# This is a Spack Environment file. # # It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with # configuration settings. # # # {{ info_message }} # spack: include: - /dcsrsoft/spack/meleze/v2.1/etc/spack/compilers.yaml - /dcsrsoft/spack/meleze/v2.1/etc/spack/packages.yaml config: module_roots: lmod: /dcsrsoft/spack/meleze/v2.1/share/spack/lmod/{{ envname }} tcl: /dcsrsoft/spack/meleze/v2.1/share/spack/modules/{{ envname }} definitions: - mygcc: [ gcc@8.3.0 +nvptx] - mybasegcc: [ gcc@4.8.5 ] - mygccmpi: [ {{ gccmpi }} ] - mygccblas: [openblas@0.3.9] - myintel: [ intel@ ] - mymkl: [ intel-mkl@2020.0.166 ] - myintelmpi: [ intel-mpi@2019.6.166 ] - mypython3: [ python@3.7.7 ] - mypython2: [ python@2.7.16 ] - mygccr: [ r@3.6.3+external-lapack ^cmake@3.16.2 ^openjdk@11.0.2 ^openblas threads=openmp ] - myintelr: [ r@3.6.3+external-lapack ^intel-mkl ^freetype@2.7.1 ^harfbuzz@2.1.3 ^cairo~X ^cmake@3.16.2 ^fontconfig@2.12.1 ] - rootpackages: - cellranger@3.1.0 - cmake@3.16.2 - cuda@10.2.89 - git@2.27.0 - guppy@3.6.0 - guppy-gpu@3.6.0 - gurobi@9.0.2 - intel-parallel-studio~mkl~mpi~tbb~daal+vtune+advisor+inspector+itac@cluster.2020.1 - matlab-runtime@2019a - sas@9.4 - singularity@3.5.2 - stata-se@16 - basepackages: - angsd@20191105 - bcftools@1.10.2 ^cmake@3.16.2 - bcl2fastq2@ ^cmake@3.16.2 - bedtools2@2.27.1 - blast-plus@2.9.0 ^cmake@3.16.2 - bowtie2@ ^cmake@3.16.2 - bwa@0.7.17 - cmake@3.16.2 - eigen@3.3.7 ^cmake@3.16.2 - freebayes@1.3.2 ^cmake@3.16.2 - gatk@ ^cmake@3.16.2 - gdal@3.0.4 ^cmake@3.16.2 - gdb@9.1 - gmsh@4.4.1~mpi+openmp+hdf5^hdf5~mpi^cmake@3.16.2 - gsl@2.5 - fastqc@0.11.7 - fftw@3.3.8~mpi - hal@2.1 - htslib@1.10.2 - iq-tree@2.0.4+lsd2 ^cmake@3.16.2 - kallisto@0.46.2 ^hdf5~mpi ^cmake@3.16.2 - mafft@7.453 - maven@3.6.3 - miniconda3@ - mummer@3.23 ^cmake@3.16.2 - muscle@3.8.1551 - parallel@20190222 - picard@2.20.8 - prinseq-lite@0.20.4^cairo+png+pdf - python@2.7.16 - python@3.7.7 - samtools@1.10 - shapeit4@4.1.3 - slim@3.3.2 ^cmake@3.16.2 - spades@3.13.0 ^cmake@3.16.2 - snakemake@3.11.2 - sratoolkit@2.10.7 - stacks@2.3b - stream@5.10 - stream@5.10+openmp - julia@1.3.1 - blaspackages: - octave@5.2.0 - gccblasmpi: - openblas@0.3.9 - $mygccmpi - pypackages: - py-cutadapt@2.5 - py-biopython@1.73 - py-cycler@0.10.0 - py-kiwisolver@1.1.0 - py-matplotlib@3.2.1 ^cmake@3.16.2 - py-networkx@2.4 - py-numpy@1.18.4 - py-pandas@1.0.4 - py-pip@19.3 - py-pyparsing@2.4.2 - py-sonlib@20200401 - py-statsmodels@0.10.1 ^cmake@3.16.2 - py-virtualenv@16.7.6 - ragout@2.3 - whatshap@1.0 - pyblaspackages: - py-scipy@1.5.2 ^cmake@3.16.2 - rpackages: - r-devtools@2.1.0 - mpipackages: - amg@1.2 - openfoam@1912 ^cmake@3.16.2 - openfoam-org@7+metis ^cmake@3.16.2 - fftw@3.3.8 - gromacs@2020.2 ^cmake@3.16.2 - iq-tree@2.0.4+lsd2+mpi ^cmake@3.16.2 - kripke@1.2.4 ^cmake@3.16.2 - laghos@3.0 ^cmake@3.16.2 - lulesh@2.0.3 - macsio@1.1 ^cmake@3.16.2 - osu-micro-benchmarks@5.6.2 - phylobayesmpi@1.8b - py-mpi4py@3.0.3 - mpiblaspackages: - gmsh@4.4.1+openmp+hdf5^cmake@3.16.2 - mumps@5.2.0 - elmerfem@ice20200517+mumps+scatt2d+openmp+mpi ^cmake@3.16.2 - hpl@2.3 - intelonlypypackages: - py-matplotlib@3.2.1 ^freetype@2.7.1 ^cmake@3.16.2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- specs: # BASE - matrix: - [$rootpackages] - [$%mybasegcc] # GCC Stack # GCC for the environment - matrix: - [$mygcc] - [$%mybasegcc] # BLAS and MPI for GCC - matrix: - [$gccblasmpi] - [$%mygcc] # Packages that don't use MPI - matrix: - [$basepackages] - [$%mygcc] # MPI Packages - matrix: - [$mpipackages] - [$^mygccmpi] - [$%mygcc] # Packages that depend on OpenBLAS - matrix: - [$blaspackages] - [$^mygccblas] - [$%mygcc] # MPI + BLAS packages - matrix: - [$mpiblaspackages] - [$^mygccmpi] - [$^mygccblas] - [$%mygcc] # Python packages - matrix: - [$pypackages] - [$^mypython3] - [$%mygcc] - matrix: - [$pyblaspackages] - [$^mygccblas] - [$^mypython3] - [$%mygcc] # R packages - matrix: - [$mygccr] - [$%mygcc] - matrix: - [$rpackages] - [$^mygccr] - [$%mygcc] # # Intel Stack # - matrix: - [$myintel] - [$%mybasegcc] - matrix: - [$myintelmpi, $mymkl] - [$%myintel] - matrix: - [$basepackages] - [$%myintel] exclude: - bcftools%intel - blast-plus%intel - freebayes%intel - gatk%intel - gdb%intel - r%intel - julia%intel - mummer%intel - slim%intel # https://github.unil.ch/ci-dcsr/spack/issues/44 - spades%intel - matrix: - [$mpipackages] - [$^myintelmpi] - [$%myintel] exclude: - gromacs%intel - openfoam%intel - openfoam-org%intel - matrix: - [$mpiblaspackages] - [$^myintelmpi] - [$^mymkl] - [$%myintel] - matrix: - [$pypackages] - [$^mypython3] - [$%myintel] exclude: - py-matplotlib%intel - whatshap%intel # R packages - matrix: - [$myintelr] - [$%myintel] - matrix: - [$rpackages] - [$^myintelr] - [$%myintel] - matrix: - [$intelonlypypackages] - [$^mypython3] - [$%myintel] modules: lmod: hash_length: 0 core_compilers: - gcc@4.8.5 hierarchy: - mpi # - lapack all: suffixes: +mpi: mpi +openmp: openmp threads=openmp: openmp ^fftw+openmp: openmp +cuda: cuda environment: set: ${PACKAGE}_ROOT: ${PREFIX} unset: [] filter: environment_blacklist: [] conflict: [] load: [] mpich: environment: set: FI_PSM_TAGGED_RMA: '0' unset: [] filter: environment_blacklist: [] conflict: [] load: [] intel-mpi: environment: set: FI_PROVIDER: verbs I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY: /usr/lib64/libpmi.so unset: [] filter: environment_blacklist: [] conflict: [] load: [] whitelist: - amg - angsd - bcftools - bcl2fastq2 - bedtools2 - blast-plus - boost@1.72.0 - bowtie2 - bwa - cellranger - cmake - cuda - gcc@8.3.0 - eigen - elmerfem+scatt2d - fastqc - fftw - freebayes - gatk - gdal - git - go - gmsh - gromacs - guppy - guppy-gpu - gurobi - gsl - hal - hpl - htslib - intel - intel-daal - intel-mkl - intel-mpi - intel-parallel-studio - intel-tbb - iq-tree - julia - kallisto - kripke - laghos - lulesh - macsio - mafft - matlab - matlab-runtime - maven - miniconda3 - mpich - mumps - muscle - netlib-scalapack - octave - openblas - openfoam - openfoam-org - openjdk - osu-micro-benchmarks - perl%gcc@8.3.0 - perl%intel - phylobayesmpi - picard - prinseq-lite - python%gcc@8.3.0 - python%intel - py-biopython - py-cutadapt - py-cycler - py-pyfaidx - py-kiwisolver - py-matplotlib - py-mpi4py - py-networkx - py-pip - py-pyparsing - py-pysam - py-scipy - py-sonlib - py-statsmodels - py-virtualenv - py-xopen - r^openjdk@11.0.2 - r-devtools - ragout - samtools - sas - shapeit4 - singularity - slim - snakemake - spades - sratoolkit - stacks - stata-se - stream - whatshap - xz - zlib%gcc@8.3.0 - zlib%intel blacklist: ['%gcc@4.8.5', '%gcc@8.3.0', '%intel'] verbose: false blacklist_implicits: true projections: {} core_specs: [] enable: [] view: false