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Mon, Feb 24, 22:59

#!/usr/bin/env python
# generates *.h5 files as input for molix
import os
import sys
import h5py as h5
# Define directories
cwd = os.getcwd()
cwd = '/misc/bjfrei/cosolver_marconi'
# Where to find the cosolver *.h5 files
cosolver_dir = os.path.join(cwd, 'dk.coulomb.ab.P32J16')
# Define size of matrices (all matrices are assumed to have the same size)
Pmaxi = 32
Jmaxi = 16
Pmaxe = 32
Jmaxe = 16
# Define h5 files to gather
eicolls_file = os.path.join(cwd, cosolver_dir, 'ei.h5')
iecolls_file = os.path.join(cwd, cosolver_dir,'ie.h5')
selfcolls_file = os.path.join( cwd, cosolver_dir, 'self.h5')
# Define output filename
outputfilename = os.path.join( cosolver_dir, 'coulomb.P32J16.h5')
# Open the h5 files in read mode
eih5 = h5.File(eicolls_file, 'r')
ieh5 = h5.File(iecolls_file, 'r')
selfh5 = h5.File(selfcolls_file, 'r')
# Create ouput file
outh5 = h5.File(outputfilename, 'w')
# Flush ei/ie/self collisions to output h5 file
dst_CeipjF = outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ceipj/CeipjF", data = eih5['/Ceipj/CeipjF'])
dst_CeipjF.attrs['Pmaxe'] = Pmaxe
dst_CeipjF.attrs['Jmaxe'] = Jmaxe
dst_CeipjT = outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ceipj/CeipjT", data = eih5['/Ceipj/CeipjT'])
dst_CeipjT.attrs['Jmaxe'] = Jmaxe
dst_CeipjT.attrs['Pmaxe'] = Pmaxe
outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ceipj/fort.f90", data = eih5['/files/fort.f90'])
dst_CiepjF = outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ciepj/CiepjF", data = ieh5['/Ciepj/CiepjF'])
dst_CiepjF.attrs['Pmaxi'] = Pmaxi
dst_CiepjF.attrs['Jmaxi'] = Jmaxi
dst_CiepjT = outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ciepj/CiepjT", data = ieh5['/Ciepj/CiepjT'])
dst_CiepjT.attrs['Pmaxi'] = Pmaxi
dst_CiepjT.attrs['Jmaxi'] = Jmaxi
outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ciepj/fort.f90", data = ieh5['/files/fort.f90'])
dst_Cii = outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ciipj", data = selfh5['/Caapj/Ciipj'])
dst_Cii.attrs['Pmaxi'] = Pmaxi
dst_Cii.attrs['Jmaxi'] = Jmaxi
dst_Cee= outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Ceepj", data = selfh5['/Caapj/Ciipj'])
dst_Cee.attrs['Pmaxe'] = Pmaxe
dst_Cee.attrs['Jmaxe'] = Jmaxe
outh5.create_dataset("/00000/Caapj/fort.f90", data = selfh5['/files/fort.f90'])
# outh5.create_dataset("/dims_i", data = [Pmaxi, Jmaxi])
# outh5.create_dataset("/dims_e", data = [Pmaxe, Jmaxe])
# Set to 0 for DK collision operators
outh5.create_dataset("/coordkperp" , data = [0])
# Close file

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