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#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: oocnn.c,v 2.2 2017/08/14 21:12:10 rschregle Exp $";
k-nearest neighbour lookup routines for out-of-core octree data structure
Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@{,})
(c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, #147053)
$Id: oocnn.c,v 2.2 2017/08/14 21:12:10 rschregle Exp $
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) || defined(PMAP_OOC)
/* No Windoze support for now */
#include "oocnn.h"
#include "oocsort.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
static int OOC_SearchQueueCheck (OOC_SearchQueue *queue, const FVECT key,
RREAL *(*keyFunc)(const void*),
unsigned root)
/* Priority queue sanity check */
unsigned kid;
const OOC_SearchQueueNode *qn = queue -> node;
void *rec;
float d2;
if (root < queue -> tail) {
rec = OOC_GetNearest(queue, qn [root].idx);
d2 = dist2(keyFunc(rec), key);
if (qn [root].dist2 != d2)
return -1;
if ((kid = (root << 1) + 1) < queue -> tail) {
if (qn [kid].dist2 > qn [root].dist2)
return -1;
else return OOC_SearchQueueCheck(queue, key, keyFunc, kid);
if (++kid < queue -> tail) {
if (qn [kid].dist2 > qn [root].dist2)
return -1;
else return OOC_SearchQueueCheck(queue, key, keyFunc, kid);
return 0;
static float OOC_PutNearest (OOC_SearchQueue *queue, float d2, void *rec)
/* Insert data record with SQUARED distance to query point into search
* priority queue, maintaining the most distant record at the queue head.
* If the queue is full, the new record is only inserted if it is closer
* than the queue head.
* Returns the new maximum SQUARED distance at the head if the queue is
* full. Otherwise returns -1, indicating a maximum for the entire queue is
* as yet undefined
* The data record is copied into the queue's local record buffa for
* post-search retrieval to minimise redundant disk access. Note that it
* suffices to only rearrange the corresponding indices in the queue nodes
* when restoring the priority queue after every insertion, rather than
* moving the actual records. */
OOC_SearchQueueNode *qn = queue -> node;
unsigned root, kid, kid2, rootIdx;
float d2max = -1; /* Undefined max distance ^2 */
/* The queue is represented as a linearised binary tree with the root
* corresponding to the queue head, and the tail corresponding to the
* last leaf */
if (queue -> tail < queue -> len) {
/* Enlarge queue if not full, insert at tail and resort towards head */
kid = queue -> tail++;
while (kid) {
root = (kid - 1) >> 1;
/* Compare with parent and swap if necessary, else terminate */
if (d2 > qn [root].dist2) {
qn [kid].dist2 = qn [root].dist2;
qn [kid].idx = qn [root].idx;
kid = root;
else break;
/* Assign tail position as linear index into record buffa
* queue -> nnRec and append record */
qn [kid].dist2 = d2;
qn [kid].idx = queue -> tail - 1;
memcpy(OOC_GetNearest(queue, qn [kid].idx), rec, queue -> recSize);
else if (d2 < qn [0].dist2) {
/* Queue full and new record closer than maximum at head; replace head
* and resort towards tail */
root = 0;
rootIdx = qn [root].idx;
while ((kid = (root << 1) + 1) < queue -> tail) {
/* Compare with larger kid & swap if necessary, else terminate */
if ((kid2 = (kid + 1)) < queue -> tail &&
qn [kid2].dist2 > qn [kid].dist2)
kid = kid2;
if (d2 < qn [kid].dist2) {
qn [root].dist2 = qn [kid].dist2;
qn [root].idx = qn [kid].idx;
else break;
root = kid;
/* Reassign head's previous buffa index and overwrite corresponding
* record */
qn [root].dist2 = d2;
qn [root].idx = rootIdx;
memcpy(OOC_GetNearest(queue, qn [root].idx), rec, queue -> recSize);
/* Update SQUARED maximum distance from head node */
d2max = qn [0].dist2;
return d2max;
int OOC_InitNearest (OOC_SearchQueue *squeue,
unsigned len, unsigned recSize)
squeue -> len = len;
squeue -> recSize = recSize;
squeue -> node = calloc(len, sizeof(OOC_SearchQueueNode));
squeue -> nnRec = calloc(len, recSize);
if (!squeue -> node || !squeue -> nnRec) {
perror("OOC_InitNearest: failed search queue allocation");
return -1;
return 0;
void *OOC_GetNearest (const OOC_SearchQueue *squeue, unsigned idx)
return squeue -> nnRec + idx * squeue -> recSize;
static float OOC_BBoxDist2 (const FVECT bbOrg, RREAL bbSiz, const FVECT key)
/* Return minimum *SQUARED* distance between key and bounding box defined by
* bbOrg and bbSiz; a distance of 0 implies the key lies INSIDE the bbox */
/* Explicit comparison with bbox corners */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
d [i] = key [i] - bbOrg [i];
d [i] = d [i] < 0 ? -d [i] : d [i] - bbSiz;
/* Set to 0 if inside bbox */
if (d [i] < 0)
d [i] = 0;
return DOT(d, d);
float OOC_FindNearest (OOC_Octree *oct, OOC_Node *node, OOC_DataIdx dataIdx,
const FVECT org, float size, const FVECT key,
const OOC_SearchFilter *filter,
OOC_SearchQueue *queue, float maxDist2)
const float kidSize = size * 0.5;
unsigned i, kid, kid0;
float d2;
char rec [oct -> recSize];
FVECT kidOrg;
OOC_DataIdx kidDataIdx, recIdx;
OOC_Node *kidNode;
/* Start with suboctant closest to key */
for (kid0 = 0, i = 0; i < 3; i++)
kid0 |= (key [i] > org [i] + kidSize) << i;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
kid = kid0 ^ i;
kidNode = node;
kidDataIdx = dataIdx + OOC_GetKid(oct, &kidNode, kid);
/* Prune empty suboctant */
if ((!kidNode && !OOC_ISLEAF(node)) ||
(OOC_ISLEAF(node) && !node -> leaf.num [kid]))
/* Set up suboctant */
VCOPY(kidOrg, org);
OOC_OCTORIGIN(kidOrg, kid, kidSize);
/* Prune suboctant if not overlapped by maxDist2 */
if (OOC_BBoxDist2(kidOrg, kidSize, key) > maxDist2)
if (kidNode) {
/* Internal node; recurse into non-empty suboctant */
maxDist2 = OOC_FindNearest(oct, kidNode, kidDataIdx, kidOrg,
kidSize, key, filter, queue, maxDist2);
if (maxDist2 < 0)
/* Bail out on error */
else if (OOC_ISLEAF(node))
/* Leaf node; do linear check of all records in suboctant */
for (recIdx = kidDataIdx;
recIdx < kidDataIdx + node -> leaf.num [kid]; recIdx++) {
if (OOC_GetData(oct, recIdx, rec))
return -1;
if (!filter || filter -> func(rec, filter -> data))
/* Insert record in search queue SQUARED dist to key below
* maxDist2 and passes filter */
if ((d2 = dist2(key, oct -> key(rec))) < maxDist2) {
if ((d2 = OOC_PutNearest(queue, d2, rec)) >= 0)
/* Update maxDist2 if queue is full */
maxDist2 = d2;
if (OOC_SearchQueueCheck(queue, key, oct -> key, 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "OOC_SearchPush: priority queue "
return -1;
return maxDist2;
float OOC_Find1Nearest (OOC_Octree *oct, OOC_Node *node, OOC_DataIdx dataIdx,
const FVECT org, float size, const FVECT key,
const OOC_SearchFilter *filter, void *nnRec,
float maxDist2)
const float kidSize = size * 0.5;
unsigned i, kid, kid0;
float d2;
char rec [oct -> recSize];
FVECT kidOrg;
OOC_DataIdx kidDataIdx, recIdx;
OOC_Node *kidNode;
/* Start with suboctant closest to key */
for (kid0 = 0, i = 0; i < 3; i++)
kid0 |= (key [i] > org [i] + kidSize) << i;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
kid = kid0 ^ i;
kidNode = node;
kidDataIdx = dataIdx + OOC_GetKid(oct, &kidNode, kid);
/* Prune empty suboctant */
if ((!kidNode && !OOC_ISLEAF(node)) ||
(OOC_ISLEAF(node) && !node -> leaf.num [kid]))
/* Set up suboctant */
VCOPY(kidOrg, org);
OOC_OCTORIGIN(kidOrg, kid, kidSize);
/* Prune suboctant if not overlapped by maxDist2 */
if (OOC_BBoxDist2(kidOrg, kidSize, key) > maxDist2)
if (kidNode) {
/* Internal node; recurse into non-empty suboctant */
maxDist2 = OOC_Find1Nearest(oct, kidNode, kidDataIdx, kidOrg,
kidSize, key, filter, nnRec, maxDist2);
if (maxDist2 < 0)
/* Bail out on error */
else if (OOC_ISLEAF(node))
/* Leaf node; do linear check of all records in suboctant */
for (recIdx = kidDataIdx;
recIdx < kidDataIdx + node -> leaf.num [kid]; recIdx++) {
if (OOC_GetData(oct, recIdx, rec))
return -1;
if (!filter || filter -> func(rec, filter -> data))
/* Update closest record and max SQUARED dist to key if it
* passes filter */
if ((d2 = dist2(key, oct -> key(rec))) < maxDist2) {
memcpy(nnRec, rec, oct -> recSize);
maxDist2 = d2;
return maxDist2;
#endif /* NIX / PMAP_OOC */

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