Cost Calculator Documentation : data.js ============ # Introduction * **js/data.js** is the file telling the engine what to do, without it the cost calculator will be empty. * It's composed of javascript object and array * If you use a Github repository link with pages, to update your cost calculator you only need to push a new version of your **data.js** and your cost calculator database will be automatically updated * There is not syntax checking so be sure it works before you send a new version to your github * [EXAMPLES]( # File structure The file contains * Provider : each provider contains a model, and the information in order to perform the calculation * Category : A category is a array of provider (for example Active Storage), you can also define an icon, and some external URL * MainData : Maindata is a javascript object, it defines some tunable settings (like update date, or currency) and combines all the categories in one array. **Maindata** is the only variable that must be here. # Provider Definition Depending of the style you need to describe a provider you don't have to specify the same variable inside a provider variable. Nevertheless some keys must be here for every cases Note : the order the keys are written in the file is not important. ## Invariant ### Style (str) The **style** keys defines what component to use to describe the provider, the possible keys are : * __AmountRatesCost__ : Will display an amount input, and a rate selector (multiplication) * __CategoryCost__ : Will display only category selector * __CategoryAmountRatesCost__ Will display a category plus an amount input, and a rate selector (multiplication) * __UserCost__ : Will display input boxes in which the user will specify the provider and the cost manually ### Provider (str) The name of the provider ### Name (str) The name of the service ### Url (array) _Can be empty_ Array of objects for adding external url displayed when the provider is selected {Name:'', Url:''} * Name(str) : the name of he link * Url(str) : the external URL ### ExtraInfo(str) _Can be empty_ Text that will be displayed when the provider is selected ### ExtraInfoUrl(str) _Can be empty_ If an extra info is provided, one URL can be provided it will be added at the end as __to know more__ ### ByYear (bool) If true the total will be multiply by the duration of the project (for example annual subscription) ## Style dependant Here are the keys you have to specify for a given style ### AmountRatesCost The formula is _Cost = Amount * Rate_ * AmountName (str) : The name of the amount * AmountUnit (str) : The unit of the amount * Adaptive (bool) : if __true__ the amount settings can be adapted from the selected rate, __min max step free__ are then arrays, the number of elements must be the same than the number of rates * AmountMin (number) : Minimum amount * AmountMax (number) : Maximum amount * AmountStep (number) : the step when the slider is incremented * AmountFree (number) : Amount free before charging * AmountFreeCumulative (bool) : if true the free is not used when using the provider more than one times * RateName (str) : the rate name * Rates (obj) {keys : (rate)} keys: (str) the name of the rate, rate (number) : multiplication/rate of the amount * RateUnit (str) : Unit of the rate ### CategoryCost The formula is _Cost = Category_ * CatName (str) : The name of the category * Cat (obj) {keys : (cost)} keys: (str) the name of the rate, cost (number) : the amount * CatUnit: (str) ### CategoryAmountRatesCost It combines **AmountRatesCost** and **CategoryCost** The formula is _Cost = Category + Amount * Rate_ ### UserCost No option is needed # Category Definition A category combines different providers in one place (if needed the same providers can be in multiple categories) A category can contains a Name, an icon , a selection of external URL ### Name (str) the category name ### Icon (str) _Can be empty_ the icon filename (should be in the **icons** folder) ### Url : (array) _Can be empty_ Array of objects for adding external url displayed when the provider is selected {Name:'', Url:''} * Name(str) : the name of he link * Url(str) : the external URL ### Data (array) The array contains the provider variable # MainData Definition **MainData** is the only variable that must be named like this (provider and category variable names can be what you like) It contains few keys that can configure the cost calculator engine : ## Keys : * Updated (str) : the last update date * HelpUrl (str) : Url used in the help button can be a page a mailto:, if empty the help button is not displayed * InstName (str) : name of the institution display on the top * InstLogo (str) : filename of the logo, the file should be in the **icons** folder, if empty no logo is displayed * InstLogoWidth (int) : width in pixels of the logo need to be specified if logo filename is specified * Currency (str) : currency display in the cost box, if using the currency conversion the name should be in the [List of Currencies]( * OEXRApi (str) : your API key of []( if empty or wrong the currency conversion is disabled * Conv Array(str) : Array of money displayed for currency conversion [List of Currencies]( * Version (str) : version displayed * DefaultDuration (int) : Default Duration for project * Data: (array) : contains the categories variable