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D.~Bourgeois, C.~F. Reinhart, and G.~Ward.
\newblock Standard daylight coefficient model for dynamic daylighting
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Amara Graps.
\newblock An introduction to wavelets.
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\newblock {\em The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and
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Gregory~R. Lee, Ralf Gommers, Filip Waselewski, Kai Wohlfahrt, and Aaron
\newblock Pywavelets: A python package for wavelet analysis.
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Roland Schregle, Carsten Bauer, Lars~O. Grobe, and Stephen Wittkopf.
\newblock {EvalDRC}: A tool for annual characterisation of daylight redirecting
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Peter Shirley and Kenneth Chiu.
\newblock A low distortion map between disk and square.
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Roland Schregle.
\newblock {BSDF} compression using wavelets ({S}ecret weapons of {RADIANCE}:
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\newblock Development and integration of the radiance photon map extension.
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Roland Schregle.
\newblock Proposal for precomputed contribution photons, August 2021.
Roland Schregle.
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Roland Schregle, Lars~O. Grobe, and Stephen Wittkopf.
\newblock An out-of-core photon mapping approach to daylight coefficients.
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Mir~Hadi Seyedafsari and Iraj Hasanzadeh.
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Peter Schr\"{o}der and Wim Sweldens.
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Philipp Slusallek, Michael Schr\"oder, Marc Stamminger, and Hans-Peter Seidel.
\newblock Smart links and efficient reconstruction for wavelet radiosity.
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Wim Sweldens.
\newblock The lifting scheme: A custom-design construction of biorthogonal
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Gregory~J. Ward.
\newblock Real pixels.
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Stephen Wasilewski, Lars~O. Grobe, Roland Schregle, Jan Wienold, and Marilyne
\newblock Raytraverse: Navigating the lightfield to enhance climate-based
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\newblock In {\em Proceedings SimAUD 2021}, April 2021.
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