> numPhotons;
do {
pmap -> squeue.tail = 0;
pmap -> maxDist2 = pmap -> maxDist0;
if (isVolumePmap(pmap)
|| isLightFlowPmap(pmap) && sphericalIrrad
) {
/* Volume photons are not associated with a normal or intersection
point; null the normal and set origin as lookup point. */
/* If a lightflow photon map is used and sphericalIrrad = 1,
the mean spherical irradiance is evaluated, so normals are
irrelevant and not filtered. */
norm = NULL;
pos = ray -> rorg;
/* XXX/NOTE: status returned by XXX_FindPhotons() is currently
ignored; if no photons are found, an empty queue is returned
under the assumption all photons are too distant to contribute
significant flux. */
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
OOC_FindPhotons(pmap, pos, norm);
if (isTransientPmap(pmap)
|| isTransLightFlowPmap(pmap)
kdT_TransFindPhotons(pmap, pos, norm);
kdT_FindPhotons(pmap, pos, norm);
fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d %s photons found within radius %.3f "
"at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) on %s\n", pmap -> squeue.tail,
pmap -> squeue.len, pmapName [pmap -> type], sqrt(pmap -> maxDist2),
ray -> rop [0], ray -> rop [1], ray -> rop [2],
ray -> ro ? ray -> ro -> oname : "<null>"
if (pmap -> squeue.tail < pmap -> squeue.len * pmap->gatherTolerance) {
/* Short lookup; too few photons found */
if (pmap -> squeue.tail > PMAP_SHORT_LOOKUP_THRESH) {
/* Ignore short lookups which return fewer than
* PMAP_SHORT_LOOKUP_THRESH photons under the assumption there
* really are no photons in the vicinity, and increasing the max
* search radius therefore won't help */
"%d/%d %s photons found at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) on %s",
pmap -> squeue.tail, pmap->squeue.len, pmapName [pmap->type],
ray -> rop [0], ray -> rop [1], ray -> rop [2],
ray -> ro ? ray -> ro -> oname : "<null>"
error(WARNING, errmsg);
/* Bail out after warning if maxDist is fixed */
if (maxDistFix > 0)
if (pmap -> maxDist0 < pmap -> maxDist2Limit) {
/* Increase max search radius if below limit & redo search */
pmap -> maxDist0 *= PMAP_MAXDIST_INC;
redo = 1;
sprintf(errmsg, redo
? "restarting photon lookup with max radius %.1e"
: "max photon lookup radius adjusted to %.1e",
pmap -> maxDist0
error(WARNING, errmsg);
else {
sprintf(errmsg, "max photon lookup radius clamped to %.1e",
pmap -> maxDist0
error(WARNING, errmsg);
/* Reset successful lookup counter */
pmap -> numLookups = 0;
else {
/* Skip search radius reduction if maxDist is fixed */
if (maxDistFix > 0)
/* Increment successful lookup counter and reduce max search radius if
* wraparound */
pmap -> numLookups = (pmap -> numLookups + 1) % PMAP_MAXDIST_CNT;
if (!pmap -> numLookups)
pmap -> maxDist0 *= PMAP_MAXDIST_DEC;
redo = 0;
} while (redo);
Photon *find1Photon (PhotonMap *pmap, const RAY* ray, Photon *photon)
/* Init (squared) search radius to avg photon dist to centre of gravity */
float maxDist2_0 = pmap -> CoGdist;
int found = 0;
#define REDO 1
#define REDO 0
do {
pmap -> maxDist2 = maxDist2_0;
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
found = OOC_Find1Photon(pmap, ray -> rop, ray -> ron, photon);
found = kdT_Find1Photon(pmap, ray -> rop, ray -> ron, photon);
if (found < 0) {
/* Expand search radius to retry */
maxDist2_0 *= 2;
sprintf(errmsg, "failed 1-NN photon lookup"
", retrying with search radius %.2f", maxDist2_0
error(WARNING, errmsg);
} while (REDO && found < 0);
/* Return photon buffer containing valid photon, else NULL */
return found < 0 ? NULL : photon;
void getPhoton (PhotonMap *pmap, PhotonIdx idx, Photon *photon)
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
if (OOC_GetPhoton(pmap, idx, photon))
if (kdT_GetPhoton(pmap, idx, photon))
error(INTERNAL, "failed photon lookup");
Photon *getNearestPhoton (const PhotonSearchQueue *squeue, PhotonIdx idx)
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
return OOC_GetNearestPhoton(squeue, idx);
return kdT_GetNearestPhoton(squeue, idx);
PhotonIdx firstPhoton (const PhotonMap *pmap)
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
return OOC_FirstPhoton(pmap);
return kdT_FirstPhoton(pmap);
/* PHOTON MAP CLEANUP ROUTINES ------------------------------------------ */
void deletePhotons (PhotonMap* pmap)
#ifdef PMAP_OOC
OOC_Delete(&pmap -> store);
kdT_Delete(&pmap -> store);
free(pmap -> squeue.node);
free(pmap -> biasCompHist);
pmap -> numPhotons = pmap -> minGather = pmap -> maxGather =
pmap -> squeue.len = pmap -> squeue.tail = 0;
if (pmap -> pathLUT) {
lu_done(pmap -> pathLUT);
free(pmap -> pathLUT);
if (pmap -> pathLUTKeys) {
unsigned k;
for (k = 0; k < pmap->squeue.len + 1; free(pmap->pathLUTKeys [k++]));
free(pmap -> pathLUTKeys);

Event Timeline