function dy = differentiator(varargin) % DIFFERENTIATOR computes the numerical derivative of a provided function using various % methods. % % DY = DIFFERENTIATOR(X, Y, DIM, N, METHOD) computes the first derivative DY for the % function Y = f(X). For multi-dimensional Y, it computes it along the dimension DIM. % The numerical derivative is computed using METHOD with a neighborhood of N. Available % methods are: % - 'cfd' : Central Finite Difference (Polynomial approximation of the signal) % - 'lanczos' : Low-noise Lanczos (a special Savitzky-Golay digital differentiator, % CFD with least-square approximation to reduce Gaussian noise) % - 'noise' : Smooth noise-robust (smooth Lanczos used when the noise is % restricted to a certain range of frequencies) % % The implemented neighborhoods N depend on each method but typically range from 5 to % 11 (all these methods are central and thus have an odd neighborhood). % % DY = DIFFERENTIATOR(..., IS_SUPER) uses the 'super' differentiator instead of the % standard one, thus using polynomes of degree 4 instead of 2 for the noise supression. % This option is not available for the CFD method. % % DY = DIFFERENTIATOR(Y) computes the derivative assuming: % - X = uniformly-spaced points % - DIM = first non-singleton dimension % - N = 7 % - METHOD = 'lanczos' % - IS_SUPER = false % % Both the methods and the coefficients have been developed by Pavel Holoborodko: % % % Gonczy & Naef labs, EPFL % Simon Blanchoud % 16.12.2011 [x, y, dim, nneigh, method, super] = parse_input(varargin{:}); if (isempty(y)) dy = y; return; end coefs = get_coefs(method, nneigh, super); nrepeat = length(coefs); center = nrepeat + 1; sizey = size(y); perm_dim = [1:length(sizey)]; perm_dim(dim) = 1; perm_dim(1) = dim; y = permute(y, perm_dim); x = permute(x, perm_dim); y = reshape(y, sizey(dim), []); x = reshape(x, sizey(dim), []); dy = NaN(size(y)); valids = all(isfinite(y), 2) & all(isfinite(x), 2); y = y(valids, :); x = x(valids, :); if (nrepeat > sizey(dim)) error('DIFFERENTIATOR: not enough datapoints to differentiate.'); end index = [1:size(y,1)] + center - 1; % Padding for the boundary computations y = [y(nrepeat:-1:1,:); y; y(end:-1:end-nrepeat+1, :)]; x = [2*x(1,:) - x(nrepeat:-1:1,:) - 1; x; 2*x(end,:) - x(end:-1:end-nrepeat+1, :) + 1]; if (~isempty(y)) accum = zeros(size(y) - [2*nrepeat 0]); for k=1:nrepeat accum = accum + 2*k*coefs(k)* bsxfun(@rdivide, y(index+k, :) - y(index-k, :), x(index+k, :) - x(index - k, :)); end else accum = []; end dy(valids, :) = accum; dy = reshape(dy, sizey(perm_dim)); dy = ipermute(dy, perm_dim); return; end function coefs = get_coefs(method, nneigh, super) switch method case 'cfd' switch nneigh case 3 coefs = [0.5]; case 5 coefs = [8 -1]/12; case 7 coefs = [45 -9 1]/60; case 9 coefs = [672 -168 32 -3]/840; otherwise coefs = [672 -168 32 -3]/840; warning(['The differentiator ' method ' with N=' num2str(nneigh) ' is not implemented, using N=9 instead']); end case 'lanczos' switch nneigh case 5 coefs = [1 2]/10; case 7 if (super) coefs = [58 67 -22]/252; else coefs = [1 2 3]/28; end case 9 if (super) coefs = [126 193 142 -86]/1188; else coefs = [1 2 3 4]/60; end case 11 if (super) coefs = [296 503 532 294 -300]/5148; else coefs = [1 2 3 4 5]/110; end otherwise if (super) coefs = [296 503 532 294 -300]/5148; warning(['The differentiator super-' method ' with N=' num2str(nneigh) ' is not implemented, using N=11 instead']); else coefs = 12*[1:((nneigh-1)/2)]/(nneigh^3 - nneigh); end end case 'noise' switch nneigh case 5 coefs = [2 1]/8; case 7 if (super) coefs = [39 12 -5]/96; else coefs = [5 4 1]/32; end case 9 if (super) coefs = [27 16 -1 -2]/60; else coefs = [14 14 6 1]/128; end case 11 if (super) coefs = [322 256 39 -32 -11]/1536; else coefs = [42 48 27 8 1]/512; end otherwise if (super) coefs = [322 256 39 -32 -11]/1536; else coefs = [42 48 27 8 1]/512; end warning(['The differentiator ' method ' with N=' num2str(nneigh) ' is not implemented, using N=11 instead']); end end return; end function [x, y, dim, nneigh, method, super] = parse_input(varargin) x = []; y = []; dim = 0; nneigh = 7; method = 'lanczos'; super = false; for i = 1:length(varargin) if (isempty(varargin{i})) dim = 1; else var_type = class(varargin{i}); switch var_type case {'double', 'single', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64'} if (numel(varargin{i}) == 1) if (dim == 0) dim = varargin{i}; else nneigh = varargin{i}; end elseif (isempty(x)) x = varargin{i}; elseif (isempty(y)) y = varargin{i}; end case 'logical' super = varargin{i}; case 'char' switch varargin{i} case 'super' super = true; otherwise method = varargin{i}; end end end end if (isempty(y)) y = x; x = []; end npts = size(y); good_dims = (npts > 1); first_dim = find(good_dims, 1, 'first'); if (~isempty(first_dim)) if (dim == 0 || ~good_dims(dim)) dim = first_dim; end if (isempty(x)) tmp_size = ones(size(npts)); tmp_size(dim) = npts(dim); x = reshape([1:npts(dim)], tmp_size); end end if (size(x, dim) ~= npts(dim)) error(['The dimensions of x (' num2str(size(x,dim)) ') and y (' num2str(npts(dim)) ') do not correspond.']); end nneigh = nneigh + 1 - mod(nneigh, 2); switch method case 'cfd' if (nneigh < 3) nneigh = 3; end case {'lanczos', 'noise'} if (super && nneigh < 7) nneigh = 7; elseif (~super && nneigh < 5) nneigh = 5; end end return; end