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#ifndef lint
static const char RCSid[] = "$Id$";
Photon map density estimation routines
Roland Schregle (roland.schregle@{,})
(c) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems,
supported by the German Research Foundation
(DFG LU-204/10-2, "Fassadenintegrierte Regelsysteme" (FARESYS))
(c) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation
(SNSF #147053, "Daylight Redirecting Components")
(c) Tokyo University of Science,
supported by the JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
(KAKENHI JP19KK0115, "Three-Dimensional Light Flow")
#include "pmapdens.h"
#include "pmapbias.h"
#include "otypes.h"
/* Photon map lookup functions per type */
void (*pmapLookup [NUM_PMAP_TYPES])(PhotonMap*, RAY*, COLOR) = {
photonDensity, photonPreCompDensity, photonDensity, volumePhotonDensity,
photonDensity, photonDensity
void photonDensity (PhotonMap *pmap, RAY *ray, COLOR irrad)
/* Surface-bound photon density estimate for global and caustic photons.
Returns irradiance at ray -> rop. */
unsigned i;
float r2;
COLOR flux;
Photon *photon;
const PhotonSearchQueueNode *sqn;
setcolor(irrad, 0, 0, 0);
if (!pmap -> maxGather)
/* Ignore sources */
if (ray -> ro && islight(objptr(ray -> ro -> omod) -> otype))
findPhotons(pmap, ray);
/* Need at least 2 photons */
if (pmap -> squeue.tail < 2) {
sprintf(errmsg, "no photons found on %s at (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)",
ray -> ro ? ray -> ro -> oname : "<null>",
ray -> rop [0], ray -> rop [1], ray -> rop [2]);
error(WARNING, errmsg);
if (pmap -> minGather == pmap -> maxGather) {
/* No bias compensation. Just do a plain vanilla estimate */
sqn = pmap -> squeue.node + 1;
/* Average radius^2 between furthest two photons to improve accuracy */
r2 = max(sqn -> dist2, (sqn + 1) -> dist2);
r2 = 0.25 * (pmap -> maxDist2 + r2 + 2 * sqrt(pmap -> maxDist2 * r2));
/* Skip the extra photon */
for (i = 1 ; i < pmap -> squeue.tail; i++, sqn++) {
photon = getNearestPhoton(&pmap -> squeue, sqn -> idx);
getPhotonFlux(photon, flux);
/* Apply Epanechnikov kernel to photon flux based on photon dist */
scalecolor(flux, 2 * (1 - sqn -> dist2 / r2));
addcolor(irrad, flux);
/* Divide by search area PI * r^2, 1 / PI required as ambient
normalisation factor */
scalecolor(irrad, 1 / (PI * PI * r2));
/* Apply bias compensation to density estimate */
biasComp(pmap, irrad);
void photonPreCompDensity (PhotonMap *pmap, RAY *r, COLOR irrad)
/* Surface-bound photon density estimate for (single) precomputed photon.
Returns precomputed irradiance at ray -> rop. */
Photon p;
setcolor(irrad, 0, 0, 0);
/* Ignore sources */
if (r -> ro && islight(objptr(r -> ro -> omod) -> otype))
if (find1Photon(preCompPmap, r, &p))
/* p contains a found photon, so get its irradiance, otherwise it
* remains zero under the assumption all photons are too distant
* to contribute significantly */
getPhotonFlux(&p, irrad);
void volumePhotonDensity (PhotonMap *pmap, RAY *ray, COLOR irrad)
/* Volume photon density estimate using Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
Returns inscattered irradiance at ray -> rop. */
unsigned i;
float r2, gecc2, ph;
COLOR flux;
Photon *photon;
const PhotonSearchQueueNode *sqn;
setcolor(irrad, 0, 0, 0);
if (!pmap -> maxGather)
findPhotons(pmap, ray);
/* Need at least 2 photons */
if (pmap -> squeue.tail < 2)
gecc2 = ray -> gecc * ray -> gecc;
sqn = pmap -> squeue.node + 1;
/* Average radius^2 between furthest two photons to improve accuracy */
r2 = max(sqn -> dist2, (sqn + 1) -> dist2);
r2 = 0.25 * (pmap -> maxDist2 + r2 + 2 * sqrt(pmap -> maxDist2 * r2));
/* Skip the extra photon */
for (i = 1; i < pmap -> squeue.tail; i++, sqn++) {
photon = getNearestPhoton(&pmap -> squeue, sqn -> idx);
/* Compute phase function for inscattering from photon */
if (gecc2 <= FTINY)
ph = 1;
else {
ph = DOT(ray -> rdir, photon -> norm) / 127;
ph = 1 + gecc2 - 2 * ray -> gecc * ph;
ph = (1 - gecc2) / (ph * sqrt(ph));
getPhotonFlux(photon, flux);
scalecolor(flux, ph);
addcolor(irrad, flux);
/* Divide by search volume 4 / 3 * PI * r^3 and phase function
normalization factor 1 / (4 * PI) */
scalecolor(irrad, 3 / (16 * PI * PI * r2 * sqrt(r2)));
void volumePhotonSphIrrad (PhotonMap *pmap, RAY *ray, COLOR irrad)
/* Evaluate spherical irradiance from volume photons inscattered at
* ray->rop, ignoring participating medium. This evaluates the scalar
* irradiance of a physical light field represented by "photon flow".
* The found photons in the search queue must originate from disparate
* paths for an unbiased solution. This requires enabling the photon
* path ID filter callback in findPhotons() to remove duplicate paths.
unsigned i;
float r2;
COLOR flux;
Photon *photon;
const PhotonSearchQueueNode *sqn;
setcolor(irrad, 0, 0, 0);
if (!pmap -> maxGather)
findPhotons(pmap, ray);
/* Issue warning if few too photons, as the photon path filter almost
* invariably results in short lookups due to the reduced effective
* photon density after dropping duplicates, thereby invalidating the
* automatic search radius adjustment. As a workaround for now, it's
* up to the user to the user to compensate this with a sufficiently
* large fixed search radius. */
if (pmap -> squeue.tail < pmap -> squeue.len) {
"short lookup in photon flow; consider -am %.3f or greater",
2 * sqrt(pmap -> maxDist2)
error(WARNING, errmsg);
sqn = pmap -> squeue.node + 1;
/* Average radius^2 between furthest two photons to improve accuracy */
r2 = max(sqn -> dist2, (sqn + 1) -> dist2);
r2 = 0.25 * (pmap -> maxDist2 + r2 + 2 * sqrt(pmap -> maxDist2 * r2));
/* Skip the extra photon */
for (i = 1; i < pmap -> squeue.tail; i++, sqn++) {
photon = getNearestPhoton(&pmap -> squeue, sqn -> idx);
getPhotonFlux(photon, flux);
/* Apply Epanechnikov kernel to photon flux based on photon dist */
scalecolor(flux, 2 * (1 - sqn -> dist2 / r2));
addcolor(irrad, flux);
sqrt(sqn -> dist2),
photon -> pos [0], photon -> pos [1], photon -> pos [2],
flux [0], photon -> proc, photon -> primary
printf("r = %f\n", sqrt(r2));
/* Divide accumulated flux by sphere surface area and ambient
normalisation factor PI */
scalecolor(irrad, 1 / (4 * PI * PI * r2));

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