curved obtained from Drlica wagner and
Official data:
mw-sats-1.0.tar.gz mw-sats-data.tar.gz mw_sats_master.csv
Hi Yves
I've uploaded a csv file (mw-sats-master.csv) corresponding to the input used to generate Table 2 of the paper:
The "Classification" column in Table 2 of the paper maps onto the type column in this data file. There are some objects that are classified as star clusters (type=0) and were not included in the table in the paper. Note that we can also provide the TS, SIG, and PDet values in Tables 3 & 4, but we need to think a little bit about exactly how we want to distribute this (I've cc'd Mitch so that he is in the loop).
I've also uploaded the files I was using to over plot the Newton and Nadler functions. Note that the columns are different in each of these files, and that the faint limit of the Nadler file has been extended from Mv = 0 to Mv = 0.1 to match the range of observed dwarfs.
Best, Alex