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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2015 Gael Guennebaud <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template<typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct traits<Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> >
: public traits<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex> >
typedef SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex> PlainObjectType;
typedef traits<PlainObjectType> TraitsBase;
enum {
Flags = TraitsBase::Flags & (~NestByRefBit)
template<typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct traits<Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> >
: public traits<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex> >
typedef SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex> PlainObjectType;
typedef traits<PlainObjectType> TraitsBase;
enum {
Flags = TraitsBase::Flags & (~ (NestByRefBit | LvalueBit))
} // end namespace internal
template<typename Derived,
int Level = internal::accessors_level<Derived>::has_write_access ? WriteAccessors : ReadOnlyAccessors
> class SparseMapBase;
/** \ingroup SparseCore_Module
* class SparseMapBase
* \brief Common base class for Map and Ref instance of sparse matrix and vector.
template<typename Derived>
class SparseMapBase<Derived,ReadOnlyAccessors>
: public SparseCompressedBase<Derived>
typedef SparseCompressedBase<Derived> Base;
typedef typename Base::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Base::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
enum { IsRowMajor = Base::IsRowMajor };
using Base::operator=;
typedef typename internal::conditional<
Scalar *, const Scalar *>::type ScalarPointer;
typedef typename internal::conditional<
StorageIndex *, const StorageIndex *>::type IndexPointer;
Index m_outerSize;
Index m_innerSize;
Array<StorageIndex,2,1> m_zero_nnz;
IndexPointer m_outerIndex;
IndexPointer m_innerIndices;
ScalarPointer m_values;
IndexPointer m_innerNonZeros;
/** \copydoc SparseMatrixBase::rows() */
inline Index rows() const { return IsRowMajor ? m_outerSize : m_innerSize; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrixBase::cols() */
inline Index cols() const { return IsRowMajor ? m_innerSize : m_outerSize; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrixBase::innerSize() */
inline Index innerSize() const { return m_innerSize; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrixBase::outerSize() */
inline Index outerSize() const { return m_outerSize; }
/** \copydoc SparseCompressedBase::nonZeros */
inline Index nonZeros() const { return m_zero_nnz[1]; }
/** \copydoc SparseCompressedBase::isCompressed */
bool isCompressed() const { return m_innerNonZeros==0; }
// direct access interface
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::valuePtr */
inline const Scalar* valuePtr() const { return m_values; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::innerIndexPtr */
inline const StorageIndex* innerIndexPtr() const { return m_innerIndices; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::outerIndexPtr */
inline const StorageIndex* outerIndexPtr() const { return m_outerIndex; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::innerNonZeroPtr */
inline const StorageIndex* innerNonZeroPtr() const { return m_innerNonZeros; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::coeff */
inline Scalar coeff(Index row, Index col) const
const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
Index start = m_outerIndex[outer];
Index end = isCompressed() ? m_outerIndex[outer+1] : start + m_innerNonZeros[outer];
if (start==end)
return Scalar(0);
else if (end>0 && inner==m_innerIndices[end-1])
return m_values[end-1];
// ^^ optimization: let's first check if it is the last coefficient
// (very common in high level algorithms)
const StorageIndex* r = std::lower_bound(&m_innerIndices[start],&m_innerIndices[end-1],inner);
const Index id = r-&m_innerIndices[0];
return ((*r==inner) && (id<end)) ? m_values[id] : Scalar(0);
inline SparseMapBase(Index rows, Index cols, Index nnz, IndexPointer outerIndexPtr, IndexPointer innerIndexPtr,
ScalarPointer valuePtr, IndexPointer innerNonZerosPtr = 0)
: m_outerSize(IsRowMajor?rows:cols), m_innerSize(IsRowMajor?cols:rows), m_zero_nnz(0,internal::convert_index<StorageIndex>(nnz)), m_outerIndex(outerIndexPtr),
m_innerIndices(innerIndexPtr), m_values(valuePtr), m_innerNonZeros(innerNonZerosPtr)
// for vectors
inline SparseMapBase(Index size, Index nnz, IndexPointer innerIndexPtr, ScalarPointer valuePtr)
: m_outerSize(1), m_innerSize(size), m_zero_nnz(0,internal::convert_index<StorageIndex>(nnz)), m_outerIndex(,
m_innerIndices(innerIndexPtr), m_values(valuePtr), m_innerNonZeros(0)
/** Empty destructor */
inline ~SparseMapBase() {}
inline SparseMapBase() {}
/** \ingroup SparseCore_Module
* class SparseMapBase
* \brief Common base class for writable Map and Ref instance of sparse matrix and vector.
template<typename Derived>
class SparseMapBase<Derived,WriteAccessors>
: public SparseMapBase<Derived,ReadOnlyAccessors>
typedef MapBase<Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors> ReadOnlyMapBase;
typedef SparseMapBase<Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors> Base;
typedef typename Base::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Base::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
enum { IsRowMajor = Base::IsRowMajor };
using Base::operator=;
// direct access interface
using Base::valuePtr;
using Base::innerIndexPtr;
using Base::outerIndexPtr;
using Base::innerNonZeroPtr;
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::valuePtr */
inline Scalar* valuePtr() { return Base::m_values; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::innerIndexPtr */
inline StorageIndex* innerIndexPtr() { return Base::m_innerIndices; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::outerIndexPtr */
inline StorageIndex* outerIndexPtr() { return Base::m_outerIndex; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::innerNonZeroPtr */
inline StorageIndex* innerNonZeroPtr() { return Base::m_innerNonZeros; }
/** \copydoc SparseMatrix::coeffRef */
inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index row, Index col)
const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
Index start = Base::m_outerIndex[outer];
Index end = Base::isCompressed() ? Base::m_outerIndex[outer+1] : start + Base::m_innerNonZeros[outer];
eigen_assert(end>=start && "you probably called coeffRef on a non finalized matrix");
eigen_assert(end>start && "coeffRef cannot be called on a zero coefficient");
StorageIndex* r = std::lower_bound(&Base::m_innerIndices[start],&Base::m_innerIndices[end],inner);
const Index id = r - &Base::m_innerIndices[0];
eigen_assert((*r==inner) && (id<end) && "coeffRef cannot be called on a zero coefficient");
return const_cast<Scalar*>(Base::m_values)[id];
inline SparseMapBase(Index rows, Index cols, Index nnz, StorageIndex* outerIndexPtr, StorageIndex* innerIndexPtr,
Scalar* valuePtr, StorageIndex* innerNonZerosPtr = 0)
: Base(rows, cols, nnz, outerIndexPtr, innerIndexPtr, valuePtr, innerNonZerosPtr)
// for vectors
inline SparseMapBase(Index size, Index nnz, StorageIndex* innerIndexPtr, Scalar* valuePtr)
: Base(size, nnz, innerIndexPtr, valuePtr)
/** Empty destructor */
inline ~SparseMapBase() {}
inline SparseMapBase() {}
/** \ingroup SparseCore_Module
* \brief Specialization of class Map for SparseMatrix-like storage.
* \tparam SparseMatrixType the equivalent sparse matrix type of the referenced data, it must be a template instance of class SparseMatrix.
* \sa class Map, class SparseMatrix, class Ref<SparseMatrixType,Options>
template<typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
class Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>
: public SparseMapBase<Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> >
template<typename SparseMatrixType>
class Map<SparseMatrixType>
: public SparseMapBase<Derived,WriteAccessors>
typedef SparseMapBase<Map> Base;
enum { IsRowMajor = Base::IsRowMajor };
/** Constructs a read-write Map to a sparse matrix of size \a rows x \a cols, containing \a nnz non-zero coefficients,
* stored as a sparse format as defined by the pointers \a outerIndexPtr, \a innerIndexPtr, and \a valuePtr.
* If the optional parameter \a innerNonZerosPtr is the null pointer, then a standard compressed format is assumed.
* This constructor is available only if \c SparseMatrixType is non-const.
* More details on the expected storage schemes are given in the \ref TutorialSparse "manual pages".
inline Map(Index rows, Index cols, Index nnz, StorageIndex* outerIndexPtr,
StorageIndex* innerIndexPtr, Scalar* valuePtr, StorageIndex* innerNonZerosPtr = 0)
: Base(rows, cols, nnz, outerIndexPtr, innerIndexPtr, valuePtr, innerNonZerosPtr)
/** Empty destructor */
inline ~Map() {}
template<typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
class Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>
: public SparseMapBase<Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> >
typedef SparseMapBase<Map> Base;
enum { IsRowMajor = Base::IsRowMajor };
/** This is the const version of the above constructor.
* This constructor is available only if \c SparseMatrixType is const, e.g.:
* \code Map<const SparseMatrix<double> > \endcode
inline Map(Index rows, Index cols, Index nnz, const StorageIndex* outerIndexPtr,
const StorageIndex* innerIndexPtr, const Scalar* valuePtr, const StorageIndex* innerNonZerosPtr = 0)
: Base(rows, cols, nnz, outerIndexPtr, innerIndexPtr, valuePtr, innerNonZerosPtr)
/** Empty destructor */
inline ~Map() {}
namespace internal {
template<typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct evaluator<Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> >
: evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> > >
typedef evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> > > Base;
typedef Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> XprType;
evaluator() : Base() {}
explicit evaluator(const XprType &mat) : Base(mat) {}
template<typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct evaluator<Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> >
: evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> > >
typedef evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> > > Base;
typedef Map<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar,MatOptions,MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> XprType;
evaluator() : Base() {}
explicit evaluator(const XprType &mat) : Base(mat) {}
} // end namespace Eigen

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