/* RCSid $Id: pmapbias.h,v 2.5 2016/05/17 17:39:47 rschregle Exp $ */ /* ================================================================== Bias compensation for photon density estimates For background see: R. Schregle, "Bias Compensation for Photon Maps", Computer Graphics Forum, v22:n4, pp. 729-742, Dec. 2003. Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@gmail.com) (c) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ================================================================== $Id: pmapbias.h,v 2.5 2016/05/17 17:39:47 rschregle Exp $ */ #ifndef PMAPBIASCOMP_H #define PMAPBIASCOMP_H #include "pmapdata.h" /* Bias compensation weighting function */ /* #define BIASCOMP_WGT(n) 1 */ /* #define BIASCOMP_WGT(n) (n) */ #define BIASCOMP_WGT(n) ((n) * (n)) /* #define BIASCOMP_WGT(n) ((n) * (n) * (n)) */ /* #define BIASCOMP_WGT(n) exp(0.003 * (n)) */ /* Dump photon bandwidth for bias compensated density estimates */ /* #define BIASCOMP_BWIDTH */ void biasComp (PhotonMap*, COLOR); /* Photon density estimate with bias compensation, returning irradiance. Expects photons in search queue after a kd-tree lookup. */ void volumeBiasComp (PhotonMap*, const RAY*, COLOR); /* Photon volume density estimate with bias compensation, returning irradiance. Expects photons in search queue after a kd-tree lookup. */ #endif