/* ================================================================== Photon map interface to out-of-core octree Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@{hslu.ch, gmail.com}) (c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF #147053, "Daylight Redirecting Components") (c) Tokyo University of Science, supported by the JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI JP19KK0115, "Three-Dimensional Light Flow") ================================================================== $Id: pmapooc.h,v 1.1 2020/10/29 16:20:11 u-no-hoo Exp u-no-hoo $ */ #ifndef PMAPOOC_H #define PMAPOOC_H #include "oocnn.h" /* Suffixes for octree filenames */ /* #define PMAP_OOC_NODESUFFIX ".node" #define PMAP_OOC_HEAPSUFFIX ".heap" */ #define PMAP_OOC_LEAFSUFFIX ".leaf" /* Out-of-core octree constants */ #define PMAP_OOC_NUMBLK 32 /* Num blocks for external sort */ #define PMAP_OOC_BLKSIZE 1e8 /* Block size for external sort */ #define PMAP_OOC_LEAFMAX (OOC_OCTCNT_MAX) /* Max photons per leaf */ #define PMAP_OOC_MAXDEPTH (MORTON3D_BITS) /* Max octree depth */ typedef OOC_SearchQueueNode PhotonSearchQueueNode; typedef OOC_SearchQueue PhotonSearchQueue; typedef OOC_Octree PhotonStorage; typedef unsigned PhotonIdx; /* Forward declarations to break dependency loop with pmapdata.h */ struct PhotonMap; void OOC_BuildPhotonMap (struct PhotonMap *pmap, unsigned numProc); /* Build out-of-core octree pmap -> store from photons in unsorted * heapfile pmap -> heap and generate nodes and leaf file with prefix * pmap -> fileName. Photon map construction may be parallelised if * numProc > 1, if supported. The heap is destroyed on return. */ int OOC_SavePhotons (const struct PhotonMap *pmap, FILE *out); /* Save photons in out-of-core octree to file. Return -1 on error, * else 0 */ int OOC_LoadPhotons (struct PhotonMap *pmap, FILE *in); /* Load photons in out-of-core octree from file. Return -1 on error, * else 0 */ void OOC_InitFindPhotons (struct PhotonMap *pmap); /* Initialise NN search queue prior to calling kdT_FindPhotons() */ int OOC_FindPhotons ( struct PhotonMap* pmap, const FVECT pos, const FVECT norm ); /* Locate pmap -> squeue.len nearest photons to pos with similar normal * (NULL for volume photons) and return in search queue pmap -> squeue, * starting with the further photon at pmap -> squeue.node. Return -1 * if none found, else 0. */ int OOC_Find1Photon (struct PhotonMap* pmap, const FVECT pos, const FVECT norm, Photon *photon ); /* Locate single nearest photon to pos with similar normal. Return -1 * if none found, else 0. */ int OOC_GetPhoton (struct PhotonMap *pmap, PhotonIdx idx, Photon *photon); /* Retrieve photon referenced by idx from leaf file and return -1 on * error, else 0. */ Photon *OOC_GetNearestPhoton (const PhotonSearchQueue *squeue, PhotonIdx idx ); /* Retrieve photon from NN search queue after OOC_FindPhotons() */ PhotonIdx OOC_FirstPhoton (const struct PhotonMap* pmap); /* Return index to first photon in octree */ #endif