<para>An Subsystem is initialized from an SubsystemDescriptor for a given Subsystem (Example, Input, Environment, Display, etc.) and provides an interface to interact with that given Subsystem until it is Destroyed. After an Subsystem is created it can be Started or Stopped to turn on and off functionality (and preserve performance). The base type for Subsystem only exposes this functionality; this class is designed to be a base class for derived classes that expose more functionality specific to a given Subsystem.
Note: initializing a second Subsystem from the same SubsystemDescriptor will return a reference to the existing Subsystem as only one Subsystem is currently allowed for a single Subsystem provider.
<para>The pose (position and rotation) of the reference point. Respond to changes in this pose to correct for changes in the device's understanding of where this point is in the real world.</para>
<para>Data to be passed to the user when the device corrects its understanding of the world enough that the ReferencePoint's position or rotation has changed.</para>
<para>The reference point that has the value of its position, rotation, or both changed enough through the device correcting its understanding of where this point should be located in device space.</para>
<para>When true, will suppress legacy support for Daydream, Oculus, OpenVR, and Windows MR built directly into the Unity runtime from generating input. This is useful when adding an XRInputSubsystem that supports these devices.</para>
<para>Provides methods and properties that allow for querying portions of the physical environment that are near a provided specified ray. These trackables include planes and depth data.</para>
<para>Provides methods and properties that allow for querying, creating, and removing of reference points. These reference points are cues to the XRSessionSubsystem that indicate areas of interest in the environment which helps assure that tracking of these points remains accurate.</para>
<para>Raised each frame for each ReferencePoint that had the values of its position, rotation, or both changed enough by the device correcting its understanding of where the point should be located in Unity space.</para>
<para>Disables positional tracking in XR. This takes effect the next time the head pose is sampled. If set to true the camera only tracks headset rotation state.</para>
<para>Attempt to retrieve a vector representing the current acceleration of the tracked node.</para>
<para>True if the acceleration was set in the output parameter. False if the acceleration is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked.</para>
<para>Attempt to retrieve a Vector3 representing the current angular acceleration of the tracked node.</para>
<param name="angularAcceleration"></param>
<para>True if the angular acceleration was set in the output parameter. False if the angular acceleration is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked.</para>
<para>Attempt to retrieve a Vector3 representing the current angular velocity of the tracked node.</para>
<param name="angularVelocity"></param>
<para>True if the angular velocity was set in the output parameter. False if the angular velocity is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked.</para>
<para>Attempt to retrieve a vector representing the current position of the tracked node.</para>
<para>True if the position was set in the output parameter. False if the position is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked.</para>
<para>Attempt to retrieve a quaternion representing the current rotation of the tracked node.</para>
<para>True if the rotation was set in the output parameter. False if the rotation is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked.</para>
<para>Attempt to retrieve a vector representing the current velocity of the tracked node.</para>
<para>True if the velocity was set in the output parameter. False if the velocity is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked.</para>