local assertArgs = include "assertArgs" local util = include "util" local SmoothCellulo = lib "class" ("SmoothCellulo") SmoothCellulo:include(mixin "Angle") SmoothCellulo:include(mixin "Position") SmoothCellulo:include(mixin "_has" ("Cellulo")) local KIDNAPPED_STABILIZE_DELAY = 0.3 function SmoothCellulo:initialize(args) assertArgs(args, "cellulo") self:setCellulo(args.cellulo) self:setPosition(args.cellulo:getX(), args.cellulo:getY(), 0) self:setAngle(args.cellulo:getTheta(), 0, 1, 0) self:updateTargetPose() self.kidnapped = true self.kidnappedTimer = KIDNAPPED_STABILIZE_DELAY return self end function SmoothCellulo:updateTargetPose() local x, y, theta = self:getCellulo():getX(), self:getCellulo():getY(), self:getCellulo():getTheta() if not (x and y and theta) then return end -- ensure no value is nil self.targetX, self.targetY, self.targetAngle = x, y, math.rad(theta) end function SmoothCellulo:update(dt) self:updateTargetPose() if self:getCellulo():getKidnapped() == 1 then self.kidnapped = true self.kidnappedTimer = KIDNAPPED_STABILIZE_DELAY end if self.kidnappedTimer then self.kidnappedTimer = self.kidnappedTimer - dt if self.kidnappedTimer <= 0 then self.kidnappedTimer = nil self.kidnapped = false -- released safely with stabilization, reset position to avoid jumping self.x, self.y, self.angle = self.targetX, self.targetY, self.targetAngle end end if not self.kidnapped then local LERP_POSITION = 5 local LERP_ANGLE = 5 self.x, self.y = util.lerp(self.x, self.targetX, LERP_POSITION * dt), util.lerp(self.y, self.targetY, LERP_POSITION * dt) self.angle = util.lerpAngle(self.angle, self.targetAngle, LERP_ANGLE * dt) end end function SmoothCellulo:getX() return self.x end function SmoothCellulo:getY() return self.y end function SmoothCellulo:getTheta() return self.angle end function SmoothCellulo:getConnectionStatus() return self:getCellulo():getConnectionStatus() end function SmoothCellulo:setHapticBackdriveAssist(...) return self:getCellulo():setHapticBackdriveAssist(...) end function SmoothCellulo:setGoalVelocity(...) return self:getCellulo():setGoalVelocity(...) end function SmoothCellulo:setGoalPose(...) return self:getCellulo():setGoalPose(...) end function SmoothCellulo:getKidnapped() return self.kidnapped end return SmoothCellulo