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Thu, May 30, 09:14

renderToDiv = (comp) ->
div = document.createElement("DIV")
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - {{accountButtons}} helper", (test) ->
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_account_buttons)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
test.include html, "Sign In"
test.include html, "Register"
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - wrapLinks setting on should wrap links in li elements", (test) ->
AccountsEntry.settings.wrapLinks = true
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_account_buttons)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
test.include html, '<li><a href="/sign-in">Sign In</a></li>'
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - wrapLinks setting on should not show 'or span'", (test) ->
AccountsEntry.settings.wrapLinks = true
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_account_buttons)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
scan = html.indexOf('<span>or</span>')
test.equal(scan, -1, "Html output includes or span but shouldn't")
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - wrapLinks setting off should not wrap links in li elements", (test) ->
AccountsEntry.settings.wrapLinks = false
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_account_buttons)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
scan = html.indexOf('<li>')
test.equal(scan, -1, "Html output shouldn't have li tags")
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - wrapLinks setting off should show 'or span'", (test) ->
AccountsEntry.settings.wrapLinks = false
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_account_buttons)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
test.include html, '<span>or</span>'
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - forgot password link should not show up if username only is set", (test) ->
AccountsEntry.settings.passwordSignupFields = "USERNAME_ONLY"
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_sign_in)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
scan = html.indexOf('<a href="/forgot-password">')
test.equal(scan, -1, "Forgot password link should not show up if username only is set")
Tinytest.add "Accounts Entry - adding extra fields to the layout", (test) ->
AccountsEntry.settings.extraSignUpFields = [{field: 'zipcode', required: true, type: 'number'}]
Package['accounts-password'] = true
div = renderToDiv(Template.test_helper_sign_up)
html = canonicalizeHtml(div.innerHTML)
test.include html, '<div class="form-group"><label for="zipcode">Zipcode</label><input class="form-control" id="zipcode" name="zipcode" required="" type="number" value=""></div>'

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