Cellulo in Unity 3D
Demo https://youtu.be/XnN9yhErv5g
- Need Qt and access to cellulo-qml-plugin on c4science through ssh
- git submodule init; git submodule update
- Using qt, build the project cellulo-unity.pro for your architecture
- Add the resulting file libcellulo-unity.so as a Unity asset to your project
- Use the C# class EscapeTheGhost/Assets/Cellulo.cs in your project to wrap the C calls to Cellulo
MsPacman-like example (in progress...)
The project EscapeTheGhost is a simple demo with two Cellulos where one of them is a ghost and is dangerous when is red. The other Cellulo is the player and it must be moved to the goal while avoiding the ghost and other obstacles. When the robot hits the obstacle, it vibrates and returns to start of the level (level failed).
2D GUI interface shows some info.
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