epiph ====== Epiph is a webapp to facilitate psychological trials based on questionnaires. ## Usage ### Development / run locally This webapp is based on [Meteor](http://meteor.com). If you haven't installed it already, this is how you get it. ``` curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh ``` Once meteor is installed, this command checks out the repo and starts the app. ``` git clone https://git.scicore.unibas.ch/schmeck/epiph-meteor.git cd epiph-meteor/app meteor ``` The app now runs with an empty database on http://localhost:3000 ### Deployment For deployment to production environments this app comes with a Dockerfile (app/Dockerfile\_stage\_kjpk). To build a docker image you normally do something along the following lines. ``` cd epiph-meteor/app sudo docker build -t epiph-meteor -f Dockerfile_stage_kjpk . sudo docker tag epiph-meteor registry.d.patpat.org/epiph-meteor:0.0.11 sudo docker push registry.d.patpat.org/epiph-meteor:0.0.11 ``` Docker compose and further maintenance files are held in another repo: https://git.scicore.unibas.ch/schmeck/epiph-misc.git ## TODOs Project planning is done via trello: https://trello.com/epiph Copyright and license ------- Code and documentation copyright 2016 Patrick Recher and University of Basel. Code license is to be determined.