* This module provides an interface to the <a href="http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU/">SuperLU</a> library.
* It provides the following factorization class:
* - class SuperLU: a supernodal sequential LU factorization.
* - class SuperILU: a supernodal sequential incomplete LU factorization (to be used as a preconditioner for iterative methods).
* \warning This wrapper requires at least versions 4.0 of SuperLU. The 3.x versions are not supported.
* \warning When including this module, you have to use SUPERLU_EMPTY instead of EMPTY which is no longer defined because it is too polluting.
* \code
* #include <Eigen/SuperLUSupport>
* \endcode
* In order to use this module, the superlu headers must be accessible from the include paths, and your binary must be linked to the superlu library and its dependencies.
* The dependencies depend on how superlu has been compiled.
* For a cmake based project, you can use our FindSuperLU.cmake module to help you in this task.