if (conv.Enable) convout=<CostOutput id="convctotal"class="costoutput" name="Total Cost" value={ConvCurrency(this.state.total)} tips="Converted Total cost for the project"/>;
<p>This service has been developed by the <a href="https://researchdata.epfl.ch">Resarch Data Management Team</a> of the <a href="https://library.epfl.ch">EPFL Library</a> <br/>
This software is publish under GPL-3.0-only license and your are using <strong> Version {MainData.Version}</strong><br/>
Source code can be download <a href="https://c4science.ch/source/costcalc/">here</a></p>
<p><small>Icons are from the Noun Project (Book by Randi NI, Storage by I Pitu, Database by Novalyi, data cloud by Vectors Market, Information and Next by Gregor Cresnar, Database by Creative Mahira, Archive by dp indo)</small></p>
// Define the howto (user guide)
let curconv=null;
if(Money_Enable) curconv=
<dl className="row">
<dt className="col-sm-3">Change Currency</dt>
<dd className="col-sm-9">
<p>If you need another currency than {MainData.Currency} you can add an extra currency by selecting in the <mark>Change Currency menu</mark></p>
<p> Actual rate is automatically applied using <a href="https://openexchangerates.org/">openexchangerates</a></p>
<dt className="col-sm-3">Project Name and Duration</dt>
<dd className="col-sm-9">
<p> The Project name is only used for you.</p>
<p> <mark>Project Duration</mark> is used for subscription services charged by year : the yearly cost will be multiplied by the duration of the project.</p>
<dl className="row">
<dt className="col-sm-3">Categories</dt>
<dd className="col-sm-9">
This tool is divided by categories (for example Activate storage). Click
on the category name, and it will expand.
<dl className="row">
<dt className="col-sm-3">Providers</dt>
<dd className="col-sm-9">
Providers can be chosen from the <mark>Select a provider box</mark>. You can then tune your settings for this provider to fit your needs.
If the provider you want is not present, you can add it manually with <mark>Provide your own provider</mark> and then enter your provider/service and cost.
<dl className="row">
<dt className="col-sm-3">Add or Remove Line</dt>
<dd className="col-sm-9">
<p>If you want to add a new line use the <ButtonInput class="btn-success btn-sm" id="plugins-add-btn" name={<img className="img-fluid" src="icon\plus.png" width="20"/>}
tips={"Add a new category"} onClick={this.fctnull}/> button.
You can also remove a line with <ButtonInput class="btn-danger btn-sm" id="plugins-add-btn"